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Everything posted by Weedz

  1. The crutch kiddie is strong in this one And yes if you're playing 3pp so that you can corner camp and don't want this fix than you are a cheating retard. This isn't what I said but I agree with you. This post says everything You want to keep an exploit in the game that ruins it for everyone so ...
  2. Weedz

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    ...... no You're using a country where pistols are illegal to own .... The map is a real place in the Czech Republic. There it is 16.3. That is more than 1.7 million guns. The word Pistol also originated here, they were one of the first places were guns were used on a massive scale in combat, and they have some of the least restrictive gun laws in all of Europe. Chernarus is also a fictional country not Russia or Czech. They could have 10,000 per 100 people for all you know.
  3. WTF dude I'm trying to use his internet stop hogging it. I guess you've never been on another forum? We have the best mods in the history of the internet. You know that BF2 map that takes 4 hours to walk across and has amazing 2014 graphics ... yeah me either. Not even close / yes Everything isn't running server side on the mod
  4. Weedz

    Yo Mods..

    That's not how you guys have your houses decorated?
  5. Weedz

    Ideal Series

    This. Also don't have 15 minutes of walking through woods not looking at anything like most DayZ videos. Also continue shooting people directly in the face point blank when they say the word "friendly" like I do.
  6. Weedz

    Yo Mods..

    Google bot has destroyed all mods. You should have seen the end coming. You were warned. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/151650-robots-will-fucking-destroy-us/ ^also spread that thread to people anyway. Google is literally intentionally turning themselves into Skynet from Terminator as we speak.
  7. I guess you could say .... you were to lazy to google windows mouse settings ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
  8. Weedz

    Do you read notes in game?

    There aren't guns on the forums :D
  9. Weedz

    Do you read notes in game?

    Lol I used to do that all the time in the mods. Would fill my bag and inventory with like 2rng slgs that only had 1 bullet each left in the stack or just random useless crap and run around with a high-end gun that ammo is mad hard to find for and a ghillie suit.
  10. There are programs you can use to play stuff directly off your computer through a virtual mic.
  11. A poll with valid unbiased options that applies to everyone and takes into account that not everyone plays the same way every time?!?!?!? They said it couldn't be done!
  12. I only use 3rd person when I want to watch my character vomiting after eating rotten fruit. It's so much more realistic when I can see his entire body from a detached magic camera floating 15 feet away and the sound sounds like it's coming from way off in front of where I am than it would be if I was using my own characters eyeballs to see the vomit spraying out of my mouth and can hear the sound directly in my ears as if I myself were vomiting. This is definitely the only reason I don't even know what a corner camping is. Some sort of sporting goods store?
  13. Weedz

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    Fixed that for ya It takes place in a fictional former soviet country yes. But NATO / UN forces moved in heavily at the start of the outbreak to try and contain it. Eastern bloc countries also use modern military gear not "old Russian stuff". Some of these countries are where Russia's "stuff" was invented or vastly improved to start with.
  14. ^this People who act like it's impossible to have a shooter without 3pp are hilarious. This engine doesn't even do 3pp correctly to start with. In a 3pp game the camera is supposed to be right over or right beside the back of your head not 57,000 Miles behind you so you can see around the curvature of the Earth and over Mount Everest to what's going on in China. 1pp games were invented to provide the player with greater immersion into the game universe 3pp games were invented to allow the game designer to create a more strongly characterized avatar. To make up for the ability to see around corners slightly (in games that actually know how to do 3pp) Developers make 3pp games mad cartoony, be as unrealistic as possible by having things like wall running and double jumping off walls, and combat usually takes 6+ shots to kill someone so that corner camping is pointless anyway as you still have to run out and shoot someone for a full second before they die. Even sniper rifles in these games are not 1-2 shot kills because GOOD devs know that would be retarded and get horribly abused by corner camping. I don't know about you guys but I want immersion in my sandbox survival horror game not Barbie dress-up time ... especially as you can see your char on the inventory screen and menu anyway.
  15. Weedz

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    That would be amazing but I highly doubt it will happen. That's the thing I hate most about DayZ mod and SA now is I know every map so well that I don't even need a map in the game.
  16. Weedz

    Is this considered KOS?

    I love doing that to my friends. They'll be like "I'm in Kamyshovo killing bambies" Then I'll run over and start shooting at them and they go "oh shit someones shooting me come help" Then I'll kill them and be like "I can't I'm way up at NE airfield" Then I tell them 15 minutes later (And I'm not a dick there is a reason we do stuff like this but would take forever to explain long story short it's because of many many many many accidental TKs over the years we've been playing games together)
  17. Weedz


    That website, like your sense of humor, does not exist.
  18. Weedz

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    I always say something to people or mess with them before I kill them .... unless I hear the words "IMA FRIENDLY IMA FRIENDLY IMA FRIENDLY" Them I just blast them in the face without a word. There are also tons of videos on youtube of people being "bandits" as you describe them and messing with people / robbing them then letting them go.
  19. Weedz

    Is this considered KOS?

    "my friends decide they're gonna KoS the next people they see" "They then KoS 2 people" "Is this KoS?" lolwut? Also you're not a hero if you're running up to people and pretending to be friendly so your friends can come kill them.
  20. Weedz

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    OP says it himself You can enter all buildings - this alone blows away the mod /thread All the "negative" things he can come up with aren't even the problems the game has right now. He's crying about improvements to the game over the mod like they're a bad thing (having unusable junk everywhere like there would be so it actually feels like you're in a real world / rotten fruit to tease you when you're starving / not having guns in every building you go into / gear degradation)
  21. WTF it looks like you get hit by an A-10 II strike This video not only shows hackers but also shows how stupid the cone spread is in the game! Even a blatant hacker's shot placement looks like a 3 year old firing a PKM full auto from a standing position.
  22. 27,262 - players online On a Thursday at mid-day during the school year Looks like it's doing just fine to me ...
  23. Weedz


    Showing you're addicted to the game =/= saying you're good at it /urdumb
  24. Weedz


    Yeah but now you can never play again for more than 59 minutes. Also how much you wanna bet none of these 600+ people have submitted any bug report yet?