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Everything posted by strict_flow

  1. strict_flow


    The longer your character is alive in game hours the longer your beard
  2. strict_flow

    An idea to solve insta-logging

    I'm sure plans already exist to solve this but I had an idea of my own... How about the only way you can insta-log is after you have established 'camp' by building a fire in the woods and securing the camp. (camp would be secure after a minute following the igniting of the fire) Any other forms of logging would leave your character idle on the server for a specific amount of time (2-5 minutes?) This would help defend against server hoppers jumping from server to server while perched on prime advantage points like the tops of buildings or hot spots like military zones. Granted, a lot of hot spots are near forests where players could still log quickly but they would at least have to move/infiltrate an area instead of just logging in and looking around in 3rd person while concealed. Also since the 'flies' are now gone from dead bodies what about hawks circling dead bodies in the air?
  3. strict_flow

    An idea to solve insta-logging

    Under this system anything or anyone would be able to attack or interact with the idle character.
  4. I know there are already some threads on this issue but after reading some comments and talking to a few fellow players it seems that the uncontrollable rubberbanding/ glitching has been resolved for some but it continues to plague my client. Since the character wipe then unwipe and battleye implementation a few days ago I have died multiple times warping out and off of buildings from this new glitch. To explain it further basically my character turns in unpredictable directions, usually a total of 90 degrees approx 2 degrees at a time and moves roughly 10 meters in a period of about 5 seconds. During this time I have no control over any movements in the game. This glitch happens roughly once every 5 to 10 minutes. I haven't seen a post describing in detail their form of rubberbanding/glitching so I made this post to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing, or if it could be a problem with my settings. I have tried numerous servers (at least 5-10) and the same thing has happened. I was playing with a friend last night on the same server and we wasn't experiencing any of the symptoms I was. Just to reiterate, this only recently started happening a few days ago. This is not the same rubberbanding where your character goes back 5 minutes (roughly 200 meters) and freezes your client forcing you to hard reset. To be more specific, this problem occurs in both cities and in the wilderness. Also I play on official DAYZ servers. Input appreciated, Thanks
  5. strict_flow

    Explosions-possible hack?

    I know that gas stations explode. Was it near one?
  6. strict_flow

    Mass Character Reset!?

    The amount of lag and rubberbanding that seems to have come along with the reset has rendered the game virtually unplayable. I don't really care about my character, the new lag is unbearable.
  7. strict_flow

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    Go to Youtube, type in "Dayz standalone" and watch the first video. In the first few minutes the guy shows his video settings. I copied his exactly and my frames instantly became infinitely better and the game runs smoother all around as a whole
  8. strict_flow

    So... can you be that good?

    Just because something is online doesn't mean its automatically always going to have game ruining hackers.. Think about online gambling/poker websites or online banking. The key is in the design. Sure there will always be a small amount of it and I can tolerate that. I just don't want every 15 year old so schmo to have easy access to hacks like the Day Z Mod.
  9. strict_flow

    Need assistance

    first things first. www.dayzdb.com Goto the standalone map and always have it opened while you are playing. When you spawn look for signs in the closest town and refer to your map that you have opened in the background to figure out where you are. The signs will be in Russian so make sure you are looking at the Russian wording on dayZdb, not the English translation. After that the world is yours. Its a sandbox game you can really do whatever you want.. loot houses, get food, drink and head north to less populated towns to acquire guns/ammo.. stay up north and shoot zombies to perfect your aim or come back along the coast and stalk players. The last piece of advice i can give you is to always use the "ALT" key and be constantly looking around when you're running. Oh, and dont run in a straight line.. EVER haha
  10. strict_flow

    So... can you be that good?

    This is why I would have no problem paying monthly for this game to ensure stable lag free servers, which would allow for a greater amount of people per server and constant hack monitoring. There are plenty of games that have eliminated cheating or thwart it before it hurts the integrity of the game. They have something really special here and I would like it to not be ruined. Bring in 20MM in revenue on an alpha release with zero marketing? That is special indeed. It might be time to triple/quadruple the design team numbers.
  11. strict_flow

    So... can you be that good?

    This is a shame to learn. Eliminating hacking from the game should be the number one priority of the devs. In my opinion it completely spoils the game.
  12. strict_flow

    So... can you be that good?

    Interesting.. I have had some head scratching deaths as well. Can anyone confirm that there is hacking or no hacking in standalone? I know it was rampant in the mod and frankly that is what spoiled it for me.
  13. 29 east coast steam name same as forum name.
  14. strict_flow

    Book em, Dano

    To my knowledge they are scrap loot.. Useless, much like toilet paper and razors in the mod.
  15. This server is great. Played for about an hour today. We need to get more people on here. I love how the op weapons are removed.
  16. strict_flow

    So I'm 5 days into DayZ..

    5 days into the game now and I thought I would share some thoughts and opinions about the game. First off I like many I bought Arma 2 solely to play the DayZ mod like many. It is definitely worth the 30 dollars on steam. (add me strict_flow) Looking for teammates. A few things I've learned: - A very small percentage that play are actually friendly. I am shot at on sight 95% of the time - Towns are where all the action is - It is difficult to get properly equipped on a populated server when you are playing alone. - Zombies spot you incredibly easy unless you are crawling around, and even then they still spot you at times. A few dislikes or things I would like to be changed: - When I die, show me how i died!! Often times I don't know if it was a player or a zombie that killed me. I don't want the game to show an instant replay and give away a players position like COD but I would like to know the name, weapon and where in the body the kill shot was delivered. - The zombie AI in this game is very good. almost too good. I don't like how zombies seem to gravitate towards players regardless of distance. I don't mind how they spawn and when they spawn. It's how the zombies move after spawning. There movement should be as random as possible. If it is maybe I'm just imagining things. - The new patch got rid of the debug monitor? I now have no way to tell how many hit points (blood) I have left - the whole inventory system is a nightmare for a new player. I am used to it now but I hope it is revamped COMPLETELY for the standalone game. - I think the realism of this game is what has drawn me in. I believe its what makes it truly unique. That being said i think players should get tired from running long distances much like real life. - I was reading somewhere on the forums that said the item inventory that is currently presented is only the tip of the ice burg. I hope this is true. I would like to see the amount of usables increased by 10x. - It seems that there are a lot of players getting bored with the game that are months in. I am hoping the standalone game offers more things to do while still keeping the sandbox feel. Still loving the game 5 days in and I want it to be the same feeling 5 months in. Great job so far to the developers for creating such an interesting game.
  17. Just got randomly infected by a zombie. Really lame. Now I'm basically screwed because I don't have antibiotics and I've never even seen them right? Infection never goes away and i just cough and cough. Any medics out there?
  18. strict_flow

    Infection = Your f@cked

    Forgot to mention when you log back in your unconscious for like 5 min. Lesson of the day - don't get an infection.
  19. strict_flow

    ]TPG[ Total Punishment Gaming - Community Recruitment

    sent you a steam request. I'd like to join
  20. strict_flow

    Creating a group

  21. i play late as well steam : strict_flow dayz : GP
  22. sent you a msg on skype no reply.
  23. also looking for ppl to play with. 28 just got the game.
  24. strict_flow

    looking to partner up

    Looking for someone to play with. Invite sent