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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Weedz

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    You posted a picture of the aimbot hack which is not even yet released and won't have anything other than an aimbot and an 800M esp. <snip> Orlok says: sorry, too much googleable stuff. Your post got deleted because you directly linked to the VIP hacking website which is stupid and against the rules.
  2. Lol yeah I get out of work at 7AM EST and log in and the sun is setting every day. Tons of fun! And again that's 7 AM ... in the country the servers are in.
  3. Weedz

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    This right here. The only evidence I've been able to find was on the one free hack website that isn't ever reliable and like 5 people with 10 posts saying they are doing it with no videos or even screenshots saying they are using [A well known program] which is the easiest possible thing to detect as it's for single player games and forcefully injects code into the game. The only screenshot showing the actual hack is from the mod and has [repair vehicle] (not talking about the one with the ESP boxes I'm talking the spawning and god mode one). The only believable one is the 1 most popular VIP hack website that everyone knows about which is only an aimbot and esp. Not god mode or spawning items. None of the other VIP hack sites have anything even said about the standalone yet that isn't from months ago. It is 10% probable that people might be doing it but I've yet to see 1 shred of actual proof that I couldn't have made myself in MS paint in 2 minutes and 1/2 of the 2 hack screenshots out their is clearly from the mod.
  4. Weedz

    Guns too Over powered at moment !

    5.56 does way more damage than 7.62 AK bullets go right through people 5.56 tumbles and fragments inside the person so the bullet can't be removed and the person can't be saved Especially true when talking military FMJ which the guns you'd be finding in a barracks would be.
  5. Weedz

    Guns too Over powered at moment !

    Nerf sniper rifles! Their Time to Kill of 1 bullet is totally not fair compared to an M4A1 needing 2 bullets! WTF is this learn to balance PvP BLARRRGH CoD 360NOSCOPEMLGPRO
  6. Weedz

    Guns too Over powered at moment !

    Yeah put it back to needing 14 makarov shots to kill someone! That was so awesome!
  7. Weedz

    What I think the night should look like;

    Night time; Brought to you by people who don't live and have never been to the countryside at night.
  8. Weedz

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Which brings you to a website with 1 thread which doesn't even have a link to download the imaginary hack and is using pictures of an old hack from the mod to show it's working .... Repair Vehicle ... man that's weird those aren't even in the game. And why is it using the textures from the mod not the standalone? ... idiots. There WAS a speed "hack" (lagswitch) working but it got broke in the patch.
  9. Weedz

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Yeah if you illegally hack into the actual servers. Also here is the entire feature list for the hack that again is not yet even released and will only be available to 50$ a month customers .... an aimbot and a radar ... that is it. Stop crying about invincible ninjas who can teleport and 1 shot buildings with an axe. Fe@tures A!mbot :Radar :Correct!ons :Protect!on :KeyB!nder :Prof!le System :Graph!cal User Interface (GUI) :Help Files: Post a VIDEO of people doing what you are claiming not quotes from random people with 10 posts on a website that doesn't even make hacks.
  10. Weedz

    Standalone is an empty wasteland

    I bought the game, logged into the most populated server at 39/40 that had been up for hours, and found loot in the first 3 houses I went into.
  11. Weedz

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    UNRELEASED HACK THAT WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE TO PEOPLE WHO PAY 50$ A MONTH WHEN IT IS RELEASED. The only features listed on the hack that isn't out yet is an aimbot and a ESP that works only within 800M. People are not teleporting and will not be, nor will there be god mode, or spawning in loot. If you are going to cry about hacks at least look the shit up for yourself before crying about hacks that don't even exist to the public yet or things that are not and never will be possible without physically hacking into the servers where the game is running from.
  12. Weedz

    Drink disinfectant....why?

    Then why are you posting this thread?
  13. Weedz

    Standalone is an empty wasteland

    People who aren't finding loot aren't looking where loot now spawns.
  14. Weedz

    Rocket should relax!

    SURVIVORS: 191,360 I think it's being received well.
  15. You can walk up to a door, look at it, then click open and it actually opens ... without even breaking your leg! /thread
  16. Weedz

    Alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

    For sure. Also first letter of alphabet so must come out jan 1ST
  17. I joined the most populated server my first login. First house I went in I found like 8 pieces of food 2nd house an 80 canteen
  18. This isn't a game is a zombie apocalypse simulator. Zombie apocalypses aren't fun.
  19. Weedz

    Alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

    Minecraft was also an alpha for well over a year and a beta for even longer.
  20. Weedz

    sick how to cure besides antibiotics?

    Might be just that if you have good nutrition still
  21. Weedz

    sick how to cure besides antibiotics?

    probably will stay that way. This isn't the noob easy mode mod. You are supposed to die ... a lot.
  22. are those 1st person only? Please God yes
  23. Weedz

    where you find the best loot?

    Balota so far because I haven't made it north yet but hopefully the loot is spread pretty good now as its supposed to be.
  24. Only giant page long rage posts Im seeing is fanboys telling people not to post bugs or give feedback... during an alpha test