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Everything posted by mikyjax

  1. mikyjax

    DayZ API

    Yeah already thought that would be awesome to see through rockets eyes^^ Sure there are some funny informations out there :p
  2. mikyjax

    Knowledge / Learning

    Because it s realistic? And this game is a kinda post-apocaliptic simulation. Why would it ruin the game? most of people say that, I still didn't read a single good explaination about that fact.
  3. mikyjax

    Knowledge / Learning

    Regarding to the average life expectency the more logical way to implement this is the class system you all dislike ^^ And I still believe it s the best think to do. You don't learn to repair chopper or fly it reading a book you found 10 feets away... that is bullshit. We have to spawn with a random class. once you re mechanist, once your pilot, once your medic ect ect. You don't care about class? no prob, a medic is not forced to heal people, he s not force to only carry bandages either. You re a loner? no prob... but just don't even think of repairing a chopper or flying it. People are cursing to people looking for easy way to do things. But the idea of beeing a loner in a world where people getting together are stronger effraids those same people. Sorry guys, but this a reality, strength in number. Yes it s already an advantage, and it will be more when this system of class will be set up. And so what? you re here to suffer and cry, you already repeated it enough... just suck it up :) You want realism? Add classes, or remove chopper. This game is not a rpg or rts or fps or anything.. this game is a subtil mix of everything to simply be a new and wonderfull game, taking the best from everything else. We are not here to protect this game from other genre. We are here for an experience. Now something not related i want to add for some people: No, this game is not battlefield or cod. But regarding to the sales, most of you played both, bought both and loved both. Never spits on something you loved once, or you will spit on DayZ later.
  4. mikyjax

    Classes of players + chat

    Stock my balls and call yourself a chopper pilot?
  5. mikyjax

    [Suggestion]Not enough realism (yet again)

    lol ;) No really I don't think you can repair a chopper in a post apocaliptic world even if you work hard all your life. And since there is no more internet, looking on youtube for "How to repair a chopper" won't be a solution^^ even if you are a self learner. Same goes to pilot it. Remember the first time you took a chopper in Arma? You probably crashed. But what Dayz need for me is to give VALUE to people. I m sorry but this is almost inexistent for now. You want to be a loner? No prob... Just forget the chopper. This won't force the teamplay, this will only force the teamplay if you want to live something who REQUIRED teamplay. Wich is.. logical. You are a bandit? Well, you need to know that bandits care about the value of a life, at least lot of theim. That will make their choice harder too... do I really shot that medic? Loner can be penalized yes. Just like in reality.
  6. mikyjax

    [Suggestion]Not enough realism (yet again)

    Right now, I imagine Dharion trying to lift off his chopper he tryied to repaired with his bullet in the leg he pulled out. Funny pic, I m laughing hard. "Your ideas would not work in this game for many reasons, classes in this game is terible idea." Great lawyer we got here. Thanks for the help.
  7. mikyjax

    [Suggestion]Not enough realism (yet again)

    And you are totally right. But I don't agree with the "improving skill". When we wake up on chernarus, we were someone before. That s all. Maybe you can choose what you are, maybe you can't. I think if you can't choose wich class you are when you respawn it is more interesting. The process can be pushed forward but maybe it s not needed in Dayz. But a classes idea is definiltly needed in dayz because it s an experience of what would look like zombie apocalipse, what are people is part of the main data for that expercience. We don't care about what it looks like, tf2 was not the first, not the last. That concept would just work well and prevent for shooting without reason to lot of people. And maybe some morrons will stop running cherno - dying - respawn - running cherno if they spawn as a pilot per example.
  8. They are forced to nothing... If they don't want to RP they just have to respawn.. and yes, die. But they would be dead earlier without that option.
  9. And we are back on forced roleplay. If the body stays behind and you shoot it because someone doesn't want to RP, they are effectively punished. Gni??? Without this brilliant idea you're just shot on sight. Now, only roleplay players are punished. If this option exists maybe you won't die. For now... you will die period. And without going that far with kidnapping, incapacitant weaponry would be great... when you feel in danger, you can incapacitate someone without killing him (and you can even loot him if you want)
  10. The only problem of this solution for me is that it could enforce the Kill On Sight thingy.... I thought too of : More you stay alive, shorter is the timer. Shorter is your life, longer is your death timer. (no idea about values) But it would really piss off the new "bad" players, wich is not a good thing. But since the devs never wanted this to be something else than a hard experience, I think it could be a good experience. If Rocket is looking for the EXPERIENCE side of Dayz, create something with a death timer is defenitely a good idea. It has never been done before of course, since it s a total marketing stupid idea... but since rocket doesn't give a shit about that ^^ I don't know, but I really do thing there is something to do with a death timer. This option punishes nobody but careless people.
  11. 1. When I established a positive contact with someone, we go skype or teamspeak because voip is fucked for now. It s logical and Ok. For all the rest, teamspeak, skype, muble ect. equals cheats. Is there a way to prevent this? I mean, once the VOIP will be fixed in OA, will it be possible to detect those software? If not i'll use my imagination and will try to convince myself those guys have a radio. Can honnest people have radio equipement too? (with batteries ect...) 2. Remove possibility to jump from servers. (already working on I think) 3. People get infected when bit, there is a bar on the right, if you didn't find your daily cure and reach a certain level on that bar, you start having symptoms : sudden pains (with player voice pain sound), horrible visions going on briefly on screen (that would freak me out^^) and blood goind slowly down. When you reach that level, at anytime you can turn to a AI zombie (and die and respawn) that zombie will keep your loot and loose what it got in hands. That will add a dimension in the game since your teamate will probably want to kill you when you reach that level. Some will try to hide they reached that level, other will tell their friend to walk away, other will ask to get killed.. that can bring so much fun. 4. People staying away from civilization start loosing their mind: Vision (they see zombies coming to theim and shoot at theim but there is nothing, revealing their positions and maybe attracting real zombies) you are never sure if you have vision or if it s real. You need to talk to people to put that jauge back up. People who just want to be loner will have to find a dog (maybe coming soon I heard) if they don't want to get crazy too fast. 5. A beefsteack and a can of bean never regenerated your blood that much. You want a blood transfusion? Find someone to give it to you, that s all. This game needs interraction, you want it or not, this game is based on that. There is no good guys, no bandits, only survivors making choices. BTW, when VOIP will be fixed, buy a microphone, a good one, I think in this game your speech can be a better weapon than a rifle... I hope so and i'll shoot at sight everybody not willing to answer on mic^^ (or sadly not posessing one) Thanks for this game! Mike
  12. mikyjax

    Realistic Chat Groups

    Yes with bind, not with voice. Scream à 3 o'clock doesn't sound good for neigbourhood+ it s not hard to code I think it s NOT possible. If you scream into your mic it will saturate... that s all you will have. You can hit 10 db wispering against your mic and same time be unaudible if shouting like crazy far from your mic. So the only solution is key binding. (only CHKillroy can scream in his microphone, and we all thanks him to do so^^) Mike
  13. +1 franklin That would be awesome!
  14. mikyjax

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    That would be just .. Too great... And agreed... couldn't stand him to die^^
  15. Arma 2 is ready for wind modification... Since it works in ACE. So it s probably "Not that hard" to implement. And yes, like in ace, that would be awesome... About Z's , not sure they could have a better nose than us. They already hear and see very well. Or you have to base their faculties on that. But the rest must then goes down. Because if they got good view, good ear and good nose... Man, hope they will never pick a rifle. Mike
  16. mikyjax

    The team work philosophy (Shoot on sight / group play)

    Totally agreed on all you said guys. I would add : Remove the killing mention "Nickname was killed" You want to know if someone is killed? man... there is a function called check pulse so walk :p (we could even add a function "fake dead"^^) And replace the "salute" by agitating arms in a friendly ways. Mike
  17. Hello guys, I m currently working on a website where people can write their stories in a logbook. Concept: Everything is based on your player ID you can find in arma. When you die, you just give your ID. The killer and everybody willing it will be able to check your log on the site. I m a dick in design and html but I can handle the php mysql part, so I need someone to make the first page of the website. Here are the features: On the site you have four main links: Welcome : explaining the concept Last deads : A list of nickname and server of recent dead people. Your logbook: (the main feature) First you need to login and create your character on the website. When you want, you write in your notebook. When a new day start, you click on "add day". You will have the possibility to edit anything you write. Each day are automatically added to your profile, so are zombie and people you kill. You can of course add link of videos or sound recording. One day you get killed. You have to give to the player your ID + the number of your life, it will be something like : 1546788-4 Then you leave the game and you just have to Close your logbook. Once it s closed you have the possibility to write a post-mortem letter to your killer (you can write it before getting killed also for more realism). Then the website will ask you on wich server you were killed (initial + number), the hour of your death and the name of your killer. (all those information are not forced, it s just to be sure that your killer will be able to find your log if he didn't write your logbook ID.) Once your Notebook is closed and only. You appear in the recent dead and your killer is able to find your logbook. You are now able to start a fresh one. Your killer and everybody is able to see your logbook and your previous logbooks. Each informations like the number of zombie killed and so on and so on, will be add to your general profile. But your next logbook is empty. Last option : Find your victim. If you want to be part of this project just tell me. I m looking for a guy able to make the html and design job and speak english better than me :/ If you think this Idea sucks, well i m ready to hear it too ^^ Thanks guys. Mike
  18. Hi guys, Tonight I was looting to the airport, in a hangar N/W. A guy was coming to me,crouch in a bluefirestick he droped before. I asked him twice to tell his intentions, both in french and english. He didn't see me and was coming very close.. 4 days I was playing with this char.. I freaked out and headshot him (a survivor smh). No honour, not a nice kill... just a guy crouching who stopped going forward. Shit, one month I play the game, never shot at human player, even not bandit. It was 4 hours ago and I still feel like crap. I stole his stuffs, he got m16, m4a1 CO fully loaded, gps, map, knife, tool kit... everything. Still feel like crap :/ I wasn't able to "apologize" since he just disconnect. So if you recognize yourself, I m sorry. I know how it probably pissed you off and it wasn't intended. Now i m a bandit... gonna be more hard since I don't plan to shoot to somebody again. Now to the dev's, Rocket and the others we don't talk about: Thank you. I never felt like that in a game. When someone you know for 1 hour saves you, bandaging or giving you blood transfusion... The feeling is incredible. It s like.. someone saves you^^ Same when you save someone. And when you kill someone, you really feel like crap (me at least^^) Never a game brought me so many emotions. Never a game was able to make you feel the "Shit I took something to someone". So yes, I think I tell it each time I post, but : THANK YOU for what you all bring to gaming. Mike
  19. I loved the last one :) Very poetic. I m willing to do something like that since i discovered the game.. But I keep waiting that we can clean the screen of all writings before. Keep up the good work!
  20. mikyjax

    is it possible to clear a town?

    Yes I can relate.. In big town I don't care since we can always say : "More zombies heard you.. your bad!" But in small town like in North, it s a lil sad. You try to be stealth, maybe you fucked and it doesn't work, you got a horde in your back you kill theim all... You lost a lot of ammo because of your bad stealth skill... ok fair enough ^^ But at least the town should be cleared. Mike
  21. By the way, I don't know if you agree, but what about the written line: "Nicknam was killed." Isn'it unrealistic? I think I would love to see this message disapear... I guess there are already posts about it. I hate to be sure i m "safe" ^^
  22. Yes... this game is awesome. Proably.. well... simply the best game ever? Maybe mayans were talking about DayZ when they mentionned end of the world in 2012^^
  23. Yes of course, I totally agree Sgt Spam. I m not crying, I won't hesitate between going ahead in my life or kill myself :D That s why I put " " everywhere. I just hate to piss off people ^^ even if the game is "somewhere" based on that :)
  24. It s interresting you say that, I m not sure people got emotionally bad enough to let the loot there. I think if that happened in real life I would have picked the stuff after too (and cry and pee on myself^^). But honnestly, I think that part is the "survivor shit" One guy is "dead" let s make it worth it at least. The stuff I picked on him will be a good help to AVOID contact next time. And it already saved My "life" right after inside a zombie mass attack. So yes. I still try to convince myself it was the stuff to do ^^ Mike
  25. No .. that wasn't sarcastic at all... give so much powerfull emotions in a game is just outstanding... No sarcasm.. it s part of the game. I got kill a lot of time, by survivors or bandits, sometimes sombies^^ So I learnt lesson... that cuve is very impressive too. Because when I started the game, I almost sweard to myself I wouldn't kill ^^ But with "experience" you finally cross the line. This is so crazy and interresting. This is not only a game.. It s a freaking Social experiment who demonstrates so much, even about yourself. Some could say I play too seriously and I can agree ^^. But when game are immersive like that, I just try to play it the more seriously I can. This game has so much to give, so much to show. Mike