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About Bsur

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. does the new winter clothing as seen here: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/436072181615847867/D74CBD498E131894BFD49EC37254E58FB888159E/hint at snow areas being added in the future?
  2. Bsur

    Unedited DayZ Screenshots

    some DayZ Screenshots that turned out alright. no editing, 2 characters and many different lightsources such as chemlights were used. to hide the crosshair i just turned my characters head. hope you like them. here you can find a couple more: http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/Bsur/library/DayZ?sort=3&page=1
  3. if you want shock value you simply have to play first person and get up north. find a good private hive and go. in first person you will find yourself actually bumping into people around corners and walls, other than just spotting them too early. i am playing on a first person pvp server and have almost crapped myself a couple of times now.
  4. Bsur

    dark nights, when?

    no they are not, hence this thread. genius.
  5. Bsur

    dark nights, when?

    i still dont know how to reply to this.. did you read the thread?
  6. Bsur

    dark nights, when?

    that would be positive in my book. :<
  7. Bsur

    dark nights, when?

    regarding the gamma comments: turning gamma up is not an option for anyone willing to play legit. you dont dupe because it "gives you and advantage" either, do you? even tho i prefer them over the days, the current nights are not dark enough for my tastes. forcing people to use lights would make for amazing gameplay, also making nightvision spawn in northern locations would drive alot of people away from the coast.
  8. Bsur

    dark nights, when?

    well how about making it random? sometimes nights could be pitch black, other times lighter, like they currently are. maybe have 5 different stages of darkness and randomize them.
  9. Bsur

    dark nights, when?

    when will there finally be dark nights again? my best PvP memories from the mod happened during night times, in the standalone there is absolutely no use for lights yet. obviously night vision should also be included when dark nights make a return. dark night times, unlike the current ones offer much more playground and space for creativity and should be a major part of dayz gameplay.
  10. Bsur

    they killed DayZ for me and many others

    if the goal is to find 1 can of food per 10 towns looted then enjoy fighting starvation with berries. i do not require people who play on third person or even public servers to tell me what the game is supposed to be. this patch is atrocious.
  11. Bsur

    they killed DayZ for me and many others

    in NO possible way can you justify delaying the development speed of the game by months, if not years by replacing a somewhat working loot system with one that has had zero effort put into it. this patch is an insult to loyal fans and a major downgrade to the game. i WANT to like the game, but this patch is making it rather difficult.
  12. Bsur

    just randomly died

    EDIT: okay after the respawn timer my character was properly logged in and nothing was lost, whatever. yea logged my fully geared character in, died (not to anything legit) and got kicked of the server at the same time. join a different server -> respawing in 3329487302947´ökfhödkhölü+küfjpüsrtd+. what is this shit?
  13. after not playing for a while (it all just worked fine in the first weeks) im now in the mood to do so again, however since the most recent patches i have problems respawing: when i press respawn and wait 30 seconds, nothing happens after. i get the "please wait..." message and it just wont get me back into the game. when i decide to relog or choose another server, the first message i get is "you are dead" and said first problem occurs, or i cant even choose the respawn option at all. the only way i can respawn is after restarting the game, but that cant be intended, can it? am i the only one with this problem? how do i fix it? thanks in advance.
  14. hey, what about 1 repairable tank spawn on the map? it should need alot of parts to repair, and to make it even more rare, players should have to find a manual to drive it. the tank itself shouldnt be able to shoot, that would be kinda ridiculous for dayz. for the manual i thought about something like this: the player who found it has to carry it 1/3/5 days without dying before being able to drive the tank. if the player carrying it dies, it can be picked up again, but the timer resets. thats it, thoughts?
  15. Bsur

    anti riot shield & more

    yes, there is nothing friendly in attacking another person, but when basic survivors attack a hero, he cant shoot back without losing humanity or even his skin.