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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Anyone who's not too stupid to understand their own first-language, or too lazy to rewind a video and listen properly is a "Nerd"?Pull the other one, mate.
  2. You just shouldn't know where you are on spawn AT ALL. Not even a hint. I hope I don't have to explain why. What would be useful is a more clear indication of when you're wandering off the edges of the map. The sea does that job for South and East, but the other edges don't give any hint until you've wandered well into the wilderness. IRL that would probably be OK, but in Chernarus there's nothing on the map beyond a certain point so you're fucked unless you turn back.
  3. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk

    White flag

    I play a hero, but if I saw somebody waving a white flag I'd shoot them just for being a big puss. Simply choosing to not point your gun at someone is enough of a symbol of your intentions. As I see it, a white flag is a symbol for surrendering. It's an apocalypse. You fight for survival, you don't beg for it. That being said, there's no reason not to make it an option. Some dafty will probably use it.
  4. That's about as far from logic as it's possible to get.It's an alpha. Nothing is set in stone. Most of the content due to eventually be added or changed hasn't even been imagined yet. After SA releases is exactly the time to start fucking about with stuff, to see what works and what doesn't. Sure, folks will kick up a fuss, but that's not really all that important in the long run. The main thing is to make the game as good as it can possibly be. If that means forcefully gutting 3dp to improve gunplay or immersion, so be it. As I understand it, the current plan is to keep it admin's-choice. That doesn't mean it's always going to be like that.
  5. I keep getting D/C before I can reply. I agree that FPV should be improved upon first and foremost. It's a bit of carrot/stick. The way I see it, the ability to see other players/zeds/items isn't necessary for 3dp to be useful as a spacial awareness tool (which I assume was the original intention) and only leads to exploits. I don't see it as an unfair advantage if it's available to everyone, but the current system kind of spoils the experience when it comes to hiding from and hunting players. I'd rather have 3dp as "Concentrate on nothing but yourself. See nothing but your character"-mode. And have the rest of the game play as an FPS, with all the cool ArmA leaning/stances/freelook etc..
  6. With digital-radio I'd guess any copyright issues would be broadcast-side. As long as BI don't host any pirate stations themselves they keep their hands clean.If this picks up, I've got a good musical/gaming community around me who'd be chuffed to bits writing and performing with DayZ in mind.
  7. It's just a replacement for the combination of your real-world senses. You CAN make yourself aware of your surroundings with just FPV-freelook, but the 3dp "substitute sense" makes it quicker and more true to life. (apart form the ability to see round corners, of course) You can tell the difference between a cat and a cabbage by touch alone, but it would be quicker to look/smell/listen.
  8. If the server handles EVERYTHING surely it'd be no different than aiming and shooting.The client wouldn't have any say apart from the direction in which your FOV is facing. The inventory menu doesn't show a point of reference for the world or the placement/stance of the character.It's more about where you are in relation to everything else than what clothes you're wearing. The gear-model would cover quite a lot of the self-visual aspect but the other functions of 3dp, regarding awareness of your positioning, are the reasons for it being included in the first place. I'd be happy if 3dp just showed nothing except the player, as far as I can tell, that's what it's for.
  9. mr_chabowski@live.co.uk


    @ OP If you can't use "Enter" on the forum, copy/paste from Notepad. A solid wall of rambling pish doesn't do your point any favours, in case you hadn't noticed.
  10. Sawed-off coat and pants will be craftable.Black leather shotgun, "Not for initial release, but it's definitely something we're looking to implement further down the line." - Rocket
  11. Fuck it. Why not just put an option in the player-list so everyone can insta-kill folks they don't like? It's DayZ, if you want to view the person responsible for your death, buy a webcam.
  12. It's not about stance, it's about knowing how far your arse sticks out when you poke your head around a tree and stuff like that.If folks can't tell whether or not they're standing up, they're beyond help. Besides, suggesting for things to be ADDED to the HUD is a big no-no.
  13. I don't think it would bring any kind of disadvantage. You're only blocking objects from view which wouldn't be visible to a player in FPV.The only disadvantage would be thinking you have an advantage, when really you don't. ^_^ As (MUC) Feral pointed out, removing free-look (having a fixed 3dp camera) would still allow for corner-peeking and seeing over walls, it would just be a bit fiddly. Considering that (from what I can gather) 3dp was included to give players awareness of their own positioning, restriction of the view-angle would pretty much defeat the purpose. I'm waiting to see how LOS-drawing, aim-deadzone and lack of crosshairs play into FPV/3dp for SA. I think those have more potential as gamechangers than fixed camera angles if they're done right.
  14. The "ghost" enemy (when out of LOS) would be more confusing than anything else. It'd be better to just not show people if you shouldn't be able to see them, then leave it up to the player to estimate/guess how far a person might have moved in that time.
  15. Where'd you get that idea?The "server-usage" would be the same. The server is always trying to tell you where everything is, the only difference would be that your client doesn't render most of it (because it's out of your line of sight). If anything you'd get more FPS that way O/T. I think we're getting a similar "stance adjust" to ArmA3, so poking around corners is possible without "blindfiring".
  16. If you run into a player, with gear, fight him/her and WIN. Why do you care what that player does after you kill them?If 10-20 minutes later you see a geared-up player. Is it the same person, or a new person? Did they gear up at a tent? Does it make any difference at all? I can only answer the last question for certain. The answer is NO. See, I don't want to re-gear at a tent because I like to scavenge and explore while underprepared. That's what I enjoy and it's how I play the game. If other players want to play a different way, it has no effect on my game, so let them. Removing tents on death will remove (or drastically reduce) the chance of finding a treasure-tent in the wilderness. It would effectively harm gameply for ALL players, not just the ones who choose to rearm at their camp on death.
  17. OR, we could wait until we get a chance to see how it works first-hand, before suggesting that it be changed.
  18. The ability to swap optics on weapons will take away the "need" to carry more than one rifle, in most cases. And if DayZ ever gets a carry-weight system to go with the inventory-slot system folks will be less inclined to overburden themselves anyway. EDIT: It'd be nice if they included a requirement to set your scopes if you swap them around, but with the "simple" attachment system, it's probably not likely.
  19. It's true.I looked it up.
  20. What I meant was in that situation blood-bags would be most useful for transporting blood or preparing for an emergency situation, not necessarily storing for any length of time. Direct P2P transfusion would be the way to go, I reckon, but that leaves two men out of action instead of just one. (not including the person performing the procedure)
  21. Why are you talking storage? There's nowhere to keep things cold (except the sea, probably. Or up the top of GM-radio tower), so blood will go off pretty quickly. It might still be ok after 24 hours, but I wouldn't risk it.
  22. Joe, give Rocket some beans (or whatever Redditors eat) for me. I'm really starting to like the way the new health system is shaping up, from all the little snippets and comments that pop up from time to time. We might even be able to K-O a victim and rob a pint or two before they come round. Muhahahahaha!
  23. From what I remember, Rocket has given the impression he'd like to have a built-up metropolis for future DayZ, just to play the survival scenario out it in a totally different environment. I'd support that, but it's not exactly "just around the corner" when it comes to time-frame. We're talking YEARS. I'd like to see somewhere Japanese, but I think it's more likely to be a "western" city. It's sounding like community-content will be playing a part at some point. Meaning BI's main task will be quality assurance. Still, we're going to be in Chernarus for a while yet.
  24. "Yeah, we'll just go and make a new map. See you in a couple years." - Ivan Buchta. Mayor of Chernarus.