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Everything posted by BAHADIR


    Stable Update 1.02

    I just died when I tried to drive a 4x4 offroad. Its a complete mess right now, stay away from the vehicles...

    Kicked off server. databse error: APP ERROR

    Mine is without mods, trying to connect to public servers. Trying to verify right now. EDIT: Verified the game files via steam (including user data), but no avail. Still gives a Database error: APP error. update: Ok I dont know how but it works now, thanks ImpulZ.

    Kicked off server. databse error: APP ERROR

    I get the same messages. I opened a topic about it but no one answered yet.

    APP Error

    2 Hours ago I quit to get a drink, and when I came back I got this error DTABASE ERROR(APP ERROR). What is this ? And anyone experienced the same ?
  5. I had the same problem this morning. Character locked in database (APP error). Like a joke isnt it ?.

    Standalone Server Lag When Driving

    I had the same problem, except owning a server, and the problem was my HARD DRIVE. Game was freezing for 2 or 3 seconds, especially when entering big cities. I changed my hard drive to and SSD and now it flows like a water.

    Experimental Update 1.02

    Wow, tons of fixes. Nice, but we still wait for the improved lada mechanics. Its really difficult to drive it :) :\
  8. Thank you for mentioning this. Everyone is aware of the problem with the persistence and general, theres nothing to do until a spesific fix arrives. Camps and tents, storages disappears randomly, that breaks the game. Server crashes are not the only problem now, not anymore.

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Yes, the problem is everyone believes the tents, barrels, wire meshes etc. disappear at only and only server crashes but it is not. You place a tent, go to nearby city to loot, came back and poof. Everything you put gets lost. Server crashes arent the only problem with the persistence.

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    Yes, the pistol suppresors are the decent ones which works fine but still you got lots of infected keeps coming at you even if you have it.

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    Last night I wanted to play for a short time to see whats new, like half an hour maybe. But decided to quit the game in 5 mins. Full and high servers have excessive rubberbanding and you just cant place tents easily. I lost half my health because of rubberbanding and suddenly out of nowhere falling from the sky. Infected are still a mess, they just get stuck on objects and corners of houses. Servers which show daytime on the menu are completely dark when you join them, and server crashes keep changing the time of the server. To shoot the infected from head, you must be a copy of legendary cowboy Wyatt Earp (cowboy hats may help to a degree), and shooting them from the body doesnt register the damage at all, you will kill them if you are lucky. Silencers dont work, they still attract all the infected around the town. I think taking a break like 6 or 10 months from this game will help anyone who have disappointed with this situation. All will get better and we will have a good, balanced, playable version of the game. Cheers.

    Are heli crashes spawning?

    You: Oh look, a heli crash. I should go and take a look. Heli Crash: Nope...

    Server hopping?

    Most of the active community servers you see today are going to be off permanently in the future. Sometimes people cant afford to keep them going, sometimes they dont have the time to maintain it, player numbers cant be enough etc. But the officials will keep running so thats a +1 thingy for me for official servers. About the base building ? Well, it happens.

    Persistence Workaround

    +1 on this. I dropped useless items on the ground and everytime I did this, my tents and barrels disappeared. And my other camp survived for 1,5 week because it was clean and no items were there. But of course I didnt want to write this to foums because it seemed unsuspicious to me at that time. But the bases and placed wire mesh walls still disappear whether there are items on the ground or not.

    car persistence

    I play on PC

    car persistence

    My first base stayed for one week, 2 medium tents and 5 barrels. Tons of items inside. One day I joined server, they were there, walked to the nearby town and when I came back, all my tents and barrels were GONE ! I believe server crashes has nothing to do with persistance. And 2 days later I found a military tent, I carried it to forest and placed it. I went to mil base to get some ammo and when I came back ? puff, the base was gone again. Same with wire mesh barriers. I built a nice fort with them and same result. It doesnt really matter if you place it by manually or using toggle placing thingy. They all get lost eventually :(

    car persistence

    Car stays anywhere you leave it. Only the built bases and placed barrels, tents, set wire mesh barriers disappears.

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    Well, I can confirm again the barrels and tents get lost just after server restart.

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    All official servers which ought to be daytime turned night time. Time difference is broken maybe ?

    What... the actual... %*#$

    Is that single player server ? I thought the persistance of gates and base is not working at the moment.

    Addressing the most pressing issues #2

    After several times, I realised something. Whenever I get close to new military barracks (White-ish, creamy colour ones), server gets crashed and when I log in back, it seems normal. Wheather is always rainy in my server, running and jumping gets bugged when you get wet.

    Why promises bite you in the ass

    No one denies the game is a buggy mess right now, but have patience :)

    Stable Update 0.63.149464

    Okay which weapons are disabled ? Because I keep finding AKM's, M4's, mp5 and ump's.

    Stable Update 0.63.149464

    Server crashes started to happen more frequently. All of a sudden no message received appears for no reason. Also, the tents I placed are already in place so didnt have any problem with persistence right now.
  25. If you are dumb enough to compare DayZ with PUBG, you shouldnt play DayZ. It is that simple.