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carbine781 (DayZ)

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About carbine781 (DayZ)

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    Guitar,Piano,Music, VideoGames in my spare time

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    I created a minecraft server called StratoCraft (mc.stratocraft.net), I love halo, and am also a big and long time fan of DayZ.

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  1. I'm a long time fan of DayZ. Used to play the mod religiously back in the day, and I bought the DayZ game preview today when it came out and I had a "classic" DayZ experience I wanted to share. I also want to talk about a concern I had regarding this, however. I was exploring the Lumbermill area near Berezino, having recently spawned nearby. I saw three players in a field, and ran over to say hi. Currently, everybody on Xbox that I've run into has been relatively friendly. That being said, one guy started trying to punch me, but was interrupted when his friend got on the mic and said "Cole stop it, sorry for my friend". We talked for a bit and decided to go on an adventure and find better gear. This was there first time every playing the game. I remembered that the NE airfield was nearby and suggested we go there. One of the guys was on that online DayZ map and decided it was a good idea, and he sort of led the way. We headed north, but we didn't just pick a direction and run through the woods. We followed roads, and looked at road signs and buildings to figure out where we were. We got ontop of a hill where we could look around, and I saw Black Mountain in the distance and realized where we were, and led the way from there. It was truly refreshing to just meet strangers and go on an adventure with them. It was also entertaining trying to find food and water. We treated every water pump we could find like a place of worship and for some reason, they only had "human meat", but hey, times are desperate in the apocalypse. My only concern about this is that I believe that interactions like this will become less and less rare, and be almost non existent in 6 months from now, cause zombies aren't really a threat and people will realize that they don't need other people to survive. Gotta enjoy these experiences while you can I guess.
  2. Haven't run into vehicles often, but I noticed the 'save vehicle' feature has been removed. Last time I ran into a vehicle, I hid it pretty well, came back a day later, and saw it was gone. I don't think somebody stole it, but that i didn't save it correctly, so my question is how do you save vehicles now in DayZ vanilla?
  3. carbine781 (DayZ)

    Are these mod types still popular at all?

    Damn thats a shame. A lot of these I used to play, and want to play again. Thank you for the info.
  4. Could somebody tell me if the following mods are still popular / have a couple of servers or not to play them with a good amount of people? DayZ Breaking Point DayZ Namalsk DayZ Origins DayZ Fallujah DayZ Panthera DayZ Lingor DayZ 2017 Thank You
  5. carbine781 (DayZ)

    Blood Transfusion Help

    I have a bit of trouble w/ blood transfusions. Every time I attempt to do one, an error message pops up saying that the blood bag cant be found. How do i do blood transfusions in the latest version of the DayZ mod?
  6. I usually play on US 434 when I go on DayZ, and i've heard great things about DayZ Europa. I'll be sure to check it out!
  7. I've been playing DayZ since 2012. I'm looking for some people who wouldn't mind playing a bit on the weekends who have been playing for awhile. Most interested in playing the classic DayZ vanilla mod. People who live in the U.S. preferred (for time zone and server connection reasons)
  8. carbine781 (DayZ)

    Milking cows to get... milk

    This could actually work if thought out... You'd probably have to tame the cow a bit first though (give it a carrot or 2, scratch it's back, i don't know)
  9. carbine781 (DayZ)

    Icons / Debug Monitor

    I do think that DayZ could benefit from a well made stat system using icons or the old school debug monitor from the DayZ mod. I think the side icons (temperature, hunger, thirst, etc.) should be added. A few new ones could be how wet you are, dizziness, etc. Also, some may argue this removes the 'realistic factor' from the game. The truth is, in real life, you always know if you are thirsty or hungry, dizzy, cold, etc. (unless you have some weird disease or are really out of it [maybe this could be a part of dayz too if you want to get really creative]). They will simply be a nicer looking version of the blocks of text that display in your inventory. Plus, it helps bring back that old school nostalgic DayZ feel from 2012.
  10. carbine781 (DayZ)

    The DayZ Shop

    Coming from somebody who supports making DayZ as realistic as possible, I do not think this would be a good idea. DayZ is about the struggle for survival in a harsh scenario (this case, theres some zombies that want to eat you for lunch). Adding this will allow people to get gear without much effort. There are some servers which have shops (Ex: epoch). They'll probably be made in the DayZ standalone as private hive servers. I don't think the devs should make this part of the main hive.
  11. Small leedle bump so more people can see the topic and give their thoughts.
  12. carbine781 (DayZ)

    Clothing Ideas

    Lmao i remember this skit. Dear Devs, Please don't add mannequins to the game Best Regards, Carbine That being said, Jordan Peele = good survivor