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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Weedz

    Killing Bandits for fun

    Being terrible at video games? Yeah you're right i'll never understand that.
  2. Weedz

    Killing Bandits for fun

    A bunch of 12 year old dying 3 times each and killing people in their own group to take out 1 or 2 guys ... wow thanks for posting that ....
  3. Weedz

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    You should stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
  4. Weedz

    what is 2nd person view?

    2nd person video game
  5. Weedz

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    Only viable thing is beards and only if you can cut people's off if you handcuff them.
  6. Weedz

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    It's so nice. I love knowing exactly where I am as my friends are telling me they are in backwards R (space invaders) W town
  7. You got shot by an M4 and tried to combat log so gratz on making yourself look like an idiot and a loser 12 year old cheater at the same time?
  8. Weedz

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Because Epoch is for losers like them who need everything handed to them? You can build a helicopter in that mod with 1 scrap metal and 1 fuel tank part. It's about as CoD as you can get in the mod. Funny how the kids crying for this stupid idea saying KoSers need to go play CoD want to turn this into a team vs team CoD game because they are to stupid to know it is dumb to walk up to an armed person with your gun on your back and think you're not going to die. That's called being a dumbass not being a hero.
  9. Weedz

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I like how all the idiots saying "HERPADERP go play CoD" then proceed to come up with idiotic ideas like this one that try to change the game into team vs team like CoD. This will never happen. Nor will anything like it. If you want a game that is one team vs the other than you yourself need to .... go play CoD.
  10. This; people who cry about KoS are crying that they suck at the game or are idiots.
  11. Weedz

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I don't know what you're talking about man every time I got the bandit skin it made it impossible for me to ever kill an idiotic pacifist care-bear
  12. Weedz

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    I Killed 1 person. I punched him to death. I've been working on it since launch, just finished.
  13. Weedz

    Why do we KoS?

    This is years after the infection spread if you were a person who would be pissing and shitting in a corner you would have been dead for years already. And yeah people killing other people for food or even no reason at all in un-policed survival situations never happens at all ...
  14. What? No where on that entire page does it say anything about acceleration. Leatrix is to decrease your latency and only works in some MMORPGS where pretty much 100% of the game is serverside.
  15. Weedz

    New backpack! And it's fabulous ;-)

    This was the happiest part of any patch note for me so far for no reason. Keep adding stuff like this and licking batteries and bagging people's heads for the love of god!
  16. Weedz

    The Cult (Role Play)

    lolwut? If you live in a republican state maybe and are using it as "yo let me ax you a quession". But that isn't america as clearly shown by this map P.S. Great idea OP! P.P.S. Just asked my friends from the south and from mid-west to spell it and they said axe too ... so west coast people can't spell maybe? I've never even seen it spelt ax
  17. Weedz

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    See kids this is the post where people should be replying "then go play CoD herpderp" not to people KoSing.
  18. Weedz

    Why do we KoS?

    Tell yourself what ever you need to if it helps you sleep at night
  19. Weedz

    People Suck.

    being an idiot =/= being a hero .... and then they will be forced to fix it :lol:
  20. Weedz

    People Suck.

    Wait you gobbled this guys cock and he still did this to you?
  21. Weedz

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    1st reply in thread says everything that needs to be said and is basically the view of the devs themselves.
  22. Shiiiiiiiiii ... I'll be right back.
  23. And on that day the OP said "WAAAAHHHHHH I can't have a 24/7 daytime PvE only 1000x extra barracks 1000 vehicle server WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"
  24. Weedz

    Why do we KoS?

    In real life you're never going to be struggling just to find food on a daily basis after have witnessed your entire family torn apart by zombies years before and everyone is killing each other .... if you did you would be killing people in cold blood without even thinking twice.
  25. Weedz

    Why do we KoS?

    This and only this. Making the kids who think this is supposed to be a hand-holding skipping down the road simulator stay up at night crying into their pillow gives me happy in pants.