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Everything posted by MOS182

  1. Someone posted this on r/dayz, I read it and gave you my beans. Great read.
  2. Hey all, just released a new update last night for my Android application Student Budget. Feel free to give it a download and tell me what you think of it: Student Budget Download I've set up a Twitter page so people can be updated on future updates or anything related to the app: Student Budget Twitter
  3. Anyone tried out the app? Would appreciate feedback on it :) Thanks
  4. Had a great reaction to the latest update so far - The latest update (1.30.3) which was released 21st January was listed as one of the top 10 Android app updates of the week, alongside the likes of Viber, Dropbox and Tapatalk on the Android an Me website. - The app was featured as App of the Day on Intellectuapp
  5. MOS182

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Can someone tell me what I should do? I'm using a laptop so I don't think my performance will be as great. Currently running the game on Very Low to make sure I get decent FPS Specs: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M Intel i7-3612QM CPU @2.10GHz (8 cores showing in Device manager) 8GB RAM Windows 7 x64 Have I missed anything?
  6. MOS182

    RP Character Bio for DayZRP

    Since reading this thread, I've went to check out some DayZRP YouTube footage and it seems like a good mod. Was watching this http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjJLqqk4244R9pxI2MHwYBGyxnH28TvIH
  7. I must have the mask at the very start of the vid!
  8. How about as an alternative for only using 3rd person to check out what clothes you're wearing and how bad ass your weapon looks, you could press Esc and it'd show you your character and would allow you to hold in left click to drag him around 360* so you can see all around him?
  9. How would you get to join the Dev team working on DayZ?
  10. Feel honoured having 3 entries on there. Thanks :) Good luck everyone! :) Voted. When will we hear about / see the new t-shirts?
  11. Can someone explain to me how Rocket got involved with programming? Did he have any programming experience before making the DayZ mod?
  12. How about left click = punch, hold in left click = push?
  13. DayZ: Eat Flesh! Similar to this t-shirt made by one of the in game clothing companies on MMA Tycoon
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X77cThD4vj8 Imagine cars handling like that? Would be a lot better than the way it is in the mod atm :)
  15. Great being able to select your spawn. Now I can actually go and play with friends on DayZ pretty much straight away!
  16. MOS182

    DayZ driving should be link this...

    Better than GTA imo. Would love it if GTA V had physics like that.
  17. MOS182

    DayZ driving should be link this...

    Anyone actually tried the tech demo?
  18. *** SPOILER *** Guess I'm not the only one who knew he was going to get shot at the end? His "just in case I don't make it..." speech just made it obvious he was going to die imo.
  19. MOS182

    DayZ Forum Downtime

    Good to see it back :) Who else signed up for a reddit account because of DayZ forum withdrawls? :p
  20. I am doing something productive, I'm making an Android app :DCan I have beans now please?
  21. I think people have to understand that a lot of Alpha development isn't just about adding new features. It's also about finding the bugs and fixing them, or maybe trying to improve the appearance of the game. I've currently got an Android app at Alpha stage and I'll hopefully have it released within the next 2 months. I'm constantly trying to work on feedback fixing any bugs and trying to implement suggestions if I can but I've also got my own ideas which I work on implementing as well. Luckily for me I have no pressure on me to release it. I guess that's how I can relate to DayZ. I'm at the Alpha stage so I'm guessing the devs working on DayZ have the similar experiences to myself. I have some days where productivity is great, other days I can be stuck at trying to figure out how to do something for hours and might not get it fully completed until a couple days later.
  22. MOS182

    What populates a DayZ server?

    Active Admins and Other (number of players and also side chat) I really like servers with Side Chat, gives me something to do if I get bored also it's great when people post where they are and where they're going on Side Chat