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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Weedz

    Dayz in five words or less

    least it ain't WarZ bad
  2. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    .... lolwut? When did I ever say I refuse to play hardcore or that I use 3rd person for immersion .....? I said 3rd person kills immersion because you don't feel like you are your character you feel like you're controlling an avatar ..... Can I have some of what you're smoking please? I don't want any crutches in this game because this isn't Hello Kitty Online this is a sandbox apocalypse survival game.
  3. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    I like it for then too when I'm running through woods or something. Good thing there was a mod for the mod that made it so you could use 3rd person but objects / players that weren't actually in your view you couldn't see until they got into your direct line of sight (not your magic floating cameras sight your actual characters eyes). But I'm sure you can imagine the QQQQQ fest that would cause from all these scrubs if they added it to this game because it would force them to admit they want 3rd person to play like a pansy not to look at their character. That's one thing Kermaterror has going for him he actually says it like it is doesn't try to lie and say he only wants 3rd person to play DayZ barbie dress-up like everyone else. I dub thee king of the pansies and award you the medal of thruth!
  4. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    "Playing a 3pp server is more challenging for PvP....Hardcore = safety blanket for those AFRAID of peekers" - Sir Kermaterror less than 1 hour ago You're a perfect example of the people I was talking about before. If they had originally released DayZ without 3rd person nobody would ever even have given it a thought and nobody would have ever asked for it.
  5. Yeah people seem to lack common sense on here. This is like the guy who made a thread the other day saying not to defibrillate your friends because it will give them a heart attack.
  6. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Because that is literally the exact same thing as playing a first person shooter against every single person on the other team using a wall hack ... not that hard to understand ... which you do yet know you're terrible and couldn't handle not having some way to cheat whether it's built into the game and everyone has the option to use it or not so you're sitting here pretending you're better at the game for using it which just makes you look like more of a scrub. Man I can't wait for the ocean of tears if they make it like the one mod where you can't see what objects or players are around corners in 3rd person unless you actually go around them. #KeepinItReal
  7. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Man you scrubs sure are desperately trying to hold onto that crutch that makes you feel like you aren't terrible at the game because you can kill fresh spawns by magically seeing around corners huh? Pretty funny that someone with a sig about choking combat loggers is so adamantly defending the game's built in wall hack claiming that using it makes you better than people who don't need to "cheat".
  8. Weedz

    Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

    Just like the mod I feel people should dupe as much as possible until it becomes such a problem that the devs are actually forced to care about and easily fix the problem instead of working on licking batteries and making zombies more buggy.
  9. Weedz

    Tent Loot

    Which is sad because that and zombie bugs are the two things that if fixed would make this already be an acceptable full release 30$ game.
  10. :| Shit just got real
  11. Weedz

    Interrupted bambi massacre

    You probably KoSed 2 people who just met up with their friends who had just respawned then you got killed by one of the new spawns after he picked up his friends gun and shot you in the back.
  12. That is for GTA San Andreas multiplayer mod ...... is there any way to get someone from the moderator team to decode this post and ban this trucker for linking hack websites?
  13. Other than the fact that the goal is to eventually never require restarts.
  14. Weedz

    Dayz in five words or less

    This is the best so far
  15. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    One of my friends who I've been gaming with for over 10 years who used to win FPS tournaments with me once said upon learning I was on a Hardcore server "Why? You can't even look around walls" and again ... this is someone who used to participate and win tactical first person shooter competitions with me.
  16. Only other thing new I can think of is Arma 3's inventory system ... oh wait no it's not cuz it's from Arma 3. Not even close to the MMO style architecture we were promised. You know ... the thing that delayed the release by a year. I also like how they said they had done work on the zombie path-finding and it was good and they were "very pleased with it" 11+ months ago.
  17. Yep pretty clear it's the mod ported badly to an old pre-release version of Arma 3 engine.
  18. This game doesn't have zombies it has still living humans who are infected with a R.A.G.E. like virus (like from 28 days later). Their current actions are almost perfect the only problem is the remaining bugs like clipping and being laggy that have been around since day 1. Also you are supposed to feel overwhelmed that is literally the entire point of the game. Enjoy it while it lasts you'll be running around without the need for a map, ignoring the zombies, and being fully geared after 15 minutes like the rest of us soon enough. ... Walking Dead doesn't have zombies either they are walkers :D
  19. Weedz

    Keeping it dapper in the countryside

    Well I say OP you look a right proper rural English gentleman going out to chop some lumber while there is a rabid fox about.
  20. Weedz

    Dayz in five words or less

    Are we talking current state of SA or in general? SA - Fuck this I'm out DayZ in general - Walking in woods simulator 2012
  21. Oh shit was I not supposed to be teaching them the ancient ways?
  22. Weedz

    Battlefield 3 vs DayZ dispersion

    I quit BF3 and never bought BF4 (I had easily over 3000 hours played in BF2 and a little less in the BF games before that) because of this ...
  23. Try actually reading a thread before responding. Try actually reading a thread before responding This has nothing to do with respawning loot
  24. Weedz

    fix it.....

    Aww man that sucks OP.
  25. Weedz

    Go to the forest of trees

    wait for hunting and cooking and tents/boxes I'm all set with loot spawning in the middle of woods so you people who think you're pro at the game by hiding as far away from the closest building as you can possibly get and be near water on empty servers get less bored doing so. I live in one of the most forested areas of the world ... I can't go out into the never been settled woods behind my house and find an assault rifle, a fresh bag of rice, and a can of soda laying on the ground. You know what's out there ... trees, rocks, animals, and very rarely .. wait for it .. tree stands ... that's it. There's already enough random little shacks around the woods there has been since the mod. /thread