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Everything posted by rhennigan

  1. rhennigan

    Chernarus Height Map

    Hey everyone. I was playing around with the xyz data in Mathematica, and I figured I'd share what I came up with. For those that are interested, this is the code I used to create the image: dir="C:\\Users\\rhennigan\\Documents\\Mathematica"; (* Change this to match your file location. *) sampleRate=4; (* Larger value gives lower resolution. Try values 16, 8, 4, 2, and then 1 (includes all data). *) heightScale=1.5; (* Use this to exaggerate elevation, 1.0 is actual. *) SetDirectory[dir]; data=Partition[Partition[ReadList["chernarus_8WVR.xyz",Real],3],2048]; data=data[[1;;2001,1;;2001]]; low=Min[data[[All,All,3]]]; high=Max[data[[All,All,3]]]; range=high-low; zScale=(range+110)/15000; lowData=Partition[Flatten[data[[;;;;sampleRate,;;;;sampleRate]]],3]; scaleWater[z_]:=If[z<0,ColorData["AtlanticColors"][Abs[(z-low)/(low-400)]],ColorData["GreenBrownTerrain"][-((high-z)/(high+200))+1]]; (* You can mess around with this function to change the colors. *) palettes=30; step=range/palettes; legend=Graphics[{ White,EdgeForm[None],Inset[style["ELEVATION",{Bold,FontFamily->"Arial",14}],{low-step/5,.5step},Right], Table[{ Black,EdgeForm[black],scaleWater,Rectangle[{i+step/15,step/15},{i+step-step/15,step-step/15}],Inset[style[integerPart@i,{If[i<0,White,Black],Bold,FontFamily->"Arial",11}],{i+.5step,.5step},{Center,Center}]},{i,low,high,step}]},ImageSize->1250]; map=Rasterize[show[{ ListPlot3D[lowData,ColorFunction->Function[{x,y,z},scaleWater[z]],ColorFunctionScaling->False,Mesh->15,MeshStyle->Opacity[.25],PlotRange->{low-100,high+10},Filling->Bottom,FillingStyle->scaleWater[low]] },ImageSize->1920,BoxRatios->{1,1,zScale*heightScale},Boxed->False,Axes->False],RasterSize->1920]; image=Show[{map,Graphics[Rotate[inset[legend,Scaled[{.375,.25}],Center],-0.365]]}]; Export["chernarus.png",image]
  2. rhennigan

    US 129 Seattle abuse?

    Same happened to me and is still going on right now. David and Sockmunkay are the only ones who don't get kicked.
  3. Does this server still exist? I haven't been able to find it.
  4. rhennigan

    Why cant i hold...

  5. rhennigan

    Rare =/= Good

    When I find a rare weapon, I'm more concerned about how it makes me a more desirable target. This isn't the type of game where you want to show off your cool loot; that just makes someone want to kill you for it.
  6. YES But I think something needs to be done with humanity levels and killing an unarmed player should have a gigantic humanity cost. Also, if possible, maybe make zombies wander a bit more. That way if we spot a potential loot house, we can wait around in the bushes until the nearby zombies are further away.
  7. In reality, the human brain is a supercomputer when it comes to facial recognition and inferring intent from subtle cues like body language, etc. This is however, very difficult to implement in-game (I am speculating). Perhaps a similar effect could be achieved by modifying the player's appearance in a VERY subtle way. Perhaps a small graphical effect that creates a slight dark aura around characters with low humanity that would be difficult to detect unless very close and in well-lit areas.
  8. I think the darkness can be used as an advantage, so I would like it to remain at current levels. However, I think players should start out with flashlights instead of flares (perhaps make batteries a consumable).