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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Weedz

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Lol when the video ended I opened like 15 of the related ones that popped up :lol: Be back tomorrow ....
  2. Weedz

    Ethnic Discriminations

    You son of a bitch now I'm stuck watching robot chicken clips on Youtube all day! Way to be racist against stoners... When will all the racism in this game / forums end!!!!
  3. Weedz

    South coast spawns?

    That might actually be the plan when they get the map done as the highway loops all the way around now. At the very least they should strongly consider it especially when they start upping the players per server.
  4. As I said I only did it to show my friends that they basically didn't have any anti-cheat. I'm admitting it because I don't hack in any other game so am not afraid of getting banned from anything. If someone wants to submit me to WarZ go for it; I haven't played that game for over a year and never plan to again as all my friends were banned while not even ever having been hacking like 80% of the people in the game do/did. Yes, I worked in close corroboration with Allah and we have all but removed cheating from warfare to make it a level playing field. Also did some for this videogame http://www.americasarmy.com/ before they ruined it with 3.0
  5. ^ People don't care about having something that works and looks good they care about not removing it in the first place. "most people" in the mod think that Epoch, where there are multiple vendors who sell every item in the game all around the map, is a survival game still. Now I'm gonna go play Epoch with my clan where we cruise around in a Humvee with a cannon on top while all using thermal sniper rifles and satchel charges blowing up people's bases. BBL
  6. That's because this isn't something you can have 2 valid disagreeing opinions on. There are people who want something broken fixed and then there are people who want to keep "cheating".
  7. Weedz


    Not even this state of the game just drop it forever. Everyone is just a survivor; I agree having "teams" is not what a sandbox game is about. And like I say all the time ... If you're limiting yourself to 1 play style 24/7 you're missing out on 3/4 of the game. They didn't add the ability to poison people for Hero's. I used to play BF3 just like that video I'd just sneak around behind the enemy and fuck with the sniper-camp-fags. Usually while using recon kit myself ... like it's supposed to be used for because it's [Recon] not [Camping Sniper Scrub].
  8. You don't see 1pp players asking for them to keep looking through walls in the game ... because they have the balls to admit when something is broken and don't want to keep abusing it. There are plenty of examples of 3pp games that aren't horribly broken and actually have a sensible locked camera right over your shoulder so you can't hardcore abuse looking over 12 foot walls, these games also don't have guns that kill in a small fraction of a second because smart developers realize people would abuse corner camping if they could hide 100% protected then pop out and shoot 1 shot killing someone in less time than a human body can even react ... this isn't one of them. There are games that have 3pp cameras like the one in this game. All of those games are single player stealth based games where you are supposed to have a huge advantage over the AI you're supposed to kill all of easily. Anyone who can't admit to this is just lying to themselves about their wanting to keep abusing something they know is broken. It doesn't have to be this exact fix there are plenty of other ways to not have a completely broken "game feature". From other thread People who are being intentionally ignorant so they can keep abusing something they themselves admit is broken have no place taking part in the DEVELOPMENT of a game.
  9. Weedz

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    So you're just blindly ignoring the part where OP acknowledges that it is a problem, says he only uses it because other people do, but then says he doesn't want it fixed? You shouldn't have to do something you know isn't right "to be on a level playing field" the game should have that built in automatically. This game's 3pp is HORRIBLY IMPLEMENTED because the engine was not meant for 3pp PvP games. Go play any other 3pp and the camera is right directly behind your head or over your shoulder and doesn't have a magic FoV slider where you can move your camera back to 15 feet behind you and see over a 12 foot wall.
  10. That gets boring after a while where loot is turned up so high because it's alpha you are back to being fully geared within an hour and are right back to the same problem as you were before you gave your stuff away. If a good player couldn't take on a zombie swarm with just their fists at the moment it would be better but ... I too have pretty much just stopped playing other than for a few hours after patches when I'm done seeing everything that the patch added / changed. Once the hunting / zombie AI that the new 25 dev members are working on it will probably be different but until then ... not so much.
  11. Weedz

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    Try actually reading my post ;) I was talking about the 4th wall mod which is the entire reason OP made this post because as I just said people pointed out over and over that the argument of "I only use it because others do .... but I don't actually want it fixed .... because I'm not using it because other's do I'm really using it because I need the corner camping crutch to succeed." doesn't make any sense at all and makes you look like a scrub. This game is (supposed to be) the opposite of a scrub friendly game ... and as TLC says "We don't want no scrubs, a scrub is a guy who get's no lovin' from me" Rocket made this game so that even people who've been PC gaming for over 20 years like himself would still get their asses kicked. AKA the exact opposite of 99% of the mainstream games that have come out in the past 10 years.
  12. Weedz

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    So then what is the problem with the mod that removes the ability to cheat and doesn't touch any other aspect of 3pp? Because that is why this thread was started because people pointed out the fallacies of OP's arguments in that thread so OP created this one so he could continue lying about how he's "only using because everyone else does" .... but doesn't want it fixed.
  13. Weedz

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    This. OP is one of the people who lies about "just using it because everyone else does" but than acts like a fix for it is outrageous .... because he wants to keep exploiting 3pp. At least he isn't one of the idiots claiming 3pp is "more realistic" ... Nobody is saying they don't like 3pp people are saying the don't like people abusing the horribly implemented 3pp that the ARMA engine has .... because the ARMA engine was never meant for 3pp PvP games ... it was put in so you could look at your characters / vehicles when playing Co-op.
  14. Weedz

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    Yes there is a huge difference between red and green arrows or your character literally telling you if someone is a bandit or hero ..... And I couldn't really care less about being ignored by a guy who's been on the forums for 6 days and is already trying to turn the game into the shit-show, easy mode, complete opposite of what the game is supposed to be that the mod turned into and puts people on ignore for having a different opinion then themselves. Want to magically know about people who you've never met's kill history which ruins the entire game .... I hear there's this thing called DayZ Mod for ARMA 2 that does that.
  15. Weedz

    South coast spawns?

    Also there is a chance of spawning at Novy Sobor like there has always been.
  16. Weedz

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    I don't care about dying at all. You're the one asking them to add a green or red arrow over people's heads so you automatically know you have to run away from people. I actually risk going up and talking to people.
  17. Weedz

    Spreading disease ?

    Yep. Well maybe a little more complicated but it shouldn't be so stupid that you need to have a chart beside you to see "Okay hhhmmmm I'm bleeding out my left ear while vomiting and it says my third toe on my right foot tingles ..... and that means I have .... Cocaine withdrawals! Awww shit that stuff is mad rare better just kill myself."
  18. Weedz

    South coast spawns?

    I think it's actually something like that officially. You were on a boat trying to escape infection and your boat sank or something.
  19. Weedz

    Spreading disease ?

    We already had disease in the mod. You would start coughing and could infect your friends if you stayed near them. That's what Antibiotics were for.
  20. Weedz

    Ethnic Discriminations

    This. They were just fucking with you and would have shot you even if you said you were German like them.
  21. Weedz

    South coast spawns?

    And like bases and storage containers .... or the map actually being done.
  22. Weedz

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    Lol that's cute, you think I'm gonna let you see me before I shoot you in the back of the head.
  23. Weedz

    We need these. Now. Seriously. Now.

    I know, they were invented 15 minutes away from where I live .... because something was invented in America the rest of the world can't use it ....? Are you in Al-Qaeda or something? Better shut your computer and internet off and sell them. Those are American too.
  24. Weedz

    South coast spawns?

    Belucha happened /thread p.s. Belucha is what my group calls Balota
  25. Weedz

    We need these. Now. Seriously. Now.

    I like the part where OP's picture is a police force in China ...