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Everything posted by Clydfrog

  1. Clydfrog

    Day Z Videos

    This is just a funny video. Me and my friends set up a trap at NEAF. We all waited in the ATC and watched the front door waiting for the next person to walk in and just see 3 bandits shooting at him. The thought of the expression on his face when he opened the door made us all laugh hysterically.
  2. This was possibly one of my funniest moments in Dayz. Not because of the result, but because of what my squadmate said in response to it. It just made the perfect moment and brought a lot of laughter to us. I hope it brings as much laughter to everyone, I felt the need to share it.
  3. Clydfrog

    One of the funniest moments in Dayz

    That was a custom loot gun on this one server I sometimes played on called an M8, it has a scope and can also be zeroed. The reason I didn't know what it was was because if you are the one shooting it, it is very rapid sounding and has a high rate of fire. But if you are another player, it just sounds beast lol
  4. Clydfrog

    Sniping a Helicopter

    Just thought I would share this video of me sniping someone out of a little bird, not the best shot ever, but hope you enjoy :D
  5. Clydfrog

    Day Z Videos

    Just a short video of me sniping a player out of a helicopter :D
  6. Clydfrog

    Day Z Videos

    Here is a video of some squad play at NWAF. My team approached the airfield and saw players at the far end of the north side, followed them and forced them back south, and that is where it begins. Hope you enjoy :D
  7. Clydfrog

    Day Z Videos

    This was possibly one of my funniest moments in dayz, simply based on the question that my squadmate asks made me burst into laughter. I hope you find it as funny as I do.
  8. Clydfrog

    Dayz Firefight NWAF

    Just wanted to share a video of my squad's battle against a four player squad at NWAF. Hope you like it!
  9. Clydfrog

    Day Z Videos

    Wanted to share this video of my squad of 3 in a battle against a squad of 4 at NWAF. Hope you enjoy!
  10. Clydfrog

    Dayz Roadkills

    I am posting these two videos of people getting ran over. Hoping some of you do the same :D
  11. Clydfrog

    Day Z Videos

    The description says it all. It is kind of hard to see but what closely.
  12. Clydfrog

    Day Z Videos

    This made me laugh when it happened
  13. Clydfrog

    Great way to die

    I was just driving down the road and this happened, it made me laugh so I thought I would share it.
  14. Clydfrog


    Sadly...these do not exist anymore
  15. Clydfrog

    Remove NVG and TWS

    I agree with you completely actually. And reading others reply I think people are thinking you are more so whining about people having better gear, but how I read it, and how I have thought of it, is that its an issue with actually making the game more fun. Right now most people do not use flares, even if they play on a nightime server and they do not have NVGS or anything. I think if everyone was at the same view at night, it would make it more interesting and overall a better experience for everyone. Using flares would be situational, and you wouldn't be in fear that someone is watching you from the hills. Now I do not mind someone having NVGS, but if anyone has actually played on a nightime private hive, where getting higher end guns is very rare, you can agree it is very fun to play at night when you and others have to use flares and flashlights. It adds an extra layer of skill required for this game. If anything, I do think they should keep rangefinders to allow nightvision, as it wouldn't be that game breaking, but would also make people not cry about nightvision being gone. I just think playing at night without nightvision is a lot more fun. I have had nightvision multiple times, and while it is cool knowing that most people cannot see you, it just isn't as thrilling as having to use flares and more tactics to get around. The game becomes much more immersive at night when you do not have nightvision, and would create a more enjoyable experience for all. On a side note, just as an example of how much fun it can be. Is one day (my first private hive experience) it was highly military customized and most people had high end weapons very early. But this also caused many not to be able to get off the coast, and it turned into a shootout (which is sometimes fun). Players going around killing everyone held elektro and were killing everyone. Me and my group went in and cleared them out. We held Elektro and they kept saying how they were all coming for us. We all took different positions around the city and left it in the dark. When we would hear people aggro zombies or simply running around, we would suddenly light up the city with flares from each position, and unload on the enemy group. It finally took someone from sniper hill with a DMR NVGS to take us all out. I am not meaning this to complain about nightvision, but the experience of using flares is a great and enjoyable experience that adds another layer to the gameplay. It makes the game harder, and thats all every player wants.
  16. Clydfrog

    adrenaline shots

    I thought of this a long time ago, check out my thread from a few months ago and see if you like the functionality I thought of. Here is the link http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93451-change-the-epi-pen-function/ I just thought of it one day when thinking of how useless epi pens were.
  17. Ok, so I do not know about anybody else, but epi pens are pretty much useless currently. Now this is not me whining because I have never been in a moment where I go "I need an epi pen right now". Currently you have a chance to pass out after a certain amount of blood loss (I can't remember the number) but carrying an Epi-pen can't help you there. It is currently only for bringing up a teammate. However, they should change the functionality to make it so that if you use one at that low of blood level that causes you to pass out frequently, you stop passing out for a short period (10 minutes?). The purpose of epinephrine (and no I am not trying to make the game more realistic by doing this) is that it gives you that rush. So why not just have it be useful in the game and make it so you can use it on yourself and friends. I would rather carry an extra blood bag than carry an epi pen because they are just completely situational and unneeded in my opinion. So why not make it something that will actually benefit you from carrying it? Make it last 10 minutes or so and then you have to use another one to keep yourself from passing out. I simply thought of this today when debating how useless they were, so just wanting to see if anyone else has thought of this or thinks its a good idea.
  18. Clydfrog

    Change the Epi-pen function

    I never said the epi pen was use for heart attacks, I said epinephrine was. However, I get what you mean, my first sentence may have created that perception. But nonetheless I still think they should change the function of the epi pen.
  19. Clydfrog

    Change the Epi-pen function

    An epi pen is used for much more than allergic reactions. Epinephrine is also given to cardiac arrest victims before they can jumpstart their heart. An epi-pen is pure adrenaline and can give you that adrenaline rush. Though most people know of it from allergic reactions, but it has many more uses. I just find that in Dayz the epipen is so useless. When I first started playing Dayz months ago, I thought the only way to get conscious again was with an epi pen. But right now I would rather carry another blood bag or morphine than an epi pen. I just think all medical supplies should have equal usage in the game. Just makes sense to use to it stop the passing out, rather than someone to give it to you after you pass out.
  20. Clydfrog

    Zombie difficulty question.

    I would like more difficult zombies, but like you said you should be able to lose them with skill and being quiet. Only thing I would say is if you make it so zombies can hit you while running (which should happen) you need to make them do one: less damage or two: stop them from making you bleed out so drastically from one hit. They will still be able to hit you, but they will kill you in 10 seconds if you didn't do that.
  21. Clydfrog

    Make DayZ Scary Again.

    I do agree with some of this. NVG's make this game very boring at night. It is just a bunch of people with nightvision (and yes I have them too and have had many through my characters). But using Flares and chemlights, as well as tactical lights on rifles brings so much more to the gameplay at night. It is actually scary to think someone could see you, as well as hunting other players who use them. NVGs just give a rediculous and boring advantage. Same with thermal, I agree the game should not have this. It is just boring for the same reason NVGS are boring. However, snipers should remain in the game completely (except the as50 which also have currently and have used extensively). An anti material rifle just doesn't belong in this game, and something that just one shots players in the toe. Again, a boring weapon that just waters down the gameplay. These things just make the game boring, but all other snipers should remain in this game.