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Everything posted by izmak

  1. Cheers for the words, guys. No doubt we'll be out looking for Choppers again in the coming days/weeks. :)
  2. Yes, except the other servers you may have done it on aren't in a persistent world like DayZ. Crawling through the middle of a zombie-fested town in the middle of the night. ---Randomly Kicked to make room for reserved member--- Log back in, dead. Potentially hundreds of hours worth of work, lost. This is why Reserved Slots are a really, really bad idea. :)
  3. izmak

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    Really nice update. Had a friend desperately trying to login before the patch hit to pack up his tent, with no avail though. Which vehicles are currently available ingame, and which aren't? We had 3-4 guys scouting known helicopter spawn points for most of last night, across a multitude of servers, but with no results - so I'm assuming that (for the time being) they haven't been re-implemented?
  4. izmak

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    Can any DayZ staff confirm whether >all< vehicles are currently available ingame? Checked multiple spawn points for helicopters on 14 different servers, nothing. Seen a Jeep on a couple of servers, but no helicopters.
  5. izmak

    US6 - Info and Discussion

    Entrox is a bro, known him for years. Top notch guy!
  6. The FR servers were fine up until yesterday morning, but since then there's been a stream of issues with the servers, that restarts don't appear to have fixed. I tried logging into it again when I was awake this morning, and all of the FR Servers were near-empty (less than 20 people logged into all 3). Upon connecting, I sat on 'Waiting for Server response' for 15 minutes each time, before finally loading character data - and loading in limbo each time. In contrast, I logged into UK1 during that timeframe and loaded from start to finish inside 90 seconds (and into the correct zone). I do appreciate the work that you and all the server hosters (and developers) are doing, and I hope this post helps rocket to troubleshoot whatever may be wrong. Edit: I just tested this again, FR1, 2 and 3 have 20/50,20/50 and 17/30 players respectively, again, 15 minute 'Waiting for Server response' followed by limbo.
  7. Thanks a lot Rocket, much appreciated. <3
  8. Seconding this, the server's experiencing extreme rubber banding/updating issues atm.
  9. We didn't land at an airfield, fyi. >_>
  10. The Rotor assemblies were introduced in a patch on Thursday. Was lucky enough to see somebody mention in chat that they'd found one, and he wandered into my gunsights not 5 minutes later. :p Tonight was awesome, and thanks to all those along the coast who cheered as we performed a flyby over the major cities.
  11. Incredibly hilarious evening refuelling this.
  12. I too, saw and witnessed this, and I can confirm that it was not a BattleEye kick.