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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I understand what you're saying, but all I'm pointing out is, that's what some people DO look like. Every day.It doesn't make sense to have everyone look like Mad-Max, but it also doesn't make sense that nobody ever could. If you know what I mean. I doubt all the Moshers, Wild-West enthusiasts and CyberPunks would be killed off instantly. For the sake of the game, less ridiculous probably is better. I just like options. (Particularly when they provide more than just looks)
  2. IMO there should be as much freedom as is sensible for the Devs to provide us. I don't want them to spend time modelling clothing options at the expense of other features, but honestly, my everyday appearance IRL probably wouldn't fit most folk's idea of "normal". I understand the urge to have simplicity, to stop things getting stupid, but there's WAY too much variation in the world to decide what's "normal"-looking, when compared to other folks. If the clothing options manage to pull off a decent example of function-over-fashion, most folks won't give what they look like top priority.
  3. "Not suddenly" means exactly what it says. "We could devote resouces. We aren't". No shit. Got a game to make. Fuck the UI. It can wait. Are you one of these folks who, because you haven't seen any evolution today, is a hardcore creationist?
  4. No, he didn't.He said it won't substantially suddenly improve. You quoted the statment yourself. And now you're either entirely oblivious to how stupid you're making youself look, or you're trolling. EDIT: Also, DILLI(w)GAF? :huh:
  5. It's the little things such as this, which seem insignificant at a glance, that will bring DayZ into its own.Take the WIP inventory, for example; Compared to ArmA, the gear menu is looking a LOT less weapon oriented. These are the definitive steps towards a fully-fledged DayZ.
  6. Hit the nail on the head.To be fair, for hosts and admins I think it comes down to a mistaken belief that you have to appeal to as many people as possible. +1 to make DayZSA a Death message free zone.
  7. Minecraft XBLA sold over a Million copies (around $20 / £13 a pop) in 5 days. Yeah, Mojang must have been gutted. RE: community. The same happened to the Minecrafters as has happened in this topic. The elitists didn't like it, but they couldn't give a factual or sensible reason why. In reality they don't like it because they like to think they're superior. The "PC master race" essentially consists of gamers (folks who play on PC) taking credit for other's work. Like sports-fans with their "We kicked your ass", who were never even on the field. When you yourself innovate and create more powerful computing hardware, THEN you can boast. Until you do, you're just a consumer like everyone else. EDIT: That might warrant a move to the "ranting" thread. Sorry, but constantly hearing about how "console gamers are immature", as a childish act of one upmanship, really grates on me.
  8. I'd ask Rocket about that if I were you, but I'm fairly certain DayZ was never intended to appeal to casual (non-hardcore) gamers. I understand what you're suggesting, and why, but that's not the direction I'd want SA to head. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm fairly certain I'm not alone on this one. Considering you keep pushing your own system and your own preferences, you really ought to stop using the word "need" so much. If you really "need" these events and objectives (and the admin-tools to control them, if need be) the DayZMod will still be here. If enough people share your ideals, this will be easily accomplished.
  9. Yeah, a slight fuckup could be pretty serious in certain circumstances. I've always had alternate profiles for flying/driving whenever I end up using a gamepad. Switching on the fly, as needed. Console versions of games use that quite often. Speaking of. That's another drawback. PS/Xbox games very rarely get custom controller configuration. Occasionally you'll get half a dozen or so profiles to pick from, but I'm pretty picky about how my games handle.
  10. As well as that, I mean like quicker access to stuff that isn't buried, for example.I'm sure there's suggestion topics about it. It makes sense. If you have painkillers at the bottom of your bag, under all your other stuff, it's going to take you longer to get to them. You should be able to just fill your bag as you come across items, by just throwing them in. Or you could take your time so important items are more readily accessible in case of emergency.
  11. "Why don't you just make 10 louder?""But... This one goes up to 11." I get what you're saying, but that was a herp-derp way to put it. ^_^ ArmA2 is 4/5 years old. It's safe to assume graphical quality, LoD and optimisation in the SA will be better than the mod. The devs are well aware of the grass-drawing and ATOC issues.
  12. DayZ is being developed solely as a PC game. It's not going to be multi-platform ready until it's out of beta and ready for a port. It'd be easy enough to map an eject/dismount button. You can map an 8-direction D-pad as modifiers. (giving you 9 times as many buttons) All it takes is a little bit of thought. EDIT: Obviously a console port won't be using xpadder ( ^_^) but you can do this for the mod (or any PC game) easily. EDIT2: Think I read your post wrong. Fixed it a bit.
  13. Even within the examples you give, I have a different opinion.A scripted Helicopter crash would allude to their being survivors other than the players, without showing them. I might be OK with this, provided it's a VERY rare occurrence and not the focus of the game. An AI controlled bandit-camp, however, I don't want to see. Any AI beyond just Zeds, to me, would be nothing but interference in a game based around, among other things, social interaction. The moment you add objectives, missions and AI controlled survivors, it cheapens the DayZ sensation into a run of the mill "game". Even risking becoming sub-par. It should remain a rich and suspenseful, non-restrictive, player-driven experience, as much as possible.
  14. @ All. You don't NEED a keyboard. ArmA NPC commands and Radio communication will NEED the buttons on the keyboard. Everything else is easily possible with a gamepad. DayZ has hardly any functions used (compared to ArmA), it's easy enough to map to a PS/Xbox pad. Use Xpadder (you have to buy it), or something similar and free (Google it). As long as your gamepad program supports modifier combinations, you're golden. EDIT: A wee bit of advice, for if you go down that route. It's quite confusing to start with, and it's tempting to ask for folks advice on the "best" controller mappings. Don't. You're better off setting everything to suit yourself.
  15. Hardware HAS to get to a point where it's no longer supported, but locking settings isn't the answer in all cases. Gamma/Max view distance yes, but texture/object detail etc. have to be tuned per machine. Look at ATOC in ArmA3 before you start judging this stuff. The foliage transparency doesn't have anywhere near as much advantage-giving difference as ArmA2. Every time I see this topic, or one similar, I just see a lot of fuss about nothing.
  16. *3rd attempt* Thank you, Clumzy, for pointing that out. I am fail at doing keyboard.
  17. FAO Zeppa Stick a BWWWAAAAAAAANG in any DayZ trailer for a surefire hit.
  18. I see it as a hint that you're able to be instantly aware of where you've stored a particular item as opposed to an actual quick-equip bar. If the different length animations are properly implemented, it'll be like knowing you have a bandage in a certain pocket, so you don't have to search through all your stuff. @CapricornOne Inventory management should be like a minigame. Or at least complicated enough that certain organisational tricks can give you an advantage, like in reality.
  19. Literally EVERY SINGLE THING you just said, could and should be done by players.That's the entire point.
  20. I didn't see an "equip" slot for it. Maybe it's still in-development.
  21. Will items always just spawn loose at spawn points or are there plans to also have loot spawn inside containers in the world? (inventory menus, like tents or car storage in the mod)
  22. If you give folks the opportunity to change things to suit themselves, they will. More popular does not mean better.
  23. Folks reasoning for including AI NPCs often revolves around a supposed lack of options, activities or player interaction. The way I've watched DayZ unfold leads me to believe the failing lies with players' attitudes, not the core game design. Lack of imagination and fear of other players are the real issue here. That's why folks drift into deathmatch mode and why KOS is so common. Adding NPCs to provide "end-game" or "objectives", or whatever you want to call it, would just be painting over the cracks. I think a lot of folks believe they like DayZ, when really they just don't. Nobody needs to go mental about that. It's just the way things look from where I'm standing.