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Everything posted by james.higgins_88@live.co.uk

  1. james.higgins_88@live.co.uk

    First Minutes in Fallujah

    I found it!!! dw
  2. james.higgins_88@live.co.uk

    First Minutes in Fallujah

    How do you get the map for Dayz?
  3. james.higgins_88@live.co.uk

    A chopper/bus with a bus/chopper attached?

    In arma 2 you can use scripts to attach items to other items. maybe its using a that.
  4. james.higgins_88@live.co.uk

    Buying Helicopter!

    I posted a thread the other week giving away a helicopter. Must be gone by now left it in stary!
  5. james.higgins_88@live.co.uk

    You know this is a good game when...

    When things can still suprise you
  6. james.higgins_88@live.co.uk

    first come first serve

    Ive left my heli in stary sobor by the barracks if anyone wants it. on DE 1512