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Everything posted by dedoolb

  1. dedoolb

    Will the Beta version cost anything?

    Probably because selling DLCs has become a common method of revenue generation, so people are skeptical. And with good reason. Hell, it's not much of a stretch to assume that big companies will do and say anything to make more money.
  2. From 0 to 5 of an item for each search attempt?
  3. dedoolb

    Do we really need more towns?

    Maybe the new towns will be necessary given the rarity of guns and ammo in the future? And who knows how well their new development tools work (engine, etc.) -- maybe they can expand the map, put more km^2 between towns. I think that would make more sense than overcrowding a map that's arguably too dense as it is.
  4. dedoolb

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    It's probably a decision based on numbers instead of an excuse. That said, I'd like to see a wide variety of incredibly rare long range rifles, submachine guns, and LMGs.
  5. dedoolb

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    The V3S truck. They're making exciting progress on it. Brand new physics engine and a lot more. The info about it is on the DevTracker board titled Twitter / Peter: Vroom Vroom (Vehicle Preview)
  6. dedoolb

    Your fetish item

    Too late! Always too late. I die like every other day. :) Just logged off for today and found my new hunting outfit: tan boonie or brown beanie tan tactical shirt or brown hoodie autumn or winter pants leather backpack low tan hiking boots
  7. These are ashwood trees.
  8. dedoolb

    gun shaking

    More like RO than CoD. Weapon sway exists, but is lessened.
  9. dedoolb

    Your fetish item

    Same here. I bow hunt big game, carrying either a Magnum or Derringer for engaging inaccurate KoSers. My corpse never has much of value to someone who's well geared. They don't know that I have jack shit, and when I'm murdered, that fact pleases me.
  10. dedoolb

    New backpack?

    A black 28-slot waterproof bag exists in exp. I'd like the ability to spraypaint backpacks.
  11. Tell that to my character from yesterday. ;)
  12. Zombies clipping through floors, hitting you through walls, or hitting you when you're inside and they're outside...not a new issue.
  13. Yes. And cool idea about using TS rooms as radio channels!
  14. dedoolb

    Your fetish item

    Piece of paper, but it has to be from the book Call of the Wild because my characters are always PvE hunters, fishermen. Here lies WhiskeyTango, avid outdoorsman and creator of the world famous Chernarussian Whiskeyfish Tacorrito. The recipe dies with me.
  15. Failed to load a character -- same here, but every time I got my same character back on both hardcore and softcore servers Random sounds -- yes You can't pick up items from the ground -- for me, just walking away from the item I want to pick up then returning to it allows me to pick it up Drink all -- a few times I was able to hit Drink then Drink all worked, but more oftne than not Drink all has been broken for me
  16. dedoolb

    1911 Anyone having this problem?

    Happened to me with a couple of different guns. In my case, it was probably due to the server not responding to my actions while it was under heavy load. Try again in a few minutes, or right after the server restarts and few people are on it. Failing that it's probably like hammy55 said, a ruined mag or gun.
  17. Great news! Do you have a forum?
  18. Just tried cooking with a stove - still switches from raw to burnt instantly. At least on US East 0-1 1PP, if you drop anything inside a house, it seems to disappear but teleports outside the house. IDK about other servers.
  19. They can drop a zed in 1 or 2 hits.
  20. Cool. Now my console-only son-in-law will want to try the game. On a related note, TrackIR support is awesome. You can look around, even zoom, while the inventory menu is open. Is that possible with a controller?
  21. Yeah, walk in the door and turn right. The spawnpoint is the far right corner. I've found a couple derringers, other pistols, even shotguns there.
  22. At least a 15 minute cool down time since overheating from hauling ass. Getting soaked helps:
  23. More Xmas loot just now on (US NE 0-8) in two places: The buildings at the airfield don't have this issue. Here's how bad it is inside Bashnya: