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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Weedz

    can anyone spare ammo?

    Yeah I'll give you 1 or 2 just stay right there and don't move
  2. Weedz

    Why kill someone and not loot them?

    I sure love when the QQ I got shot threads start with "so I was in Elektro"
  3. Sorry OP, we had a pants off dance off and it made us hungry.
  4. That's exactly what the problem is. If something is at 200M you shouldn't ever consider it "sniping". Pretty much anyone who's familiar with and uses guns can hit a human sized target at least 8/10 times at 500M with any AR-15 type weapon. I shoot pest birds with my highpowered BB/pellet-gun off my barn roof at 150M easily from my computer chair leaning way over unbalanced out my bedroom window and that is by far my least accurate "gun".
  5. Look now he is stalling for time because he couldn't find anything. Earth and Venus are very similar too ... but good luck living on Venus. Facts aren't trolling. An SKS is a WW2 rifle with an effective range of under 400M and was designed as a safe fallback in case the AK turned out to be shitty ... which it wasn't. They were replaced almost immediately after being created because they were basically a semi-auto AK-47 ... The original AK-47 made in 1940's not new ones or an AKM which blows an AK-47 away in every aspect. An AKM can be accurate up to 1000M 400 is not slightly more than 1000 The only way you would think an SKS is good is if you've never used one other than in a videogame that made it super accurate and do more damage because it is a semi-auto rifle.
  6. Good point. That is why nobody cares if they are using an M16 or an M4 in combat and I'm sure that having more than 1/4 of the barrel chopped off doesn't have any effect either right? They just wanted to change how it looks but ran out of spray paint. A 10% difference when your numbers are in the thousands is a substantial difference. The fact that you think this is remotely true tells me you're getting your information from CoD not real life.
  7. You know barrel length is pretty much everything with a gun right? Let me know how that sawn-off .50 cal sniper rifle works for you. The barrel is drastically shorter which causes less spin and less muzzle velocity. M16 is for long range accurate engagements (hence the nickname longbow) the M4 is made for modern war on terror close quarters city fighting. Ask any soldier who fought in Iraq or Afghanistan which they would prefer to use. They won't say M16.
  8. Yeah I sure do love it when games make my past years as a professional FPS player and lifetime of owning and operating just about every gun there is mean absolutely nothing. I especially love when they do it so badly my character is a worse shot than I was when I was 5 in real life. Everyone uses it because they can survive out in the elements better and they cost 5$ to make because they are made (badly) in China. Has nothing to do with how good they are. They have a lower rate of fire, lower effective range, lower muzzle velocity and the bullets are much less lethal with a direct hit to a human body (even with body armor 5.56 is still better) as they go right through not fragment and puncture every major organ like 5.56 does. The only thing the AK has going for it is that it is slightly better at penetrating through objects to hit targets behind. Getting hit by an AK is like getting ran through with a long thin knife; getting hit by an M4 is like someone detonating a mini grenade inside your body. How could anyone possibly think that a fatter, heavier, slower traveling, slower spinning bullet could possibly be as accurate? There is a reason they switched to 5.45 with the AK-74 and it wasn't because the 7.62 was too good so they thought they had an unfair advantage. An M16 isn't an M4 ... not even a little bit.
  9. Weedz

    What do a mute person do?

    Text to speech would be cool game feature as the technology is actually usable now but would probably add a ton of lag to the servers and people would just grief with it spamming crap like {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}.
  10. Weedz

    Admin/Server Abuse

    Good thing there are rules for hosting servers so people like you don't turn this into the 1000000 vehicle super loot barracks everywhere shitshow that the mod turned into.
  11. Weedz

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    That was literally the funniest thing I've ever read on any forum ever. I couldn't even read it to my friend on skype I was laughing so hard. How have I not seen this before? He's probably the guy in charge of funneling the funds away from the World Cup event into private bank accounts
  12. Weedz

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    Even if that number is more than 3?
  13. Weedz

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    I've taken the liberty of correcting your horrid spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation for you Mr. Super Genius Level IQ P.S. Surgeons are usually the least intelligent of all doctors as they don't actually need to know anything other than what the human body is supposed to look like on the inside and that blood isn't supposed to be squirting out of your body; next time try going with something like a neurologist or a diagnostician.
  14. I once gave a newspawn a bullet but I think he was allergic because he died shortly after.
  15. Weedz

    Respect the Soldier that Wears a UN Helmet!

    I would respect a UN soldier except for the fact that most of the time I roleplay as someone who has accepted the fact that zombies are now the dominant species of the planet so I do everything in my power to get on their good side like feeding humans with broken legs to them. So basically as someone trying to help humans you are my arch enemy. That outfit's the shit though GJ.
  16. Weedz

    Come check me out-British livestream

    A. no 2. you don't even know how to link properly this isn't the appropriate section for this
  17. Weedz

    How to get out of a wall

    I saw something in some thread it was along the lines of hold W then alt +f4ing or logging out then when you're loading back into a server hold W the whole time you're loading and it puts you like 20 feet in front of where you were. Don't know if that was the exact method but it was something like that. Anyone else find it hilarious that they spent time to "fix" the way to get out of a bug instead of working on the actual bug?
  18. So you're going into the experimental test server to ruin any chance people have of testing weapons ... yeah you're a dick and you should feel like one. The game isn't here for your sole enjoyment this is a very early testing phase. This applies quadrupley or more for the experimental server.
  19. The speed is amazing ... but the fact that they are still horribly broken combined with the respawning horribly and the speed is going in the wrong direction not the right way as will everything the devs do to make them "harder" until they aren't breaking the laws of physics or have the hearing and vision of superman.
  20. Weedz

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    So you're substantially smarter than Stephen Hawking who can do astro-physics calculations off the top of his head and who if not tied with Einstein for smartest person to ever live is probably even slightly more intelligent than him huh? If you really had a high IQ you would know that people who actually have high IQ's couldn't care less about and know that there is no way to test what someone's actual IQ is. We also usually tend to not write like we are teenage bully high school dropouts or resort to insulting people on a videogame's forums simply for playing said videogame. The previously mentioned Mr. Hawking says it best "I have no idea what my IQ is. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers" Try again when you can make up a lie that is even slightly plausible ... kid.
  21. Weedz


    Isn't OP gonna feel like a jackass when it turns out that Terminus At least that's what most signals are pointing too and what I hope happens because the whole [walking through the woods, killing 1-5 zombies, then walking some more / hiding in a relatively "safe" place not doing anything] every episode is getting boring. They need to go back to the formula from the first couple seasons where they bring in a bunch of people every couple episodes so they can kill them all off in awesome ways or kill a couple more main characters off at least. As a bandit I agree bring on "Terminus" in DayZ! This guys knows what's up. They are trying to stay as far away from the comics as they can while still maintaining the overall general idea of the storyline so that unlike shows like Game of Thrones you don't know exactly what or when something is going to happen. There is a "safe zone" in the comics but it's in Virginia and towards the end of the story not 1/4 of the way through in Georgia.
  22. Weedz


    Mixed with the light coming off Venus.
  23. Weedz

    It's too easy to get guns

    You think if the population dropped to 5% instantly (and then continued to drop as the immune were killed) they couldn't survive off canned goods? Hunting isn't a thing that exists either especially not when animal populations skyrocket because humans aren't holding them back anymore. How would you go about restarting civilization when 95% of the former humans are now wandering around attacking and eating anything that isn't like them? Good to know you're a professor of how civilization works after a zombie apocalypse though .... but you know the point of an apocalypse is that civilization doesn't exist anymore right? Especially one of the zombie variety. How did all the rusted out years old car wrecks get all over the roads I wonder?
  24. So why are we once again returning to religious discussion and spouting horrible information like people's lives didn't matter in ancient times (Lolwut?) in a thread about a bug / easter egg? Especially if you don't even know what you're talking about. Book of Job isn't about people's lives not mattering it's about a bet between Satan and God that if all Job's (who is a rich and happy man) possessions and family were taken away would he still worship god ... It's also from the old testament which is basically an ancient Michael Bay movie script. There are copies in game why don't you try picking one up and giving it a read; but don't put it in your bag and log out I hear that causes problems. Bashing on people's religion and then saying "not trying to bash on anyone's beliefs" is like starting a sentence with "not trying to offend anyone but ..." And no I'm not religious.
  25. Yeah they stop when you log out.