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Everything posted by Simexy

  1. Simexy

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.61

    NVm my issue I needed to update the updater. This post was editted to this variation.
  2. Simexy

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    1 and 2 are very amazing because If the customer does not see 1, then 2 doesn't look plain. If the customer sees 1, but does not like the text, they turn to 2. If the customer sees 2 and is more into the survival of the game, he will purchase the less plain one. I suggest putting both for sale therefore the sales will increase due to the mentality of a human being. If there is just one option, it's either you like it or you don't. With two, a net of options is created.
  3. Simexy

    DayZ Memes

    Not that good but I was bored so here it is. :P Here are some ones I generated:
  4. Simexy

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    All our stats and items are gone? O.o or is that just an individual problem?
  5. Simexy

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey, My name is Sim. My in-game name will probably always be Simexy or [LWRNC]Simexy or anything like that. (The LWRNC stands for Lawrence which is where me and my friends are.) Ughh, I play with two friends and soon my brother will play too. Our names: Simexy Hammyliu Xerpce We are awesome and all live near each other. :D At last, we also don't look to join in groups because the last few attempts lead to us getting slaughtered by the group-inviters or members. You really can't trust anyone in this game unless you know them IRL and have a form of a social contract. Nice to meet you all :D (BTW: I photoshop, video edit, program/script, and do other things)