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Everything posted by challe

  1. this is intressting, but i think the game going towards just focus on pvp :( then surviving and playing for survive and story would just disapear
  2. a couple of wandering zombies would be nice, you cant know if a player draged them and lost them, or if it´s just a random spawn. have like 10-15 zombies spawn in the woods around the map every 15 minut asnd despawn the next spawntime if they don´t have aggro on someone.
  3. damn. On the firestation, was going to lay down, pressed z, then he automaticly took a few steps forward and lay down jut outside the building falling down...
  4. challe

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    People don´t know how to use the chat, the text i don´t mind, but voisechatting in the sidechat is so wrong. And people shouting freindly or stop, wait, and shit in sidechat just ruins it. 95% of the time they don´t do it to me, but i always answer "If i see you i kill you" or something like it. if they talk to me in directchat i will have a conversation. shouting out load in sidechat for rides like you think that if you don´t shout they wont hear you going away, that is annoying. or the stupied peoples believing in thoose in sidechat, like "you can have the tractor at factory, come and take it if you like" 5 min later "why did you sniper me at the tractor" better disable it
  5. challe

    Dayz = PvP

    you might like it if he did, but don´t think he will like it. In CoD there are 100% PVP all are running around just to find and kill you. In dayZ you can run around killing people that are not looking for PvP. Much esier. Not his game...
  6. and when you die you loose all thoose skills
  7. The game would be awesome if there would be less pvp fps action and more survival. i already play so many regular fps games, Dayz is so nice in that way you can take it more easy and dont hunt kills. becouse there is no win or loose.
  8. challe

    Humanity ladder ranking

    good idea, better run then kill someone, that is the way to go, sometimes you just cant run and you do an inhuman thing anyway. it still is the same action. maybe half cost of humanity if you kill the one that have shot you and hitted you in less then a 30 sec or a minut
  9. don´t pvp if you don´t like it, you don´t have to play pvp in dayz, it´s a fun surviving game...
  10. Please do, think the major grp of players would love this, you can´t just think like bigelektra that some fans will be lost then, but if you do you gain other type of players instead who would not play the game when it´s rapid. this is a choise the developers have to do, what they want, you lose some you get some....
  11. challe

    Debug monitor

    would be nice with something that shows how you feel that is not colorchanges, as a colorblind it´´s to hard to see the diffrens between red and green ect. a % number or something like full colored heart changing to more and more empty.
  12. yeah zombies need to be a bigger treath, harder hits would be it, i don´t belive that they should be faster, you should be able to outrun them, but you should not be able to lose them so easy. engaging another player with a zombie at you is no prob. stand still and take punch when you need to aim is no problem, and that have to change, standing still or just walk while beeing hit could also make them hit you harder. pvp is a part of the game, and if you want that as a goal while playing that is fine. but i think the game should reachout to the post-apocalypse players that want more of a sim game. take away the player kill stat maybe. why have that?
  13. challe

    stat tracking, statistics and more!

    I don´t believe that stats would do anything good for the game. If it´s going to be diffrent from a fps game you should make other goals then make people count how many kills they have. Maybe some surviving stat of somekind, time survived would be a thought
  14. Would think making a kill less usefull would be the thing in this scenario. maybe 50% of the gear gets destroyed upon death. and you don´t have a kill count, you have a survive time instead. if you survived the longest you are the best. ;) you could have people who want dm matches que to a pvp place there they can shoot how many they want like in mmorpgs :)
  15. challe

    Please Lower Zed's aggro range

    A nice thing would if you can clear an area of zombies, and they can´t spawn there. but they would propably come walking towards that area in a while but inside that area you could be safe if you have a spotter looking for walkers coming your way. would be nice with maybe a walking horde of zombies, you wouldn´t be safe anywhere when you see loads of zombies coming at ya..
  16. challe

    Please Lower Zed's aggro range

    I was hoping that it would not be just another FPS, if it´s not going to be more of a zombie surviving game i can go back to BF3 or HALO4.
  17. challe

    I like to see

    What i think would improve the survival game is to remove that kill player stats. Now you have people just killing freshly spawn to get more kills even if they have almost no gear at all, camping beaches. If you remove that stathunting you will get a more of a zoombie mmo game, now it´s like a hardcore CS game, you just want to hunt people and have gunfights, no intrest in zoombies and surviving game mechanics. thats just the game i want, playing to survive, and stay safe. survive and envolve. sure it will come to pvp situations. but when you play a few couple of hours and se you have 50+ pvp kills, then i can play bf3, arma or something. one more thing would be a range from where zombies can spawn or something, would be nice to be able to sweep a place, and set up a camp and dont worry that the zoombie spawns inside the camp. now it´s like if they just pop up of the ground where there where empty before. maybe the zoombies is attracted to a place where you stay at for a long time, and start walking there instead.
  18. challe

    I like to see

    Yeah a time survived stat would be much better to have.