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Everything posted by warmonger917

  1. Looking for guys based around the Asia area for decent ping. :beans:
  2. warmonger917

    Shaka Laka BOOOOOM

    how original......
  3. warmonger917

    Survival Servers

  4. warmonger917

    Anyone else bored?

  5. warmonger917

    Game as support / medic / hero... It's quite sad

    Damn LK ...how big of a catastrophe do you need ;)
  6. warmonger917

    Game as support / medic / hero... It's quite sad

    Being caught in a natural disaster in 2004 i can say that the vast majority of people were amazing towards each other in the first instance. Which leads me to believe that human nature isn't as bad as people think, however im sure that the longer the problem went on i.e. a "viral pandemic" then people would become more of a threat to other people if local governments weren't put in place. I dont think it would be as bad as hollywood makes out, but i think borders would become "local" and it would eventualy become very tribal.
  7. warmonger917

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

    This is the new Dayz crowd......I want to cry :(
  8. warmonger917

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    .22 is the only rifle ive ever used (marlin 25) having shot hundreds of rounds with it. I can safely state that even with my cheapy little scope if someone was aiming at me from a 100metres or so i'd be shitting my pants. You can take that to the bank!. Please give the .22 some love and respect it deserves :)
  9. warmonger917

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Anyone saying .22 calibre is weak is either: A. Uneducated B. Capable of shooting his/herself dead whilst cleaning their own firearm C. Telling porkie's
  10. warmonger917

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Wow!! for someone to rant like this and NOT read the "alpha" disclaimer makes me lol....HARD!!.
  11. warmonger917

    I am a cold-blooded murderer

    So you're doing the same thing as 90 percent of the other kids playing Dayz instead of cod over xmas then.
  12. warmonger917


    I found the one north of Berezino, amazing huuuge ship split in half. Had some great loot and was having a great time exploring it until i took a backward step too far for my panoramic screenshot and fell off the top deck and died.... :blush:
  13. warmonger917

    Server hopping is killing this game FAST

    Couldnt we have a 'server code' for loot as such whenever you hopped from server A to server B the loot that is coded to 'server A' stays there or is destroyed. So the more you server hopped youd eventualy end up wearing just your underwear.
  14. 8 cans of beans....Damn!! the smell will keep the zombies away!. Thx for the info though :beans:
  15. warmonger917

    What's some famous last words in Dayz?

    "Dude im friendly, i got this bandit skin from killing bandits"
  16. warmonger917

    Some Suggestions

    All of your points have merit, although i would keep the helicopters in and allow people to have rat hole bases. I seem to recall Rocket saying something about underground type bunker "instances" for players to store gear. As such i think they could be kept away from heli scouts.
  17. Heading to Balota from the north i get to about 300m of the prison block and i notice something...odd I see three players, one has an m4, another an axe and payday mask wearing only underwear and the third is also just in his underwear with his hands up obviously being "interrogated" by the fella pointing the carbine at his head from about 6 feet away. All seems as fine as an S&M military situation can get, until mr axeman who is himself wearing underwear and a payday mask decides to run behind the "bitch" in the situation and axes him in the back of the head. Mr underwear "bitch" panics and runs toward mr "m4" who backs off before firing at poor unarmed and now bleeding mr "bitch" but misses his intended "victim" and shoots and kills mr underwear wearing "axeman". Mr "Bleeding underwear wearing Bitch" then proceeds to combat log leaving Mr "m4" staring down at his axe wielding dead "wingman". i am in fits of laughter as mr "m4" casually shoulders his weapon and jogs off..... Now i ask you.... Wtf were they doing before i turned up that went so horriby wrong?...... :blush:
  18. warmonger917

    Long range sniping videos?? Post if found

    We would feel better if you just deleted this worthless thread
  19. warmonger917

    Today whilst scouting Balota....

    Ill miss you.....
  20. I enjoy your passive aggressive forum manner...it's entertaining
  21. warmonger917

    Today whilst scouting Balota....

    Which is something you could do with...Spellchecker or dictionary springs to mind
  22. Idiotic idea, and not in the spirit of Dayz
  23. warmonger917

    Cant put any item in hand

    Clearly English your second language