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Undrun SIgna

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About Undrun SIgna

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    Milford Ohio
  1. Undrun SIgna

    Map conditions

    Great ideas, but sadly probably wont be implemented (if at all) in till the standalone, just because of all the bugs in the mod right now xD
  2. Correction, The game UI says you put the gun in your pack (unless you have two primaries, then i understand what your getting at) but when you put just one and only one in your pack, the character as it slung over his/her shoulder... i can understand putting a smg/pistol/pdw into a Alice pack, but an LMG? come on game...
  3. Undrun SIgna

    Just put a full bandit skin

    I Second this, and give this man my beans.
  4. Undrun SIgna

    Evacuation mode

    Well... my comment was a joke, the idea is self is ok but the execution of the idea is the problem. and on your topic, everyone one who is on the internet is like that... well most people are xD. This is my original comment:
  5. Undrun SIgna

    2 New Item Suggestions

    Thats your way of shutting me down xD ok... SON.. xD
  6. Undrun SIgna

    Evacuation mode

    What if there where radio stations at military base, and every so often there would be a call out that gave coordinates on the map where an a heli evac would come and try to get some survivors, say four. The first four people to get there would then be lifted off the island.... but... they would... wait for it.... CRASH ON LINGOR OMMGAKDKAJ BEST IDEA EVER KSHDJAKLSD. jk xD this would never happen
  7. Undrun SIgna

    2 New Item Suggestions

    Ok 1, the whole idea for a hydration pack is for long distance travel... usually by foot. 2. when you say ... the pack holds only water, meaning i still have to go to town to get my beans..3. What if you don't have room for 5 water bottles and you want to head from the south east coast to the NW airfield? this turns those 5 slots into one and on the trip, you don't have to worry about your hydration levels (until your pack is out of water) Thanks for your opinion, but to me, its kinda flawed... but thats your opinion.
  8. Undrun SIgna

    2 New Item Suggestions

    SNIPER TENTS====================================================================== 

 Idea: A new way for snipers to camouflage them selves. 
 Reasoning: Another way for a sniper to hide himself, especially when raiding a bandit/survivor camp, and a replacement to using GS and just a new item in general. Balancing of Tent: 1. Limit the Players FoV in the sights, while inside the tent 2. Can not move from the tent without choosing an "Exit" option, making it easier for players to launch a counter attack if they do not have a sniper/long range weapon 3. Provide a general camouflage to everyone with in a certain distance; 0m-50m = Pretty Visible 51 - 1000 Hard to See 1001+ Not able to see without using some sort of sights with a magnification ( Note: this probably will have to have some tweaking done and are just general ranges) ISSUES: 1. Would have to be based of a vehicle entity. No other way to make a enterable object [fixed position] (Limit of Arma II engine), but would be possible in standalone game for a better, more refined then just using a vehicle based entity. 2. May cause issues of camping if spawn rate its not limited to what a current rare item spawn rate is. (Only findable in Heli crash?) HYDRATION PACK=============================================================== Idea: A backpack that holds 5 water bottles, fits 1 inside every pack (Coyote, Czech, Alice) only takes 1 spot while in a pack, but 3 spots when in inventories.
 Reasoning: A larger, more convenient to carry large amounts of water (In standalone, would weigh you down a lot, probably a little more then if you had just the 5 filled water bottles) Tweaks to the Pack: 1. Has an automatic feature, to were when hydration meter begins to flash, your character will take a drink from 1 of the 5 water bottles. 2. You can still drink from the pack whenever you fell like it. 3. to refill, take the bottles out, fill with water and put it back in.
  9. you may have my beans sir. i like this... if implemented right, would cut a lot of frustration out of new players when the are killed by spawn campers, bandits over and over again in the same town if the get repeatedly bad spawns, and people committing suicide to get better spawns.
  10. Undrun SIgna


    Kinda like a :oCall Signs :o (DONT YELL) but way more realistic and fitting to the game. You sir, may have my beans =3
  11. Undrun SIgna

    Flashlight decoy

    xD saw the title of the thread and thought of something completely different.... STORY TIME .... Walking along the coast from Solenicity (whatever its called) to Electro, run into a fresh spawn while having my flashlight out. Survivor: DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT! JUST SPAWNED!?!?!?! Me: I'M GONNA GET YA AJSDASJDASJKDAVJKAS Survivor: OGAWD *sprints wildly towards the general direction of Electro* I chased this guy with a flashlight all the way to Electro with him worried sick he was going to die... best moment for me in dayz
  12. I want more choices to edit the skin to make it more like, You've been thrown on this island, and have minimal supplies look, not Military uniforms, (Those im fine with having them as a clothing drop in military bases that give you armor or something) and definitely none of the Civilian Skins now which are just jeans, long sleeved shirts, and a vest... yes most of the ones you have chosen aren't military uniforms, but i don't want to see some Islamic looking person running in a Russian country xD
  13. Undrun SIgna


    You sir, may have my beans, i think this would put a new level to the "Player Dictation" if you may call it that in the game. ex: Do i shoot this dude, or hide? do i attract this horde of zombies and rush the to a bandit camp? DO I EAT THIS DEAD BODY? F*** IT IM BLINKIN RED ON HUNGER xD
  14. Undrun SIgna

    Safe zone AWESOME idea! (IMO)

    Ya now its people running up behind you in Cherno yell through Direct Chat Channel, and i quote, "AJSHDASJBNAsjfJASBASB IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!" This funny quote (better in voice chat if you could hear it) happened the other day in Cherno, and i turn to see my attacker, and find a fresh spawn with a Lee Enfield charging me... i sad F*** it and one shot him with my silenced pp-19 =3 in the head of course xD
  15. not sure if I like the skins you posted, but yes i would like to see more customization to your character then just the same skin over and over with a different color scheme... You have my beans, but I think the development of this game needs to be bug fixing before anything else