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Everything posted by mikyjax

  1. mikyjax

    Low humanity --> gun on respawn

    Not having gun is SUCH a disadvantage, I can agree. But it s maybe coming in the next patch. For everybody. And personaly I would love to experience it, even if I m a "good guy". I don't think this option will remove bandit from the game, really. I defended myself, but never stayed bandit for long. Healing around ect. So be a bandit is never forever. Your call to decide to change or not.
  2. mikyjax

    Low humanity --> gun on respawn

    yes Xant, that s why giving a gun to "good guys" is just giving theim a slight more advantage on that start. Nothing more. + it can add a funny thing. bandit grouping with a survivor on the start. Maybe that can give birth to a nice friendship. Yes once the bandit find a gun maybe he will put a bullet in the survivor's head who helped him. But still, it s tryiable. Since we the goods are dumb enough to forgive :p
  3. NO Probably too unrealistic + guys with crow/flies around will ALWAYS kill you, because they know if they don't stick to their bad behaviour, they will get killed.
  4. mikyjax

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    No makarov at start is the best thing that can happen to dayz. But player must be totaly naked at start... I mean, yes of course he got clothes^^ But no bandage, no food, no water, nothing. So it won't be a target for bandit. The coast will maybe become a place to team up and not a killing spree area. Water, food, bandages are easy findable. We can outsmart zombie now. The only threat is player. But for now, in cherno, if I see someone when scavenging my first stuffes I shot on sight, just not to restart for nothing.. and after all, it s cherno, no law ;) But now, in cherno with this system, if I meet a guy without gun I will try to team up with or at least I won't kill him. It s harder to kill someone when you talked with on direct comms. I know I won't team up with someone not speaking, I won't trust him. But if we scavenge for 3/4 hours together I bet it will be harder to kill me when you'll get a gun. This idea is one of the first who really bring to life the possibility to meet someone in game. Please do it, and please don't raise the possibility to find a makarov. Just remove everything from start, a new game can born, the one I dream of :) It would be nice to be able to holster the gun. So people never know if we have a gun or not.
  5. Yes And remove EVERYTHING ELSE from the start. So new player are NOT an interrest at all for bandit.
  6. mikyjax

    A man's name is only as good as his word

    Of course it would be wonderfull. But, this is a game :) And in this game lot of people Die and change their style play. Once a loner, once a bandit, Once survivor to test different aspect of the game. For now I just tested the Survivor aspect, but a day I will maybe get bored of it and try another face of the game. Switching from survivor is not a problem, but from bandit to survivor... that would be hard. So what, I buy a second occurence of arma? :/ I am deeply with you on the need to give importance to our character, more depth, more interrest, more all you want, but I don't think this is do-able in a game.
  7. mikyjax

    M107 Sniper @ 1100m

    [Laughing hard] I got screwed then :p I didn't even think he was using an unnofficial single mission because now I don't see the point of this vid since this sniper can make so much more than 1 km. I was just like... man, this guy must be the best sneaker ever and he got the balls to take a m107 shot in cherno to jump in his chopper right after. (been quite naive there) Train in the regular mission editor then... no need to install that unofficial mod. And yes, zero your rifle, most practical.
  8. mikyjax

    M107 Sniper @ 1100m

  9. mikyjax

    M107 Sniper @ 1100m

    Shot: Very good M107: very good chopper: Very good Guillie suit: very good Murders : 0 : Now you have my total respect ;)
  10. mikyjax

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Yes, that s why it would be nice to have more explainations about the hiding feature wich like I said remains Awesome. But exhausting in regard of the weight we are carrying seems do-able and interresting in addition to this "hiding feature". Because no matter how powerfull they are when hitting or when detecting. If you can outrun theim in anyway, all of those are useless because they will never be able to touch you.
  11. mikyjax

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    (Today 11:13 PM)rocket Wrote: Additional: * [NEW] You can hide from an infected chasing you Awesome but I m curious about it. For now, we have the same speed than theim, but we are never tired, neither are they. So, what I see coming is people running from beach to their friends up north with hundreds of Z behind theim then just hide to get rid of theim? It reduce the difficulty of handeling Z now. Attract - hide - loot - restart. It s awesome zombies are more realistic but without anything else it reduce again their power. With this new feature, I really think people should get exhausted when running, so yes we can sprint to hide... but we would have to be sure to be able to hide before getting exhausted. Poor Rocket, bugs like suggestions when fixed/added bring others, crazy work you chose^^
  12. mikyjax

    suggestions V1.5

    Zombie must remains AI, you will never kill your friends who can save your loot for when you come back, it won't work, you have no interrest in killing your buddies. AI is quite good at it ;)
  13. mikyjax

    Backpack slot. Alt to Classes/profession. V2.0

    All with you again Bullfrog. This give an advantage to teamplay and in the same time doesn't penalize lone wolf.
  14. mikyjax

    suggestions V1.5

    All those Ideas are good for me Bullfrog :) And yes, the factor that a player should turn zombie is important for me too, but it should only be ex-player, with loot. Not a random zombie spawning like player. Like I said in another post we could have a new jauge on the right with our level of infection. We can have slight symptoms that could alert our friends that we are infected like some pain scream. Because the interresting fact is you can hide to your friend that you are infected, and prey to find medics to heal your infection, probably anti-biotic you have to take often. When your jauge reach a critical level of infection you can turn zombie, but you and your friend won't never exactly know when : the "I think it s time to kill me guys" factor. That phase can last 1 hour like it can last 12 hours, but it remains a big risk to be around you when you are in the critical jauge. Your call to tell your friends or not. Mike
  15. Bugs: 1. Desync. (almost not possible to follow someone for now) 2. Environment damage: doors ect... 3. I save this slot for a feature^^ Features: 1. Build city (zombies stop spawning inside a taken town but come from the woods) 2. Ace mod style (out of breathe/aiming/gear interraction) 3. Acre-like Radio lootable [the sound in direct coms is a pity for now, I can't almost never understand what people say] 4. Remove "X was killed" [will add tension when checking pulse] Thanks again for this brilliant game.
  16. mikyjax

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    It s red because it s a link. And the link (when you click on it) explains what is Motion capture. oO
  17. mikyjax

    Elektro Siege

    Intense. Loved it. :) It s nice to see people playing in pitch black!
  18. mikyjax

    Trackir 5

    Yep it s on your end, but i profit of this topic to ask something about trackir. When my character is running and I look all the way right, or all the way left (180°)he stops running and restart running only when I look 90° right or left. Anybody has same trouble? i guess it s trackIR related since with the "alt" key my char never stops running when looking behind Thanks Mike
  19. mikyjax

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    Thanks a lot. And if i m not mistaking VOIP direct voice should work with this beta patch right?
  20. Hi guys, Probably already in plan, but I think this information is quite too unrealistic to stay. If people want to know if their "prey" is dead.. just walk and check pulse. That will add stress and realism. Mike
  21. mikyjax


    To use the flash light as morse code, that would be great we could turn it on with left click and not the "L" key. We often give brief input to the flash light. The L key can be used to turn it on or off.
  22. mikyjax

    Body Armor

  23. mikyjax

    DayZ API

    It doesn't have to be personal, it s more a global stat i would love... To see how many people killed and loot after That kind of stuff ^^