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About andrew_s90

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  1. andrew_s90

    Index of DayZ Community Maps/Mods

    If you could please add DayZ Escape to the list, more info can be found here http://opendayz.net/forums/DayZ-Escape/ The idea of the mod is to flip the Chernarus map upside-down and make the player rethink everything in terms of loot, good positions and everything. You spawn in the north and run south for good gear. Totally redoing the constant south to north in every DayZ mod. Nothing is the same.. Andrew
  2. I would love to see this implemented for many reasons.. I like this idea and the idea of siphoning for fuel, but I would also like to see scrap metal or sheet metal used for crap repairs.. like it would repair the engine a bit or fuel tank just a little bit, it could move the car for a little bit but eventually break because of rattling and movement, so it could get a car moved but it wouldn't do much, just a balancing factor. But fuel being a rarity and maybe jerry cans could be filled like 3/20 liters or 10/20 liters, that way when you find them they aren't always full and don't fill up fully either. That way cars could have fuel in them like 1/4 of a tank but only a few liters were usable as actual gas. So lets say a car had 40 liters of gas in it when it was abandoned. YAY! 40 Liters!! Nope, only 8 liters were actually usable gas, the rest was watered down. I think that would be a cool feature.
  3. andrew_s90

    Self bloodbag?

    I personally don't like the idea of self blood, but many players do.. I love how you had to find someone to give you a blood bag or risk the trip to go get one then bring it back to camp for a friend to use on you or use on a friend. I dont like the idea but personally I had to add it to my server.. But players are only allowed to self blood inside of the hospital and it gives lower than normal blood *doesn't give full 12k and takes longer to do. I like the idea in the sense that you have to travel to a danger zone to blood-bag yourself and then there are more risks involved.. its how it should be instead of being able to stock up and bloodbag yourself in the middle of the woods, what fun is that? I don't like self blood everywhere (like overwatch) but I do like it how I have it set up, only in hospitals :D But yea, there are few servers without it these days, even the mods are adding it in as default. No more old dayz.. tsk tsk
  4. andrew_s90

    Use for toilet paper

    I would love to throw it like cans/grenades.. throw the toilet paper and have it trail behind so people could tepee stuff in cities that would let people know others where there. It would be fun and funny, despawning after a restart of course :P
  5. My longest survival was on the public hive, I lasted a little over 200 days (haven't died on a public hive since august or so - ran thousands and thousands of miles on that char) I used to make a camp up north and I ran around hunting animals and gathering supplies.. at one point me and my brother gathered a decent size camp that had 3-4 as50s and lots of other high grade weapons.. 2+ nvgs and a couple decent size backpacks. Mind you this was in the early days we played dayz so we looted early in the morning, at night on very very low pop servers because we were scared, no idea how to kill or deal with other players. We got a huge camp of tents going and our only vehicle was a bike that we took turns using.. We lasted it out. Eventually we found private hives and fell in love with them, all the customization that was done, different vehicles, more vehicles drew us in.. being able to play on other servers and have lots of gear on many servers was the best. Anyways come to an end, we both lost our super long characters about a month ago when the official servers were barren and they had been alive so long that the characters were reset..(or something like that) we logged in both back on the coast, but the characters were just there for memories.. it was all for fun :D We both had m107s/as50s and every kind of tool, both had nvgs and rangefinders, one gps between us and coyote backpacks, ghillies etc.
  6. Coming from an admin myself.. Admin abuse is out there, I helped run a server and was good admin (the players said so and liked me) I helped everyone out. Refunding gear/rollbacks after hackers, helping people out like that. It was difficult at times because there were 3 admins, the owner, me and one other. The last one was a total abusive admin like everyone here is saying, he spawned himself gear, would restart the server for a heli.. spawn stuff at his own admin base. All the players hated him and yet they stuck around because we had a good server and they liked the other admins/what we had. But enough of that, even though admin abuse is out there, its hard to control even if you are another admin and you know one does certain things that are unfair. Its hard to do that to a friend so we had to control it, which we did to the best of our ability.. we blew up his admin base with satchels and everything (fun times) he got angry and stopped playing for a bit, but came back and we ended up closing the server because of him.. I have been on the other side too, I have dealt with abusive admins when I played on other servers. Being a clan owner, with a lot of players, we attacked people with helicopters when they refueled and tried to take them, or get gear.. and guess who had the helis.. the admin and his friends. They later hunted down every base we had and destroyed it hours after we put it up so we left. But yea, both sides of the situation suck!
  7. I would love to help/be a rival clan.. I run and own a clan and we are looking for some rivalry.. shoot me a PM with server name/your skype name if interested!
  8. andrew_s90

    Worlds longest gaming session - DayZ

    I have played this for many hours in one sitting.. way longer than I should.. Curse Rocket for making an addicting game..
  9. Added you to skype, welcome to the server :D
  10. I understand what you are saying, and your point of view here. As a clan we enjoy new members, but we have many other solo players and small groups playing too, its more to put the server out there and have people play with us, we have a good amount of people, but new players are fun too. Anyways, to your solo survivor point, we welcome players like that in our server, since we have lots of space and the server is fresh, there is still a lot up for grabs. Thanks for your post :D
  11. Come join us on our server, its up!
  12. Welcome to New World Order thread. I am here to invite you to our clan and server! We run and play on a server with added vehicles, barracks and more! To join, get started, or play with us post your skype name/steam name, your age and ingame name below and join our server. To find the server we run search New World Order- the server name starts with [Added Barracks] The clan was built for fun, people to band together and play together. If you are looking to join players on DayZ, need some friends to play with feel free to join us! We welcome all to join us or try out the server! **Other Clans are welcome to come and battle, bigger clans get a prebuilt base! Some of the fun things we do- just messing around on other servers: *Our SUV rides through Cherno- blasting music and running over bandits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gvj9Xk5ubUc Thanks All! *Skype/Steam name, age and ingame name below and you are set! Include any questions you have! [nWo] Andrew