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Everything posted by mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

  1. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Dayz convention (Own or Know a good pub?)

    Just stand out front, waving and being friendly. Beckoning folks over for a chat, then *BAM* Bat them over the head and steal all their shit. Free entry for bandits.
  2. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    The best thing around...

    Ja, ja. HEIL FANTA. Where's that NaziRaptor fella? He'd be all over it. Irn Bru though. ASDA's got "Iron Brew". It's even got a wee rip-off manny in a circle. (I Have no idea how to describe that) There are clearly folk getting paid to bypass trademarks IRL, so it can't be too hard to get a few under the radar.
  3. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZero Thoughts

    Aha! The fabled "Missed release date of the DayZ standalone". Legend tells of a time before time, when the mod was to be ported and polished up for a release by Christmas. Word of mouth over the many, many erm... months... has twisted the humble beginings of the true successor to the mod into a tale of betrayal. But they are mistaken. When the time is right, the one true DayZ will take its place upon the throne of Steam. And there shall be peace across the land. Apart from the FPV/3dp scrappy. That shit will never end. EDIT: I forgot what year it was for a wee minute there. Had a mini freak-out to myself.
  4. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    POLL: Dayz SA 1st person only

    I maybe have the not good brain work thing today. Seriously. I consider myself a bystander to the fight here. (Don't care. Wait and see. Stupid thing to argue over) Help me wrap my head around it again, for old times sake. Many FVP servers lie empty.Many FPV players choose to play in 3dp games rather than occupy these servers.It's 3dp's fault.
  5. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZero Thoughts

    Slated for release December 2012. Heh heh heh. :lol: EDIT: If that's really all folks are expecting from SA, I don't know what to say.
  6. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Hunting Knife as a weapon

    "Knives" seems a very.... specific subject. I'm willing to bet "Everything is a melee weapon" has crossed the BI brainstorming sessions at some point. A solid melee-combat system and a couple of rough and tumble mocap sessions, you're laughing.
  7. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk


    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but no amount of sharp sticks and fish-hooks is going to stop the kiddies from pulling donuts over your crops in a pickup, or blowing them to bits for "lulz". ESPECIALLY if they grow in real-time. Drawn-out effort and hard work is serious troll bait. Never underestimate the lengths some folks will go to, just to piss off a stranger on the internet. EDIT: I realise it sounds like I'm just being negative. Sorry. I do really like the idea. There are just some player-related issues to take into consideration.
  8. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk


    I understand the thinking behind it, but (I can only go by my own experience) spontanious play sessions don't lend themselves well to regular maintenance. With the size of plot scaled down and timescale sped up, I could see it being a useful, if rarely attempted, feature. Really, we do need something in the "big project" range, for later down the line. I just think 1:1 crofting is probably a bit too much. Most folks don't go into DayZ with the forethought required for a job like that. Not to mention, your fields WILL be trolled when you're offline. Without a doubt. Methods of protection (that I can imagine ATM) would be against the DayZ ethos.
  9. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Server Adjustable Zombie Difficulty

    Chill, Winston. It's the suggestions thread, not Drama school.
  10. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Server Adjustable Zombie Difficulty

    Not any MMO or online FPS that I've seen. (Yeah ArmA has "difficulty", but that's for HUD more than anything else)
  11. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Server Adjustable Zombie Difficulty

    How you choose to spend your time is up to you. Whether or not you enjoy certain aspects of gameplay, you can't expect concessions to be made for every issue an individual player has. For private hives in the mod, server admins can fiddle to their heart's content. For SA, however, there's got to be one vision. And it's not up to us. You can share your opinion, sure. I just don't think Zeds AI is one of the things that should be chopped and changed. For any reason.
  12. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Do you play on first or third person servers?

    I'm going to assume you don't know what hypocrisy means and attempt to answer what I think you mean. I came here to point out the flaw in the plan and I'm still here because you directly addressed my point. I'm not taking sides in your argument, I'm refuting your findings. As for your lack of response. Can't or won't. Stupid o'clock, with no yes-men to back you? I'll assume that's an "I quit" reaction.
  13. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Vehicles: Bells & Whistles

    I'd guess the best way would be to have "consoles" or "panels", with different functions. So you have the ignition, lights and wipers (Rocket, please add wipers. AND blood-splats / hail / heavy rain) on one "driver side" panel and heaters, fans, hazards and a lighter on another "centre" panel. Window control at each window. etc.
  14. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Do you play on first or third person servers?

    No. They do not. People who may have been interested in the subject are now so bored of your (FPVaholics) banter that they are now intentionally ignoring it. Again. I use myself as an example. I'm a daily visitor to these here forums and I haven't seen or heard of any of these million-man polls folk keep linking. Since those who want 3dp banned are feeling vocal recently, due to Dslyecxi's video, they naturally flock to where they can make their voice heard and discuss likeminded views. Everyone else has had enough of it. I see 3dp/FPV in a topic title and have to check the calendar to make sure I haven't gone back in time a year. If your plan is to keep harping on until nobody can be arsed disagreeing with you, you're on the right track. (not you in particular, but the general "movement") Honestly though. It's about time folks drop the subject and let the devs make their game.
  15. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Vehicles: Bells & Whistles

    I'd like to have more (proper) control over stuff, sure. But AFAIK the current way of thinking is for them to reduce the number of options (clutter) on the scroll wheel / action menu. What I'd like to see is a very specific context menu, depending on which controls / objects you're looking at. Whether on the dash of a car or otherwise. As it is now (and in ArmA 3) the actions available on the list seem to be whatever's in your general area, as opposed to the specific objects you're looking at. If the selection was tightened up a bit, the number of available actions for quite a small area (eg. vehicle interior) could be raised without cluttering the menu. Using a mouse allows for very good hand/eye coordination, so I don't think it would be difficult to operate. And it would allow Rocket to make use of player-knowledge about certain vehicles etc. Maybe it's not feasible, but that's the way I'd like to see it work.
  16. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Hunting Knife as a weapon

    I'm pretty sure that'll be a thing. There's a whole melee system in the works. It only makes sense.
  17. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Chernarus, the unasked questions

    Is nobody taking the 86th post? Can i just have it?
  18. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Do you play on first or third person servers?

    Rocket's short-term polls would be WAY more accurate (for an overall view) than these. For the very reason's mentioned. When the bossman creates a topic, active members tend to flock to it. I gathers responses from EVERYONE of ALL VIEWPOINTS. Any of the mods/admins could likely check the number of votes against the number of active members since the poll was opened. Chances are only a minority of the available users will have cast votes. Just because you don't like logic, don't lie to yourself. EDIT: I've made it clear, time and time again, either end-result won't fuss me. I don't play DayZ because of the camera view. The defensive attitude and totally off-the-mark comment (quoted above) shows you either didn't understand what I said, or you know I'm right.
  19. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Do you play on first or third person servers?

    There's no option for: "I don't really care either way. And I think folks who keep asking the same questions over and over and over REALLY need to find something better to do with their time." The polls are also flawed. At least their results are not going to be accurate for the entire community. Those who WANT 3dp removed are the people rabbiting on about it and creating polls, thus the majority of respondents. Anyone who doesn't care or likes the way things are, for the most part, has not taken part in your polls. Case in point- I didn't even know most of these polls existed. To get an accurate response, the best way (if devs care what you think about the subject) would be an in-game questionnaire. Until then, it just looks like a group of people creating "evidence" to back their own views. And I say that honestly and without bias.
  20. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    August Round-up: DevBlog, #DayZDaily, Gamescom

    Here's the new Video DevBlog. For those of you who MUST have infos.
  21. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    General Tips Thread

    Don't "tap" the mouse when you're holding a grenade. EDIT: Also. You must be in a forest or near a tree to harvest wood.
  22. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Clearly DayZ has been finished for months. Rocket is just holding it back until the kiddies learn patience. What a thoughtful guy. It's for your own good.
  23. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Where will dayz be in ten years?

    It'll be an easter-egg reference in GTA 8 (VIII) Then it'll be a common pop-culture reference Then it'll be an overused internet meme Then everyone will try to tell you "I knew DayZ before it was cool" Then some fat-cat will buy the rights, make a crappy knock-off sequel and drive the name into the ground.
  24. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    "Purely looking at the polls" in the FPV "O'Doyle Rules!" threads is NOT a legitimate measure. The only fact all these polls provide is that more FPV-only players answered the poll. Everyone else was busy playing the game. (on their 3dp-enabled servers) EDIT: Just to be clear: I couldn't care less either way. The squabbling though. It's pretty pathetic, boys and girls. Get a grip.
  25. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    alcool and food/drink like messages in SA

    You're talking about a game where people murder one another at any given opportunity. In that kind of environment, I'm going to need a drink.