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Everything posted by mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

  1. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Clothing That Has Purpose/Utility

    Form the sounds of things (no specific quotes off the top of my head. Sorry) functional clothing is a safe bet for SA. I'm guessing most folks just assumed something like this was on the cards.
  2. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    SA Suggestion: Making An Effort

  3. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Without .50 snipers the chopper will not fear anyone!!

    I would suggest putting more suggestions in your suggestions.
  4. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    I'm sure he would, but he's been hillwalking recently. Or so I hear.Bloody slackers, eh?
  5. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    tutorial suggestion for STANDALONE

    I've always thought, if anything a "benchmark-island" would be all you need. Stress your rig and wander about. No interactive stuff, no briefings or hints. Bootcamp, or any game-mechanic tutorials, would detract from the sense of discovery. (and the initial sense of "oh for fuck's sake") EDIT: Maybe to teach folks basic functions, there could be an offline, single player, pre-event intro. You wake up (scroll wheel menu action tutorial) Get dressed (clothing and gear menu tutorial) Make breakfast. Cornflakes and Milk (needs & basic crafting combined) Exit your house - Get killed by zeds. Now, go play online. Nothing more than the most basic game-handling instructions. The whole point should be figuring out for yourself how to survive.
  6. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Survivor Gamez 3 May 25th 9pm GMT (featuring Matt Lightfoot)

    I'm sure Mr. Lightfoot appreciates your faith in his abilities.
  7. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Remove the AS50/M107?

    That's a feckin' terrible analogy.
  8. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Remove the AS50/M107?

    What makes a Makarov shitty? A bad workman blames his tools.
  9. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    I would love to see specific graphics settings locked

    Playing ArmA 3, the difference between minimum and maximum ATOC is a lot less drastic in terms of what you can see/see through. If you're suggesting the change for SA, you really shouldn't base any of your judgement on the settings available in ArmA 2. Nobody wants to be disadvantaged, but locking settings gives those with low-mid spec machines absolutely no say in the matter and no chance to compete against rich-kids and folks with nothing better to spend the cash on. When you bitch about your own disadvantage but don't care about anyone elses, you defeat your own argument.
  10. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    Did that even have to be mentioned?I thought it was a given.
  11. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Squad Member Waypoints

    It could cache the map, or remember where it was last, but it wouldn't be able to triangulate its own position or track movement without properly functioning satellites.
  12. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Squad Member Waypoints

    If you need to organise a meeting place, you should use monuments, landmarks and grid references. Not HUD waypoints.The game shouldn't do any thinking for you. In keeping with the "authenticity" theme, if GPS is included and gives you waypoints, they should be wildly inaccurate. If satellites aren't synched, they're going to be pretty useless for navigation. (if they're even still there at all) EDIT: It'd be cool if GPS units were still a rare item, but 90% of the time you just get "No Signal", and the rest of the time it's only accurate within a couple of KM.
  13. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk


    It'd be less about surviving through seasons, more about seeing how your priorities shift and resources change in availability even though you're in the same place.EDIT: If they do SA right, we'll struggling to survive at all. :P Still, It'd be nice to constantly have something to prepare for, even if you're not likely to last that long.
  14. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk


    I think what it came down to was, it's a LOT of work to create a winter-style version of a map (snow-drifts, frozen lakes, frosted windows, snow in trees etc.) and it would most likely be something done for a NEW map, when the time comes. That's a long way down the line. As always. Search bar.
  15. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    And you're trying to say everyone else is missing the point?
  16. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    Is that so? Am I reading the OP wrong? EDIT: I think folks are giving a pretty clear idea of their opinions on the subject. In terms of your revised discussion topic; Backstory shouldn't play a part IMO. Everything in DayZ is about starting from nothing and facing off against the dangers of the environment. Nobody is stopping you role-playing an ex-military guy, but folks don't want to be forced into a "select a profession" scenario. It's all about freedom and working from a blank slate.
  17. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Capture Card Suitable For Dayz

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64576-can-i-run-it-ask-here/ Go here, post all your vital infos (Graphics card, Processor, RAM) and the nice folks will help you out. I say this because DayZ (ArmA) is VERY processor intensive. No sense buying a new video card if your processor is going to hold you back.
  18. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk


    I think (playing Devil's advocate here) the only way this could work gameplay-wise, is if "sleep" was more of a power-nap, lasting a minute or two. During this time, your blood could refill faster (if regeneration is part of the health system), bruises / pain would subside faster, and your hunger/thirst would drain a LOT faster (to compensate for the health-boost). Logging out while sleeping, I'm not so keen on. I think, if it's included, it would have to be done during game-time, since tents are tied to servers while players are not.
  19. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    I fail to see how a tattoo can be compared to actual lootable tools and gear in any way. Unless your tatto points North/deflects bullets/lights fires/can fly, it doesn't, in itself, hold any particularly advantageous traits. The best I can picture it as is a form of recogntion. On "respawn", the player may be controlling a different avatar, but they'll most likely have the same face, or at least hold the same affiliations. Personally I'd like to see an entirely fresh character on spawn. No gear, no tattoos/scars/beards (things which develop over time or show your age/experience). Just a randomly selected outfit made up of civillain casual clothing, followed by a pat on the back and away you go. If skills are ever involved, they definitely shouldn't carry over between lives. Giving more meaning to your character's life should be the target. Persistent ANYTHING devalues it almost entirely.
  20. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    I'm dead-set against any of these "pick your gear" ideas, or choices at character creation which would have an effect on the content of your inventory. If the point of the proposed age-slider is to make the experience more challenging for yourself, why should it come with perks? Picking an older character might give you a lower running speed or less stamina, but it shouldn't be balanced out with gear. I've never heard of anyone getting to the age where they start growing bandages out of their arse. A random selection of civillian clothing would be enough to add variety. EDIT: Like Clumzy said. Some not-particularly-advantageous, everyday stuff would be OK. A watch, a pen, maybe (MAYBE) a nearly-dead lighter at a stretch. Stuff folks just have on them a lot of the time. As soon as you start getting into proper useful / vital gear I absolutely guarantee you folks will start suiciding to get the "best" start, or min/max character options, if they're available.
  21. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

  22. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    Any server which starts you with gear, is missing the point of the game.IMO, even a backpack and bandage is too much. If you spawn with ANYTHING useful, folks will drive up and down the coast, killing new spawns and taking their stuff. So yeah, it'll kill the game.
  23. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Ludonarrative Dissonance: Familiarity Backfires

    It would be interesting to witness, that's for sure. Honestly, I don't expect gamers, given essentially reality without responsibility, would create anything near utopia.
  24. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Ludonarrative Dissonance: Familiarity Backfires

    That was just an example. I'm not saying it would be bad to attempt to represent aspects of reality in games, just that if you start taking it too far towards realism, folks would be better off just going outside. :P I could play "cooking simulator 2014", or I could go to the kitchen and make a lasagne. Works of fiction, in all media, create their own settings. The thing with games is, if you're sticking to your story too strictly, it doesn't leave much opportunity for freedom and interactivity. It makes sense to gloss over certain elements in favour of an entertaining experience. EDIT: In lieu of "cooking simulator", take DayZ. I want to watch this game become closer to life than anything we've seen before, but if we have to sleep in real-time, it'll have gone too far.
  25. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Ludonarrative Dissonance: Familiarity Backfires

    Well, that was unexpected. I get what the dude's saying but, being that videogames are an escapist medium, it wouldn't be particularly enjoyable if, for example, they simply replicated real-life functionality for everything. In fact, it would sort of defeat the purpose. Pedantic < Fun Gamer's willing suspension of disbelief goes up to 11. @ SeaMan, DayZ, being an authentic, immersive survival-sim where a bandage can insta-heal bullet holes might just be considered an example of "ludonarrative dissonance" ;) EDIT: When reading the section on "ludonarrative interference", did anyone else think of Snake's unlimited ammo bandanna in Metal Gear Solid 2?