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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Cool story bro See this is something that would fit in this thread.
  2. Where's Waldo. Have someone dressed a certain way and people have to find him.
  3. Weedz

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    Plus we've been there done that with Xbow ... bring on the Bow and Arrow!
  4. Weedz

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    Robin Hood fears not the bambi. Bambi fears the Robin Hood.
  5. Weedz

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    also Robin Hood KoS the rich and give to the poor.
  6. Weedz

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    OMG I can't wait. I'm gonna RP as a medieval English archer like everyone does in Chivalry. "STOPEST THOU RIGHT HITHER!" They will probably be primary as the X-bow was in the mod
  7. Who ever told you that was an idiot. The game is still only 32 bit and can't even use more than 4gb. So unless you're trying to watch a movie with a bunch of websites open at the same time then no. It uses under 2 iirc. I'll fire it up right now and check I have 16gb. It uses ~750MB
  8. My FPS never drops below 50 get better computer Also don't ask a question like this without posting your PC specs That is like asking "I don't feel good; what disease do I have?"
  9. Weedz

    The strongest zombie ever

    I was just playing earlier and had two do it to me at the same time. I was like "OMFG THAT WAS AWESOME!" I am a master of the anti-zombie crouching dragon technique though and easily dispatched them with my axetana.
  10. I suggest removing the ability to use iron sights or scopes on 3pp.
  11. Also said something about factions. I'm right there with you.
  12. Weedz

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Never ever. They turned some of the best series ever console exclusive. This is where we strike back! And the whole hardcore difficult console kids would never accept it thing.
  13. Just finally got around to logging in for the first time since new zombie super speed patch (too much working) and all I have to say is .... Are you people crying about the zombies being to hard serious? I had only an axe and killed probably 35 of them and only started bleeding once after like the 28th one. Most of the time they just stand there and never even aggro to you (the already spawned ones). I was spawning them getting into fights with like 3-4 insta-run to you ones and never even getting hit. Also had no problem looting every single building in a town while doing it.
  14. Weedz

    Ammo Needs Value in Finished Game

    Other way around. Less guns. More realistic too tons of ammo for each gun in the world. Slightly less ammo than now obviously as it's literally everywhere but you get the point. It's gonna be like the mod where people are gonna have stockpiles of guns. Crappy things like double barrels and stuff should be still findable easily but it shouldn't be everyone running around with M4s no matter how much or little ammo they have only takes a couple shots to kill someone.
  15. Weedz

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    That's a pretty good rule to live by :lol:
  16. Weedz

    Increase in Desync?

    I laughed substantially harder than I probably should have. And yes OP is turruble I don't even know how to explain what just happened to my char a second ago.
  17. Weedz

    Reporting server abuse

    Keep up the good work! Keep this filth that ruined the mod out of this game.
  18. Game so broke can't even get 120 FPS on my 60Hz monitor playing 1920 x 1080 in the red brick building from the mod in Elektro with Vsync turned on B) (had to crop image cuz size was to big for upload site)
  19. Weedz

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    Watching the same story every day gets boring. ;)
  20. Weedz

    What has the standalone become ?

    Random nobody who makes fake DayZ videos about KoSing people. Don't worry about it.
  21. The best part was I didn't call him anything was just agreeing with what he called himself when he put words in my mouth. Also had nothing to do with the game mode someone plays had to do with people admitting they don't want this mod or anything like it because they need to exploit due to badness and want to keep it in the game and saying that every single person who plays 3pp does as well.
  22. You should expect nothing from a game still in development. Makes the process much more enjoyable. They don't even know if it's physically possible to do some of the things they want to yet.
  23. ^all of this. You guys are lucky your game even works if you're barely pushing the "Rec. Req." during early alpha development. This is PC gaming not console if you want to get good FPS in brand new games you need to upgrade off your 6 year old computer parts; especially in a massive open world with huge view distance built on a mil sim .... STEAM people :rolleyes: ... They aren't going to make the game look worse to suit you. Game's not even 64 bit yet either so nobody cares if you have 87.5 gigs of RAM. Also, as Arma always has been, this game is all about CPU (DayZ even more so as there are zombies and loot spawns) so I don't care if you have 4 790 GTX Titans in SLI if you have a crap CPU it doesn't matter. The master race is dying.
  24. Weedz

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    See this guy knows what's up. The point of the game is there are no rules. Why would you put some on yourself?
  25. Quick someone find Lok in game and kidnap him and beat the info out of him!