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About DMC14

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    Killing Zombies

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    Zombie Killer

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  1. DMC14

    Favorite Weapons

    I HAD A SILENCER and a long range scope (pso-1) on the akm i lost when the server reset last night. luckily i was carrying an m4 as well but if i hadnt of had the m4 i wouldnt of put the akm down to muck around with my inventory. lucky i found a crash site with a SVD about half an hr later no clip or scope though. with the M4 when using iron sights does the background go all blury and double vision when anyone else uses it? i like to zoom in to see in the distance better but it doesnt work with the m4.
  2. DMC14

    Favorite Weapons

    found a PU scope on top of castle ruins good for either a mosin or SKS. (i need a scope for either a m4 or akm) EDIT : I got it for my akm as soon as i jumped of here. then 20 min later server reset and i lost my akm. it took me back about 5 min to a spot where i had dropped my akm to make a silencer for my m4 as my inventory was full AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAarg. i thought i still had 5 min just wanted to search one more building before reset. sucks. on a side note i read on here none of the guns have full auto, my M4 does. how do i change it semi?
  3. I THINK IT JUST HAPPENED TO ME. I reloaded my gun while aiming and the zombies in the area went crazy i thought there must've been someone nearby.
  4. DMC14

    Laggy US servers

    sorry, that sucks then
  5. DMC14

    Unable to Drink

    to drink from the bottle or fill it you gotta put it in your hand while in inventory or hotkey it.
  6. DMC14

    Is the Mosin broken

    your better off with the iz18 thingy. first time i thought i had to find a clip for it. the mosin that is
  7. DMC14

    will there be a map?

    they wont give us maps with markers to my knowledge. but there are maps around the map at the entrance to hike trails, i would like to see a marker on these maps saying you are here like they would on a real hike trail. this is the map but its on a wooden post and frame.
  8. DMC14

    Laggy US servers

    r u in the US
  9. DMC14

    Game Freeze When Opening Inventory

    yeah i had it freeze at the start twice while i was in inventory. always while i was trying to micro manage so i dont try that no more.
  10. DMC14

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

    WHATS WRONG WITH YOU MAN? 24 hrs in game time stupid. no one mentioned real time stop trying to put words in my mouth. moaning? your the one bitching right now we just throwing in our 2 cents all you tough guys have to do is come in here and say no i disagree i like it the way it is. thats it nothing more. you dont need to quote anyone or anything just throw your 2 cents in and leave it at that hero's. look when you registered and when i did, who do you think has more experience on this game right now out of the two of us?
  11. DMC14

    First Player Encounter (Funny)

  12. DMC14

    Is this fun?

    but we need the mods that go with arma like life and that giant map battle mod and the ww2 version where all the humans were on the allies and you get a couple of humans mixed in amongst the bots on the baddies side. i only bought armma 2 to play dayz originally. i only played flashpoint on xbox.
  13. DMC14

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

  14. DMC14

    Is this fun?

    i would guess we will have the opportunity to rent servers at a later date. then set them up like back on the arma 2 days. you could start with a pistol or food or both.
  15. DMC14

    Why the servers keep reseting every 90 minutes ?

    private servers could be reset when ever the owner chose to on pc. after a reset yesterday i went back into the same server and it was raining then there was a reset 20mins later.