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Everything posted by mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

  1. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ Standalone, Freelook, Third Person

    Try not to be offended that I doubt your knowledge on the subject, but if you seriously believe balance has any place in DayZ, you're sorely mistaken. It's about preperation, risk and opportunity. Taking every advantage you can find, and finding advantage where none is apparent. Balance is not welcome. Every feature is thought out, of course, but at no time was the intention to balance gameplay. It was intended to be an accurate(ish) representation of survival, based on Arma2, which was intended to be an accurate(ish) representation of combat. 3dp view was included to add some sense of self-awareness to ArmA, being that FPV view is more restrictive than a realistic FoV would be and you have no other senses with which to judge your surroundings. Go hassle the boss at BI about that. Again, use the search bar. I said you're late, not too late. This isn't a new suggestion. Or even a new opinion on the subject. If you're going to attempt to inform me of the intended purpose of the suggestions forum, have the decency to abide by the guidelines. ;) If you seriously believe everyone who doesn't share your oinion has "flawed logic", your pathetic closed-mindedness will fit right in here. Welcome to the forum.
  2. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Ability to Access Gear While Unconscious

    Doesn't ACE mod have a "blackout" KO screen? Been a while since I played ArmA, but something along those lines would be better than the eggtimer overlay. Fading from fuzzy greyscale to complete blackness occasionally would be more representative of being semi concious. Coupled with heavily distorted/fitlered sounds, it could create a lot more disorientation. Being unconcious should come with absolute vulnerability. If you want to take anything from a knocked-out player, even their shoes, you should be able to.
  3. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Tents should disappear on death.

    Limiting their availability would be a decent way to slightly reduce the hoarding possibilities, while drastically increasing the value of a tent. Adding a limit of one per player would be truly daft in a supposedly authentic setting. IRL, you're not going to go; "I wish I could set up this second tent, but the tent-gods won't let me". As much as possible should make real-world sense. Instead of (or as well as) destruction of tents, any player should be able to empty and pack up any tent they come across. If they're rare, I'd expect folk to steal them when the opportunity presents itself. Again, basing features and abilities on reality.
  4. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Heat loss on boats

    I'm pretty sure most realism-based mechanics will be taken into consideration for the final version of DayZ. Basically, from the impression Rocket gives, if it makes sense in the real world, it'll be that way in game. (within reason) How useful a boat could possibly be is questionable, since there's not really anywhere to go. Not many zeds out at sea though.
  5. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ Standalone, Freelook, Third Person

    There's no doubt the SA will have "FPV only" servers, just like the mod. That's not to say I support the use of "cover peeking" exploits, just that the choice to avoid them entirely is already there. With the new SA inventory screen (which now shows your own character when you view your gear :thumbsup:) I'd be quite happy playing the game in 1st person. Many wouldn't. There are a lot of other potential solutions to this "issue". You're a bit late to the party for discussing fixes. Search Bar, maybe? P.S. Not to put too fine a point on it, weapons, map design and gameplay were clearly never intended to be balanced. So you can't base your reasoning on that. :P
  6. No it's not. They want to release in small bursts so as not to collapse their sever infrastructure with a massive influx of folk. It's going to be buggy to some degree no matter what. @ DazTroyer. SA isn't going to struggle to attract players, but if it doesn't entertain for as long, or as well as you expect, the mod-mods will still be available. Lots of the current versions are heading in directions that SA likely won't be, so particular features aren't necessarily putting them in direct competition, just adding more choice.
  7. The impression I get is that when the time comes (a LONG ways off yet) the team will go into "atmosphere mode", and with gusto. Rocket says himself, the boss encourages him to go wild and see what happens. If this is his best chance to build the perfect stress-inducing survival experience, I expect he'll be jumping in with both feet.
  8. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Tents should disappear on death.

    As Sausageking pointed out, item degradation can provide a semi-solution. I reckon gamey, silly features being used to bolster the authenticity of others is going to become a necessary evil. What it boils down to is; which is more ridiculous? Perma death with retained knowledge, OR a persistent sandbox-world where objects and structures disappear/become inaccessible. Being that no matter what, it's still a game, I can overlook the fact that players know things that their characters shouldn't. It's not ideal, but I'd still prefer that tents/barricades/bases etc (and whatever comes in future DayZ) exist independently of the status of their "owner". (with a despawn timer, starting from the latest interaction) I understand that some folks will use this "tent advantage" to the extreme, but to be honest, when I'm playing, I don't tend to concern myself too much with other player's methods or how they choose to play the game. Another example. In Super Mario Bros. on the NES, you can "warp-zone" from world 1-2 to world 4-1, then from 4-2 to 8-1, bypassing ~90% of the game. I choose not to. :thumbsup:
  9. It shouldn't be about what you want to have to do, but what is deemed necessary by the boss-man. Visual inspection would add another layer of complexity to the survival/scavenging game and would be a welcome change from the oversimplified UI we have now. At the core, DayZ isn't strictly a "combat game" either, it's a survival game. The less forgiving the better. Characters will still inexplicably have the skill to replace any and all vehicle parts, so it makes sense to add the requirement for the player to diagnose particular problems. You could always just replace EVERYTHING if you can't figure out what's wrong. ^_^
  10. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Tents should disappear on death.

    The same could be said for all knowledge of the game world, if you think about it.It's essentially a circular argument. As I said before, it only hurts your own experience if you choose to regear at your tent as opposed to scavenging anew. Let me put it this way. If you encounter another player, you fight, you win. What difference does it make to you what the other guy does beyond that point? They're no longer a direct influence on your game (for the time being). If you encounter this player again, and they've rearmed, it's no different to crossing paths with an entirely different geared-up player.
  11. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Movement Post Mortom

  12. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Movement Post Mortom

    Do we need a mod dedicated to this topic in particular? Pin a badge on me and point the way. Chabowski Calm yer beans. EDIT: Honestly, I don't think I could handle the mod's job. I'd be too inclined to ban everyone just to get some peace and quiet.
  13. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Movement Post Mortom

    I'm pretty sure your flawed logic and ignorance of the subject matter deny you "winner" status, bud. ;)EDIT: Solid science. :lol: Elle Owe Elle
  14. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Tents should disappear on death.

    I agree the tent system needs revision, but I'd give tents less storage capacity rather than have ghosts steal your stuff and build forcefields around your previous incarnation's tent. (Basically what is being suggested) Any unnatural restrictions, even if they lend themselves well to the unforgiving, brutal nature of DayZ, go against the authentic basis of most of it's features. Honestly, why all the complaining about it? I'm guessing it's a PvP thing (I don't understand the attraction). If you kill another survivor, and they go an rearm, you still have all your stuff, and anything they had on them. All that's happened is, they've skipped the majority of gameplay. (or prepared beforehand, in which case they DID scavenge all their gear, just earlier on) Skipping the beginnings, by going to a tent to rearm, is only hurting your own experience. When we get dogs in SA, they should have no problem tracking a player all the way back to their stash. Then there's no need for all the crying. If you have a problem, just do something about it.
  15. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Movement Post Mortom

    I'm not exactly up on my biology either, but I can see what you're getting at. Maybe if the resistant antibodies are constantly working, carried in your blood, then extremely low blood-pressure (but not death) might give the infection enough of a foothold in your system to give you full-blown zombieitis. I think Rocket's brother, the virologist, would be the guy to answer that particular question.
  16. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Movement Post Mortom

    OK, so, taking your backpedalling into consideration. How are you killing the enzyme? Bullets? Biting? Fire?EDIT: I meant that jokingly, but reading it over, it's a bit insulting. Sorry about that.
  17. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Movement Post Mortom

    If death causing the infection to take over would turn you into a zed, you'd be a dead zed.A vital point you seem to have overlooked. Just about the only "fact" we've been given about the infected in DayZ is; they're still alive. NOT undead.
  18. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    If it were to happen, it'd be a fluke more than anything else. Like the OP says, you can already (intentionally or not) shoot folks guns, it just doesn't have any effect. At all.
  19. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    Whether a round will punch a hole in a particular object/surface/material depends on the size and speed of the projectile, as well as what it's made of (or coated in). It's just common sense. In general, a smaller, firmer, higher-velocity round is more likely to puncture compared to a larger, softer, slower-moving round. If a bullet, travelling ~1000 feet per second, hits a gun in your hand and doesn't puncture it, that's a LOT of kinetic energy looking for somewhere to go. It's not necessarily going to throw the gun out of your hand, but it's going to give you a fair "ding" whether or not you're shitting bricks. But forget about that. It wouldn't be totally unrealistic to include it, it's just that there's a good chance it would end up feeling cartoonish.
  20. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    Any supersonic round, by definition, is going faster than 330 metres per second. That's velocity enough, I reckon.
  21. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Implementing Skill Bars in SA

    The way I see it, every action available to players should at least potentially serve a purpose. Most "emotes" don't have any value beyond messing around. Only a certain few, such as waving, pointing maybe a handshake or something like that, would be useful in DayZ. As for HUD, bars and on-screen menus. I'm not keen at all. That pic looks like a perfect example of how bad a GUI can be.
  22. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    SA: Flare gun!

    But if you're wearing a shell-suit or a grass skirt, BEWARE THE FLARE.
  23. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk


    Emotes are all well and good, I just want to be able to point in a direction. It'd help out a lot, since folk's navigation and explanation skills tend to go to pot from time to time. If you think you can turn it into a dance, you're more than welcome to try.
  24. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ Penitionary

  25. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Face up to what you have done.

    See this topic for further exploration of the idea and better reasoning for the inclusion of perma-identity. It's not a perfect suggestion, but it does go into good detail. The GUID you use is constant, so there are means to keep tabs on individuals if such features are required and introduced. It shouldn't be seen as a tool for butthurt vigilantes, but a way for everyone to have the potential to be memorable and identifiable. An identity should be unique to a player and long-term, used for recognition based on reputation and renown, whether for good or bad actions. No Hero/Bandit skins will mean an increased requirement to judge players individually. Which is good for the game-experience. Recognition simply requires that a player maintain their ID (as is the case in nearly every MMO AFAIK) instead of changing their name and face to hide their intentions and avoid being rumbled.