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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Weedz

    The ducking desync/lag is real.

    I never experience any desync or lag more than normal when I press X to duck I don't know what the fuck you're talking about OP.
  2. I've shot hundreds of people out of armed helicopters in the mod ... Flying around in a giant noise machine is not really the best idea when you're on a server that isn't 100% scrubs.
  3. Weedz

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    If you don't wanna get robbed or killed don't be a wuss and actually fight back. Or don't get caught in the first place.
  4. Weedz

    We need these. Now. Seriously. Now.

    I support this and agree they need to stop working on everything else until these are implemented. They were already planning on putting Bikes in soon anyway just replace that idea with this. I think I even remember Dean confirming these would be in SA on 4chan before the mod was invented.
  5. Weedz

    Dean Hall On PvE

    Oh look another person who didn't actually play in the old days trying to tell people how it was. In the "old days" you never even got off the coast because everyone spawned with a revolver and there was already 4 people shooting each other every time you spawned. Are people seriously now asking for PvE servers? Holy shit are you playing the wrong game ... Dean Hall would probably kick anyone straight in the nuts if they suggested this to his face.
  6. I know. I also saw tons of my friends who weren't hacking (for some reason) get banned from WarZ because they were so good they shit all over the scrub hackers (corner camping OP) and stat tracking is stupid. I personally hardcore rage-hacked in WarZ for months (lol who didn't?) just to prove they effectively had no anti-cheat and am still not banned to this day because I knew how to completely get around how stupid it is. Also I really wanted to get banned so I had an excuse to quit and was sad that it never happened. I even stream sniped the cheating devs who would spawn shit in for themselves and their friends (the gun the kid is using in the following video wasn't even in the game) on many occasions using names like 101001010110 by shooting like 10 shots all around them then toggling and getting head shots on them and the group of 4+ people they were with and the devs would then even defend me on the stream saying "no I took a bunch of shots first he's probably just good aim". http://www.twitch.tv/weedz420/c/1804725 <shitty quality because I was recording their stream. I'm the one who kills them from "way over by Highway 1" across the map. I was actually like 50 feet away from them. Why would you get banned for 30:1? ... I would consider that a bad round for myself in the new Call of Battlefield series. The vast majority of the kills I get in DayZ (or any other shooter) are head-shots (players and zombies) and I don't go around wasting ammo because it's a survival game. I also know how to control recoil. I don't want to get banned for this because they decide to add something that doesn't even work. Fairfight is useless and wasn't even designed to be an anti-cheat. What it is meant for is to tell an actual anti-cheat "Hey look at this guy harder". There is no point in spending time and resources adding something that does nothing. I even found a thread from BF4 where people are getting banned for being too good including the #1 chopper gunner in the world who was also top 20 in BF3. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065670126678133/1/ Which also has the same retarded response people were saying for WarZ ... "IF you're not hacking and IF you play good just consider DYING sometimes to not be banned and than they also keep the game more *hack free* with this system. so next time, Learn to die sometimes to keep game cleaner" Also ... screen shots? LoLoLoL yeah those do nothing and are the easiest thing to get around. In;B4 "Heclar Chet!" .. I actually used to develop anti-cheat scripts for America's Army. WarZ was one of 2 game's I've ever hacked in. The other was F.3.A.R. because they had no anti-cheat at all and you would get made fun of for not "hacking". Actually most other videos on my stream are from reporting hackers back when I played games on a toaster. TL;DR - FairFight bad ... more like SkillFight
  7. Except limiting the camera to actually being over the shoulder and actually having good 3pp like most 3pp games people will cry exactly the same as they are about this mod. They don't want it fixed they want to keep abusing it.
  8. Yeah it's so stupid easy to cheat just shoot a bunch into the ground there goes your accuracy stat. Intentionally get killed 500 times then start cheating there goes your KD stat
  9. Weedz

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    I used to love camping low level players in WoW who literally couldn't even hit you if you stood there and let them try. KoS was so much easier in that game.
  10. So you're admitting you want it but have no faith in the dev team .... gotcha. Why are you here playing this game again? They probably shouldn't add cars or touch any of the AI or add any other features for that matter just to make sure the game never gets more laggy or has desync ever again. That would probably be the best way to do an alpha development.
  11. Hero's aren't carebears. Carebears are the people who think they are hero's and run up to people with their guns drawn screaming "IMA FRIENDLY" so they get shot in the face and then come of the forums to cry about KoS.
  12. Yep the game is to far gone to the easy mode kids. Kinda sad as the entire point of this game was to be a game like the ones us hardcore gamers grew up on where the enjoyment comes from the fact that it kicks you in the face and makes it as hard as possible and not another mainstream shitshow I can beat with my eyes closed. I guess Rocket gave up on that.
  13. Weedz

    What sorcery is this?

    Yeah they are all sitting near some pond together holding hands singing camp songs and catching and eating frogs. It's fairly obvious.
  14. Weedz

    KoS or Human Nature?

    Well that's weird considering the only people playing it in the first month it was out were all from Arma which is a hardcore mil sim and almost every single one of us was an adult because again it was a mil sim not CoD. There was still KoS as much if not more than there is now because people with fully functioning brains realize this is a multiplayer PvE PvP videogame and crying about getting killed is for babies.
  15. Weedz

    KoS or Human Nature?

    In real life you don't respawn. When the bandits kill you you're dead forever. They will be the only ones still alive.
  16. Weedz

    KoS or Human Nature?

    Actually I'm a bandit and I was joking. And yes I am a sociopathath!
  17. Yep. They literally just hired a 25 person team who have been working together for years making hunting games to do the AI for hunting and Zeds. So basically 1/2 the team is focusing solely on AI. I am perfectly SATISFIED with how they are now and can wait until then.
  18. Yeah lets add WarZ's "anti-cheat"! Because it actually does something ... oh wait nope it's just a piece of shit stat-tracking system that bans players for being too good and ignore's the hackers.
  19. Weedz

    Stuck in building, how do I get out?

    It easy all you have to do is go up to the wall and press
  20. Weedz

    KoS or Human Nature?

    I co-operate with my teammates when we're KoSing. I don't care if people can be trusted ... I'm a bandit. They gonna die. I work 60+ hours a week I seem to manage getting geared up. Why am I gonna spend 29 hours looting like some noob who doesn't know you can just kill people and take their shit and then use it to KoS some more? I am actually 25. In my culture this is considered to be an adult not a child and I believe the game is unrated as it is not yet finished so there is no age requirement other than I think you have to be over 13 to sign for a Alpha test so there should be no children only teenagers or higher.
  21. Weedz

    Stuck in building, how do I get out?

    I usually just use the door. But that only works when god isn't smacking you in the face with Karma.
  22. Well they only made the last few like 2009 - 2012. Dangerous Hunts where there's like bears and wolves that will fuck your shit up and that was pretty good. If the hunting and hostile animals are as good it will be awesome. Especially with like AKs n stuff.
  23. I'd rather have them be annoying than a non-factor Also they just bought the company who made most of the Cabela hunting game's to do the Zombie and animal AI. They are going to be amazing.
  24. Weedz

    Can i run this

    if you play it at 720x640 you'll probably get like 250 FPS
  25. That would be so awesome. I would love if only us real pilots were the only ones who could fly. Would stop me crashing in my noob friends choppers all the time. I would fly but none of them can shoot either ^_^ Would be cool to actually have them fly like real choppers too so I would stop doing barrel rolls and octouple backflips hard landings all the time.