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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. Weedz

    Dayz in five words or less

  2. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Don't worry Dagwood give it some time and you'll be like me and understand that these people will never care about or even read your points because they are so firm set in their ways of ruining the game for themselves that they couldn't care less about anything that would go against the crutches they cling onto like it's a life raft. They will in fact most of the time start insulting and using every swear in the book on you if you prove anything they are saying to be false with cold hard facts. As you can see this guy came into a thread about not liking 3rd person view and started spouting off about how people who play on hardcore servers only do it because they are wussies and afraid of corner campers and then brags about how good he is because he corner camps and then saying people who want to play in 1st person on normal servers but can't because everyone else is corner camping are crying because they need a "safety blanket" (not because they don't want to be playing a FPS against "wall hackers"). All this was before I ever posted in the thread and now he's acting all high and mighty like that never happened while reposting it. I call my best friends things much worse than "scrub" on a daily basis.
  3. Weedz

    Organic DayZ experience

    Me and my group that has been together for over 10 years met two people like this in the mod and have been hanging with them for over a year now. One of them we were all cruising down the road like a bike gang on bicycles and saw him running down the road so we all started circling him trying to run him over and he started talking to us and we started talking back; and then a giant ass explosion (probably one of the biggest in DayZ histry) happened like just out of our sight so we all run over even this new guy and it was some hackers "base" who had just teleported every single vehicle on the server, including the boats and choppers (this was on a super vehicle server too), and like 99% of them had blown up and he killed himself. We then played with this new guy for a bit longer, got into one of the like 2 vehicles that hadn't blown up, and eventually invited him onto our coms and he became our friend. The other one was a friendly who didn't have his gun out and I was a new spawn so I ran up and pretended I couldn't talk and was crouched shaking my head yes and no to his questions. I was then secretly sneaking into his backpack on the inventory screen and found a handy little M1911 and some ammo and stole it and robbed him with his own gun. He thought this was hilarious and so did I as it was a complete spur of the moment I wonder if this will work thing so I started playing with him and eventually invited him in too. We've been happily "accidentally" killing each other and robbing newbs ever since.
  4. The game is still selling at almost the same speed as it has been all along. There are not 10's of thousands of hackers rebuying the game every day.
  5. Weedz

    Could please tell me someone where am I?

    Oh yeah lol the new town. I read Russian and I was sitting there like "ughhh there is no town called Черная Поляна ... WTF did I miss a town in my 2 years of playing?!?"
  6. Weedz

    Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

    I haven't tried it in a while but I used to be able to dupe without logging out at all.
  7. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Probably the same that happened to all the mods and the vanilla game .... the shitshow known as Epoch
  8. Weedz

    The Kafu Tribe Event

    I ran out of beans so I can only give you a :thumbsup:
  9. Weedz

    Go to the forest of trees

    Yeah this. Pretty much everything new they are adding is in the new expanded north which wasn't even part of the map in the Mod it was debug island.
  10. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    I feel like this is going to be continued to be said for a long time ... and that saddens me.
  11. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    ... the only people I called scrubs are casual CoD console gamers who are responsible for the recent advent of Hardcore and Casual game modes in shooters (which was the start of the downfall of FPS games and killed the Battlefield series for it's longtime fans) and the guy who's bragging about how he only plays 3pp so he can corner camp and acting like that somehow makes him better than people who play 1st person only (which I also said I respect him for because he's one of the only ones that actually admits it and doesn't try to come up with whatever random excuse he can think of to justify wanting it).
  13. Weedz

    It has happened...

    Not just you that's what the hotfix was for and why the 8000 threads per second crying about it stopped.
  14. Weedz

    How do you embed a tweet in the forum?

    The time / date at the very bottom I think.
  15. Weedz

    The Kafu Tribe Event

    Hello my name is Weedz and I approve this message.
  16. Weedz

    Go to the forest of trees

    Huge dev teams are unmanageable and destroy development projects. 1 Dean Hall is what invented DayZ that's all I need.
  17. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    I like the ones who still cry that it's to dark while cheating and pretend you don't spawn with a flashlight.
  18. Probably none. His point was the surround sound headphones are a gimmick to be more expensive. The sound is coming from 1/2 an inch away from your ear no matter which speaker it's playing out of not 50 feet to your front right or 72 feet to your back left. You're brain is doing all the work still and you're not getting any different effect than you would with stereo headphones. Humans hear in stereo not 5.1 surround sound your brain places the location based pretty much on how long it takes for the sound to reach each ear. You have 4 little shitty cheap speakers in each ear I have 1 big one with a way better magnet system. This is like you putting 8 little low-quality tweeters in the back of your car thinking it's going to be as cool as my giant subwoofer.
  19. No thanks I'll stick with my over 10 year old 10$ neodymium magnet amazing bass stereo Sony headset over your $200 gimmick headset from some random German company I've never heard of that is so bad it doesn't even list their actual specs anywhere and instead use things like feel deep basses as their technical specs.
  20. Weedz

    Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

    Without that, I would quit my boring ass job. I figured out a way to dupe within 2 minutes of my first time logging into the SA without even trying. This is going to be just like the mod every time they fix one dupe method people will find another
  21. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    You're making our argument for us not yourself. That is exactly our point you can't play in 1st person on a 3rd person server because it is the same exact thing as playing Call of Duty against an entire team of wall-hackers. Stop pretending like you're retarded and don't get this it's not making you look cool. You wanting people to play in first person as you're corner camping isn't them wanting a safety blanket it's you admitting you're bad at the game and want an unfair advantage over people who want it to be more immersive and actually have PvP not [corner camping baddie] v [guy you are KoSing with no chance of taking return fire] If you bothered to read the post you would see OP said the 1st person servers are dead all the time because everyone has become too reliant on the corner camping crutch. What's the point of replying to something you didn't even read?
  22. Weedz

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Actually I behave like an adult who grew up playing multiplayer games that didn't have "difficulty" settings because there used to be no such thing as casual gamer scrubs ^ ... quit being a racist
  23. Weedz

    How do you embed a tweet in the forum?

    I just copy paste off twitter and somehow it magically works Ex. Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns Mar 22DayZ is now back online with 0.43, results of the hotfix look very good with the major desync and lag issues gone Expand Don't know if this is what you mean though
  24. If you were Frankie good you could even hear those!