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Everything posted by florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

  1. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Standalone - Usable Indoor Fireplaces I've already posted this idea in short form into the Weekly Suggestion Thread on reddit a while ago and people seemed to have liked it. So I'm curious now what you guys think of it! Now that in the Standalone almost every building will be entereable it would be a shame to only have them used to hide loot. It would be nice to have more interactions inside buildings. From what I've seen in the mod and the almost every civilian house has a fireplace or wood stove inside.So my idea is that players should be able to light them (using wood & matches) and use them for cooking and warming up. Being in an probably cleaner environment than an outdoor fireplace, using these could give a little bonus on the food's blood regeneration rate and preservability. During very severe weather houses with fireplace should be the only place where you can maintain a fire and cook (unless you've got a hobo stove?). When you are using the fireplace though you might attract some bandits who see the smoke coming from the chimney. Or maybe even find a friend in the apocalypse - either way FUN guaranteed!Just imagine wandering through the wilds at dusk during shitty weather seeing a house in the distance with warm glowing windows and smoke coming from the chimney. You're freezing and hungry - what would you do? I think it wouldn't be too hard to implement but adding a lot to the game's immersion. But what do I know :lol: TL;DR: Make indoor fireplaces / stoves usable for cooking, smoke out of chimney & light from windows when used.
  2. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Bump for more coziness in Chernarus!
  3. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

  4. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Yeah, you can already find those gas stoves indoors with gas tanks on the outside on many of the houses in vanilla dayz mod. I'd like the idea of making it rare to find a not empty gas tank.
  5. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Time for the monthly bump.
  6. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    Oh man how cool it would be exploring a big abondoned circus or even whole funfair. I can imagine so many terrifying things they could do with it. Like cages with rotten corpses of starved circus animals inside, zombies in clown costumes, abandoned amusement rides. The people of Chernarus could really need a place to have fun.
  7. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

  8. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Since this suggestion has already gotten 42 beans it would be nice to hear the opinion of maybe a dev or even a mod on this idea :)
  9. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

  10. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Hmm I don't see a problem with that. It's definately interesting to know what the community wants to see the most. I think it's better for suggestions to think outside of technical limitations. That's for the developers to decide what/when/how to implement those ideas based on the collected data.
  11. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Please make sure to vote for this suggestion in DrBigMoney's suggestion poll on reddit if you want to support it ;) You can find it under 'Environment'.
  12. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

  13. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Cooking at campfire

    Currently in the mod cooking is way too fast and there is no real risk involved. Make it so it takes at least a minute to cook your meat. A minute in which you can chill by the fire with your friends and be exposed to the danger of being detected. The meat should be visible and change it's appearance when it's eatable. The sizzling sound of meat juice dropping into the flames could be an acoustic indicator when it's ready. When it's over the fire for too long the meat is black and inedible. Please check out my other suggestion involving fire that also encourages player interactions.
  14. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Thank you. Looking forward to your map!
  15. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Aaaaaaaand another bump.
  16. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Also check out my other suggestion for an improved cooking process. Would like to know your thoughts on it.
  17. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Yes, it's taken from this .
  18. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

  19. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Cooking at campfire

  20. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Cooking at campfire

    It could be made so that shortly before it get's inedible the steak will be in it's best condition. So you could just wait ~1min to get it done quickly or wait ~5 min to get a little bonus on blood regeneration or something. The durations may differ a little every time so you can't just set a timer but actually have to look at and listen to the meat :D
  21. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Really nice project you're working on. I will keep an eye on your blog! ;) Especially liked this part: "...you should be able to throw a grenade into the chimney from outside, and if you aim is good enough, it should fall down the stack and explode in the fireplace, killing everyone around the fire..." Hope they make that happen in SA - I wanna see a grenade fall into my soup while cooking :thumbsup:
  22. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Just played the new mod 'Breaking Point' and saw this in Elektro: So yeah smoke from chimneys is something that is already working in the mod. :thumbsup:
  23. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

  24. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Made this wallpaper for my suggestion about usable indoor fireplaces. This is the original screenshot.
  25. florian.de.los.santos@googlemail.com

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    A good fire steel can be used for approximately 12000 ignitions. So that could last you for several years and even decades! Adding a limitation would just be unnecessary and end up making it more unrealistic. Some simple tools can simply last for a life time. They just need to make them somewhat rare so that shouldn't be a problem gameplay-wise.