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Everything posted by fathairybeast

  1. fathairybeast

    Rules of Engagment

    Kill: bad guys Rub nipples on: Everything
  2. "Cliten".... sounds kinky bud. I'm just kidding, you proberly meant "client".
  3. fathairybeast

    this is gonna sound weird...

    You have trust issues because of Assassin's Creed? Seriously?
  4. fathairybeast

    DayZ "Endgame"

    Play flashlight tag bro
  5. Depends on the vehicle/tent reset time. Not 100% sure but I think default reset time is 7 days? Reset timers take your shit if you don't use it for a long enough period of time - if you don't know the reset time just use your shit every day and you should be fine. At least until someone finds your camp or the server shits on your gear and it all disappears anyways.
  6. fathairybeast

    DayZ is now way too hard for noobs

    I can kill DayZ zombies with my asshair
  7. fathairybeast

    To Shoot or not to shoot; how do you decide?

    I'm friendly and almost never get killed. Maybe you're just shitty at gauging others' intentions...
  8. fathairybeast


    In some areas marrying a cousin is legal.
  9. I take pride in not being a bandit but I killed someone today. He had killed my partner and took his gear so, naturally, when I found him "cycling" gear at some barracks later that day I took the opportunity to get my partner's gear back. In the end I felt bad, so I held a requiem in his honor - may he rest in peace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NelY808CPgM&feature=youtu.be
  10. Server US 3489 at around 10:10 Alaska time (-9 GMT). I'm not sure if we're on -8GMT because of daylight savings so if you don't find anything at the first time listed, check the second. Teleporting and mass killing. Name of main guy is [TOKS] Hovimestari He had a buddy named [TOKS] Destiny I have vid proof. But it will take a little time to format. I'll post it below when I get it done. P.S. - They're still in there as I write this so if someone wishes, for whatever reason, to go get killed then by all means.
  11. fathairybeast

    Looking for a regular private hive

    Try out balota buddies. It's a very active community and many of the moderators on here also play on there. They've got multiple servers, I'm currently on the US server. The application process is a bit of a pain but it probably keeps the unwanted out.
  12. fathairybeast

    Forgive me lord for i have sinned

    Fuck no, you get points for that one.
  13. fathairybeast


    Additionally, attempting to refrain from shooting other survivors as much as possible makes the game harder IMO. If you're intent on banditry then all you have to do it keep from exposing yourself long enough to get an open shot. If you're intent on not shooting you have to continuously reassess the situation when you're dealing with someone to make sure you never give them an opening... all the while attempting to convey the message that you're not hostile - It also makes things much more difficult knowing you're going to have to be reactive to enemy fire, as opposed to proactive (shooting first). I think it's more fun that way.
  14. fathairybeast


    4 months deep. Been fucked over plenty... only once by a legit player. I have yet to kill anyone on a public hive. I've killed one person on a private hive (accidental). If you're good at not letting yourself get backed into a corner it's possible to keep your survivor skin. You just have to have the ability to keep yourself out of situations that will make you vulnerable (as much as possible, anyways). Also, not getting bitter about being killed helps...
  15. I was going to trade my mk 48 mod 0 for some NVGs. I'm pretty hooked up on everything else. I've got 5 tents spread across 4 different servers just holding my pimp shit for whatever I need it for. Assault rifles, snipers, vehicle components, ammo, med supplies, clothing, goat porn, what ever it is that I needed it was there. Except the porn, that was for my teammate. My guy was stacked: ghillie, GPS, all the tools of the trade, m4a3 cco, g17, and a beautiful coyote backpack. But, "nah man, fuck you" replied the servers. On the same day (yesterday?) 2 of my servers decided to wipe their ass with my tents. 3/5 of my tents were gone. Specifically, the ones with 90% of my weaponry. My ural that I used for transport/storage? Gone, bitch. The tents weren't run over, they simply weren't there. Still weren't after multiple server restarts. "No worries, breh", I thought to myself. So I started regathering supplies. Hopped on 3489 to get some of the good shit. Shit-stain scriptkiddie and his buddy teleported me and killed me. Left me out in the middle of the ocean. You can watch part of the fun I posted on the cheat forum ( http://dayzmod.com/f...-caught-on-vid/ ). "All good, mane", I retorted to the naysayers. I started to rebuild yet again. Found some kickass aussies on au 117 and rolled with them. One of them even gave me an m4a1 cco sd for no reason other than because he was logging off and wanted me to use it. We fixed up a chopper and burnt the roof down like it was 1969, bitches. Then I logged onto another server which had one of my remaining tents. Found 3 hacked helis chillin' next to my tent. "Fuck, whatevs", I snorted. Then I killed a goat... with my nipples. Logged off and back onto another server. "What's that? You just rebuilt...again?" Fuck that shit, I was magically back at the coast. No, it wasn't a private hive. No, it wasn't a short-term hiccup. Every server I tried after that - I was back at the coast with starter gear. Then one of the admin's of the only aussie server I use got on TS and accused me of being a "naughty boy" (or some equally homoerotic shit). After some prodding he told me my name had shown up on some of the warning logs for scripted items... dafuq? I've never even investigated a script site let alone downloaded that shit. Turns out if you get in a hacked heli your GUID gets tagged or some shit. At least I was with one of their other admins at the time and he could vouch for me. All of that and you know what? Dayz is still the bomb diggity shit in my book. Haters gonna hate.
  16. fathairybeast

    journey onward! [very newbie questions, oh dear]

    You can't find a key for it because you run by default. You may have accidentally double-tapped the 'shift' key - that will keep you from running. Try double-tapping it again.
  17. fathairybeast

    How I stole a LittleBird

    Wait... post this one more time. I think you may get better results that way. Four times isn't enough.
  18. I can find my way up to you later tonight if you want to keep your gear. It'll take a while - I was trolled by a hacker last night and I'm now a fresh spawn. OR Some kickass aussies on au 117 showed me a trick last night. I'm going to assume you use playwithsix or dayz commander. Join a game, then abort. Disconnect from the server to wind up on the "raw" dayz menu. Go to 'multiplayer' and rejoin the server from there. When you first join a server and you're on the "waiting for character to create" screen - press the 'escape' key and wait. Once you load in you should have your normal 'abort/options' menu, but you'll now have the option to press 'respawn' (provided you timed it right). Click that shit.
  19. fathairybeast

    Worst day ever and this game is still the shit

    I wondered that myself. They assured me it wasn't but.... yeah that could explain why they didn't give a fuck.
  20. fathairybeast

    Worst day ever and this game is still the shit

    Do u even lift read? Come at me bro.
  21. fathairybeast

    Add Dust. How awesome would that be?

    Last thing I need is dust up in my fat ass.
  22. fathairybeast

    Hackers on 3489. Caught on Vid

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcQTs9nNLaM&feature=youtu.be So it's pretty shitty quality. I normally encode in 1080p but got sloppy and uploaded in 720p. If the names are too illegible then I can reencode that shit so that they will come out more clearly. I've also got about 4 other vids showing their exploits if it's necessary.
  23. fathairybeast

    -LOST TO ADMIN, US 3949-

    Sooooo.... 3 of my 5 tents disappeared. However I'm hoping they'll pop back in on the next server restart. Problem is, I just got killed by a hacker. If you don't believe me go check the vid I'm about to post over in the cheating forum. So it will take me a while to get back to my tents and see if everything popped back in. If someone else wants your NVGs in the meantime I won't take it personally if you trade them. If you still have them and I manage to recover my shit then I'll hit you up.
  24. fathairybeast

    Hackers on 3489. Caught on Vid

    Edit: Destiny was the main guy (as you'll see in one of the vids I'll post) Well, I took one for the team. In order to get def. proof I went back on and called them out, knowing bad things may happen. Bad news: I'm stuck in the middle of the ocean. Good News: I got destiny and homostari to openly flaunt what they were doing on mic. Suck it, bitches.
  25. fathairybeast

    How can other players know that I'm around them?

    Could be a hacker, dunno. But for the record there are servers (both pub and private) that allow 'mouse-over' nameplates, showing you their name. Some servers show other players on the map as well (when in proximity).