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Everything posted by fathairybeast

  1. fathairybeast

    need help screenshooting

    If you use FRAPS just look and see what the hotkey is, for my release it was F10 If you use steam default key should be F12, but you have to run Dayz Commander through steam in order to get that to work (should be in the Dayz Commander tools/settings) If you use the windows prt scr function you have to have a program that will accept the image. I think you can use something as simple as MS Word, then right click the image and 'save as'. I used to use 'prt scr' in conjunction with Gimp (free photoshop clone) - I would hit 'prt scr' then simply right-click/paste into a new Gimp template.
  2. fathairybeast

    We need some assholes on US46

    Not sure what you're getting at. The friendly/bandit ratio is a little out of whack. Just looking for more KOS assholes to come stir things up a bit ;)
  3. fathairybeast

    LFM Opposing Clans *Please Read*

    Or you can join Balota Buddies and hop on the US server. We have around 10 or so guys we regularly roll with and we can rally many more if you feel that is insufficient.
  4. fathairybeast

    I'm homeless!

    guerrilla tactics with a 70 member squad? sounds quite mismatched if you ask me.
  5. fathairybeast


    that's your call. I wouldn't give out my cell number just for a whitelisting though.
  6. fathairybeast

    Should I???

    That date keeps changing, I don't think anyone knows when the standalone is coming out. Supposedly it's imminent, but I'd say get the mod if you have the cash. There are multiple other mods as well that you can also try that the standalone won't emulate, so i think it will end up being worth the money to get both the mod and the standalone.
  7. And you commented, why?
  8. fathairybeast

    Well Today was an interesting one

    Can you give a summary at the bottom so I know whether or not it will be worth the read? I don't want to commit 5 minutes just to find out you found an ak-74 or something. lel
  9. Agreed. If zombies are going to be OP there needs to be some reward for braving the hoards. Otherwise people will simply avoid towns like the plague.
  10. This is on the Balota Buddies servers. Modified NEAF so there are barracks. Sloppy fighting displayed all around, but a good time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmERhULOvks
  11. Don't listen to this guy, he plays on a bad private hive. Click on my signature, it's the best set of private hives around.
  12. fathairybeast

    Help a noob out!

    beans give you aids
  13. fathairybeast

    A little story of my last life.

    I got chased by a hacker who played the x-files music via direct chat, took control of my character and started to dance, then insta-killed me.
  14. fathairybeast

    Your First Kill

    You probably watched that series with a cold six-pack of Pepsi Cola didn't you, you sick son of a bitch. P.S. - We need revenge for last night.
  15. fathairybeast

    We need some assholes on US46

    Lol, it could be worse. We just had another altercation at NEAF. There was supposed to be 5 of us but Chris went AFK in the bushes... meanwhile, people were getting shot. I'll put it up a little later.
  16. fathairybeast

    We need some assholes on US46

    Here is the latest from US 46. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o41MgKzHrqY
  17. fathairybeast

    Survivor Gone Bandit

    Alex, do you go hard in the motherfuckin' paint?
  18. fathairybeast


    Debug is gone in the newer versions.
  19. fathairybeast

    Holy Mother of FN FALs...

    I thought FALs were a dime a dozen at heli crashes. sounds like this is a typical heli crash. As for the NV FAL, I'm glad to hear at least someone likes them. I think they're garbage. Can't use them during the day because it will blind you. Can't use them at night if you have HDR on high because it will fuck up your natural night vision adaptation for who knows how long.
  20. fathairybeast

    Whats with the loot?

    Loot tables are modifiable. There are many different servers with modified drop rates for certain items. Some servers will have 30+ helis while others will have none. Some servers will drop 50 million crowbars while others will drop 50 million lee enfields. Just look around. Or contact the server admin and ask about the loot tables.
  21. fathairybeast

    About the Barracks

    Item respawning goes real quick if you're cycling. A matter of minutes, not hours.
  22. fathairybeast

    About to give up. Last cry for help.

    I think the above poster missed the point you were trying to get across. Battleye confirmation is always red, that doesn't mean anything. In my experience Battleye takes a while to boot up. If I were you I'd try waiting in the lobby until it's fully initialized. If it still doesn't work, try closing the game (alt-tab then choose "close game" in Dayz Commander) and reopen it on the same server a few times. Sometimes I have to close and restart up to 10 times in a row. If that doesn't work then yeah, contacting battleye might be your best bet. edit: not referring to Mr. Nasty when I say "above poster"
  23. fathairybeast

    We need some assholes on US46

    Yeah bud I'll be on. Probably not 'til around 1 am your time though. I might get on earlier for a little bit but nt for long.
  24. fathairybeast

    We need some assholes on US46

    I love how Noob doesn't get worked up at all. Thanks for the vids. Edit: Were you playing three-six mafia during the zombie apocalypse?