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Everything posted by mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

  1. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Linking FPS/Ping To Difficulty

    I agree. And I have to say, it's very kind of you to give folks the benefit of the doubt. I just assume that everyone sucks at dodging Zeds. :lol:
  2. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Linking FPS/Ping To Difficulty

    Very strange. It's the kind of thing I probably wouldn't notice in passing. I reckon it'd need a wee bit of dedicated investigation.
  3. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    E3 and our attendance

    I just realised, I interchange "Zee" and "Zed" depending on the context. Even in everyday speech. Not even in relation to zombies. Strange. You might have just given me a complex.
  4. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    It's "an" not "a' RAZ0R

    ^ ** "I am, however, a big time fan..." **
  5. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Linking FPS/Ping To Difficulty

    Ping might have some impact on PvP, but aren't all NPC's handled client-side in ArmA? If you're getting chased by zeds, they're controlled by your game, and data is sent to the server (then everyone else, if applicable), so I don't see how they could outrun you. I've played DayZ on other folks computers and on a lot of different servers and I've never seen any difference in zeds ability to catch up with me based on ping.
  6. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    Bear in mind that since they're showing an offline, single player version (I think), the apparent lag might not be a good representation of the final game, considering the server will handle pretty much everything. Clipping and contact/damage bugs are WAY more important than the visual pish (animations and shit) everyone keeps harping on about.
  7. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    E3 and our attendance

    The "jump-attack" would lose its impact if it became too standard, yeah. I'd like to see it work hand in hand with the zed "lifecycle" and statuses that were mentioned. If zeds are pissed off and at full-tit attack mode, the "leaping" should kick in. Maybe only after they've been chasing you for a while and get frustrated with you. A running, leaping crazy person should shit you right up. If it's too common, it's kind of pointless IMO.
  8. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    What do you like/dislike so far when it comes to SA?

    I'd like to chime in. Changing from one action to another looks way more jerky than ArmA, but I'd take that over fluid-looking animations any day, if it means we have more responsive control of the characters. Being able to vault while running and shoot while walking is a pretty massive gamechanger IMO.
  9. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    I assume that it's set up that way for demonstration purposes.The journos and convention goers don't want to watch someone spend hours running around Chernarus finding nothing. As for military gear. I really hope they manage to steer away from hi-spec loot as much as possible. Everyone has their own way of playing, but for military-shooters, there are better venues than DayZ, surely. I'd rather be scrounging for crap most of the time. Then a decent weapon will be treated like the greatest treasure under the sun.
  10. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    There's more I'd have liked to see, but they seem to be giving us a look at a decent amount of new stuff. RE: Animation. The transitions between animations were always going to suffer, because of the ability to interrupt actions, which isn't the way ArmA works. I thought the animations themselves were really good. You'd need something like Rockstar's Euphoria engine, to fill the gaps in animations. And that's just not on the cards.
  11. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    How customizable should clothing/character customization be?

    Call it "stress relief".It's not everyone's cup of tea. There are a LOT of features folk want to see in DayZ, which don't strictly revolve around survival. More variety, in every regard, just creates more depth in the world. Clothing and freedom of expression wouldn't necessarily be harmful to any survival and would in fact be beneficial to the social aspects of DayZ. There might be a case for expression and customisation going "too far", but the rarity of items and unpredictability of loot-spawning will ensure that it's unlikely you'll come toe to toe with an army of clowns and ballerinas, even if the clothing options DO exist in there somewhere.
  12. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    Mr T. Smash. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Always on the ball. Much appreciated. (I'll be back when you've transcribed the entirety of E3 and colour-coded the interesting bits)
  13. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    New Sniper Rifles

    Honestly, I'd prefer it if inclusion or removal of certain weapons was based on geographical likelyhood instead of "balance". I'm a big fan of variety, but I don't like the idea that particular weapons have to be added simply to "fill a role". Also, wasn't the Arctic Warfare Magnum already in DayZ at some point? I seem to remember seeing it once or twice. It'd be just as lethal as any semi-auto 50 cal.
  14. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Hate People Who Shoot On Sight? Help Me Out Here!

    KoS definitely used to be less common, but It would be an exaggeration to say it was ever at a stage when bandits didn't kill folks. Greater penalties for dying would only deter folks from taking risks or initiating combat very slightly, because getting from "fresh-spawn" to "end-game" is so easy in the mod. To change KoS behaviour you'd have to change the common perception of the value of your character's life. I just can't see that happening until the SA gives us a fresh look at things. The fact that a lot of folks have become xenophobic cowards is sad, but it's not the end of the world. It just means you have to play smarter.
  15. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    I don't use snipers anyway (boring), but it's going to be strange without them. No matter what anyone says, the constant threat of getting 1-shotted certainly spiced things up.
  16. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    More guns.

    This is all very polite. You fellas are freakin' me the fuck out.
  17. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    Patches "vs" SA? (Legit Question)

    Also, the SA will be basically featureless on release, compared to what we're used to and what's to come.For folks who aren't keen on a bare-bones DayZ experience like SA, the mod will keep rolling.
  18. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ Standalone: Rivers!

    The sea around Chernarus is a river IRL. There are dry riverbeds in the map, but there's no water. Only lakes where the rivers are dammed. As far as I know, the lakes are possible because they're added as seperate objects on the map. It'd be nice to have rivers in DayZ, but if it's an engine limitation I don't expect any miracles. I don't remember seeing running water in any ArmA map I've played.
  19. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    More vehicle parts

    I always want more when it comes to fiddly little details. I can't help it. As far as I'm concerned, the more non-vital parts, the better. The ideal vehicle-care feature, IMO, would be visual inspection. The simplest spot-checks obviously wouldn't be needed EVERY time, just the odd occasion. It's the kind of thing that you wouldn't really care about unless it was YOUR car and you felt the need to take proper care of it. Bald tires, for example, aren't going to stop you going for a spin, it'll just be a bit sketchy until you replace them.
  20. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    When Missing Windscreen

    I wouldn't say it'd make you sick, but it'd make you colder.Windchill and all that. I'd be wearing gloves. Having cold hands sucks.
  21. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ: SA cars

    I had to edit this in, because it's just going to piss me off otherwise. For the sake of simulation, you have to recognise the distinction between "difficulty" and "complexity". I don't care how often you say "driving is easy". That doesn't make it simple. WASD just doesn't cut it. The accelerator would be one key, probably W, steering would likely stay A and D (or appropriate arrow keys), the rest needs redone. Manual control of gears, where applicable. Reverse as a gear, instead of a brake/reverse button. An actual handbrake (parking brake). All of these things would bring DayZ more in line with simulation. It has nothing to do with difficulty (or ease), it's about representing actions properly and giving you more realistic control of the vehicle. There's been mention of using the take on helicopters flight-model in DayZ, as well as the startup sequence etc. It'd be pretty stupid to have heli-sim flight controls with driving controls little better than Big Rigs.
  22. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ: SA cars

    We should be able to (required to) replace (or at least check) common perishables and fluids. I mean, you wouldn't strictly have to, but unless you do, you won't know you're in tip-top shape. And it could potentially avoid disaster. As far as I'm concerned, the DayZ we've seen was only the slightest hint at what we can look forward to when it comes to depth and detail. EDIT: In general, I'd rather have folks avoid tasks because of how time-consuming and complicated they are than have everything become simple, trivial and pointless. If you know maintaining a vehicle is a pain in the ass, it's always going to be exciting to see a convoy ripping across Chernarus.
  23. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ: SA cars

    Why? This is the perfect example of a game where that sort of maintenance SHOULD be included. DayZ is about survival, scavenging and salvage. No offence to anyone, but if there is a "Giant red line", I sure as fuck hope you naysayers don't get to determine where it lies. :P I'm sure it's not just me who wants to be challenged and constantly occupied while playing DayZ. It got where it is by being an "anti-game". There's a million and one titles out there for folks who want simplicity and ease from their gaming experiences.
  24. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ: SA cars

    Like I said, variety should be represented. You can't just take the simplest example and apply it to everything. Of course it's going to be easy to drive a perfectly roadworthy, steering assisted automatic on a road in good condition. But change up any one of those conditions, and you've increased the complexity of the situation. If it's simulated properly, then if you find an automatic in perfect working condition and run it on a perfectly undamaged road, in perfect weather conditions, it'll be as easy as in reality. But what if you're NOT in that absolutely perfect scenario? (Oh noes) If the vehicle should have a manual gearbox, you should have to change gears. To keep on top of maintenance you should have to check oil, water, brake-pads etc. The real compications of driving (and many other features too. Hunting, for example. And nutrition) would serve to make DayZ a better, more rewarding experience. There is such a thing as "taking it too far". But there's also a little thing called "simplified to a ridiculous degree".
  25. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    DayZ: SA cars

    I'm not here to judge anyone's standard for measuring genius intellect, but complication, in itself, isn't a bad thing. Not every car under the sun has power-steering, or automatic transmission, for example. More variety in vehicle handling should be represented. It's not exactly rocket-science, but driving is still more complex than some folks seem to appreciate. Anything less than optimal conditions will throw most folks off a bit. And DayZ conditions are likely less than optimal. If kid-sisters can do it, there's no reason for the big boys to wimp out when it comes to more in-depth simulation. :lol: EDIT: It may be a piss-take, but I'd put Q/E lean on bikes. Why not? Ideally, everyone will be able to work a bike/car/bus, but certain folk will be skilled enough to do it well.