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About RpG-spot

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RpG-spot

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    There's a lot you can learn about the person in the first few seconds of speaking to them, which is why I tend to open communication when I'm not standing in front of their face. If they don't at least try to talk through comms or local chat then I shoot them... it's as simple as that. If they do talk, then they are either friendly or just pretending to be in order to gain an advantage. Sometimes you can determine which one through their tone of voice, sometimes you can't. That's the fun part :)
  2. RpG-spot

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I feel your pain. When I'm in a group, I usually want to talk to people and find out what they are like while my friends just shoot them on sight. I'll admit it's gotten me killed a few times. Especially since most people are friendly only until you give them an opening to kill you. But for me, half of the fun comes from making contact and seeing where it goes from there. If I get online and find out they are just camping berezino then I either go lone wolf and stalk people or log out for the night.