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About bilago

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  1. Well the next crime she needs to fight has a insurmountable twist, my heart has been stolen, and she is the thief!
  2. The real question that everyone seems to be overlooking, is, who is the hot red head in green? REVEAL YOURSELF!! ;-)
  3. bilago

    PC Problem

    Do you have a multi-meter? read out the voltage coming from that extension cable. Perhaps its not working.
  4. bilago

    PC Problem

    Do you have an attachable speaker for the motherboard to hear failure codes?
  5. bilago

    PC Problem

    Looks like this : Or this:
  6. bilago

    PC Problem

    Your description of your issue is beyond lacking much information... Are you sure that the computer is POST'ing or are you assuming that it's on because the fans are going? If the fans are your only indication that it's "Powering on" then you may have forgot to plug in the +4 rail on the motherboard, or you have a DOA motherboard/CPU
  7. Umm... If you use a decent email provider, like gmail, the emails will stack on top of each other as a single email instead of a billion. I do it just for this thread and its quite convenient being able to read all the new posts without having to leave my gmail client. Also, you can choose if you want the email every post, once a day, or once a week. How is that spam?
  8. bilago

    Could I run Battlefield 3

    Here you go again, child, trying to insult others because your brain isn't capable of replying in any other fashion. If you stop raging for a second and re-read your original post, you did not ask for opinions, you asked if your crappy computer can run battlefield 3. I wonder why no one helped you in the BF3 forum. Also please tell me, oh angry one, what contributions are you making to a DayZ forum, other than begging to be spoon fed easily googled information? Before you answer that, count to 3, do a stretch and take your anger meter down from a 12 to around a 3. Here is a tool you can use for future endeavors. http://tinyurl.com/PC-Requirements-Gaming
  9. bilago

    Could I run Battlefield 3

    Fortunately no one cares about the opinion of children who need to be spoon fed information and have a need to throw insults to mask their own insecurities. Here is your new avatar
  10. bilago

    Could I run Battlefield 3

    I don't get why you need to ask a DayZ forum about BF3, but since you don't know how to use google: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  11. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I'm the only one with good ideas. I just feel that the focus of the ideas should be more towards the zombies right now and we can worry about customizations later.
  12. Ok so I just went through all 19 pages... What surprises me the most, is everyone is hardcore focused on hats, player classes, and which distribution company we should use. Why is there little to no focus on the zombies... This is supposed to be a zombie game. Rocket, if you ever read this, can you shed light into any new zombie changes? This is the things I feel that should be addressed: 1. The zombies need to be an actual threat 2. There needs to be more zombies (if something explodes or you have a huge gun fight, a horde comes) 3. More zombie skins 4. Zombies placed everywhere, not just cities 5. The ability to hide from zombies once aggro'd 6. De-limbing zombies/decapitating 7. Silent take down of zombies with hands/melee/knife 8. Barricading doors (perhaps in the style of Resident evil where you can slide furnature in front of doors/windows)
  13. How on earth are you going to carry that into your house?
  14. bilago

    The Bad serial number problem...

    i typed in "Bad serial number given in setup" dayz and found this on the first page of google:
  15. bilago

    [VIDEO] - Nuclear Explosion

    This is what I was expecting This is what I got: