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Everything posted by mikyjax

  1. mikyjax

    Bury survivor to regain humanity

    Great idea! And it could be an fps improvement on a bigger scale!
  2. mikyjax

    DayZ Diary: Crescendo to Catastrophe

    This is brilliant. I wish my english level would be good enough to understand all the subtilities of your words. I dream of the day when rocket will make those diary findable on bodies and give the possibilities to write in theim from the game... There are so talented people. Thanks OP
  3. Bumb. I really would love to have rocket's reaction about this.
  4. Yep :) But still.... I'm sure bandit, even in a game, is not the good name.
  5. I think the therm "bandit" is far too honorable and respectfull to design people who kill other people unarmed.
  6. mikyjax

    No Weapon = Crapshoot

    Funny how americans can't believe in a life without guns ^^... just kidding.
  7. mikyjax

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    It's not how real movie making work. Do what YOU want to do, show what you want to show. Don't make something to make it work, do something you love or it s already missed :/ You will have lot of answers and nothing really usable, each director make a different movie with the same script. Do what you want to do with your gutts and that s gonna be awesome.
  8. mikyjax

    version 1.7.1 fail?

    Play, make your own mind and come back. Don't repeat what people say, it's not interresting. The teamplay was not the only goal of removing the gun. - it adds crazy thrill (works) - it adds to the fear of death (even big groups are not sure to make it to their body now! it s wonderfull. This becomes more a permadeath)
  9. mikyjax

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    Lol.... "organized bandit crying" interresting.... Man, first, lot of people don't kill guy walking with flash light because this is stupid... Secondly this new rule make sense about permadeath. Even big group are now condemned and pay the price of death. Dayz doesn't incitive any way of playing. Dayz punishes every way of playing ;)
  10. I m in guys. Sounds really interresting.
  11. mikyjax

    Non lethal robbery and "strip searches"

    Yep, this and non lethal weapon ;)
  12. mikyjax

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Rocket said "let s try it" about the no gun... But I don't see it in the [NEW] list. so yes, a confirmation would be awesome...
  13. I understand your thoughts Dallas. I know it s alpha and we'll see where all of this is going. But I certainly doubt that numbers in debug window helped only once for a bug report. Beeing able to printscreen your kill number is not the goal of this mod. This mod is about survival and for now those numbers are a way to show, or remain us, how good at killing we are. Real playing hours (since days mean nothing) and zombie killed are the two only variables we should be able to see. (zombie killed is already not necessary for me). I don't want to know who I killed, I don't want the game to tell me if I must feel gulty or not. If I see a guy shooting another, then another more, I will think "that guy is a threat" I should take him out. I kill him, period. I don't need the game to tell me what kind of player he was. If Humanity remains in the game, then it should restart on each character. Because we are here to experience. Beeing stuck as a bandit is not interresting. We learn from our mistake, that s all what we have after die. Nothing positive or negative, it s a new life, perma-death.
  14. Without a timer it s too easy to thrust and there is no way to backstab. wich is not good for the mod. I don't love this mechanic, it s just better than skin or crowd. But without timer honnestly it s not interresting. The thrust must be hard to get and risky. There is no risk in your mechanic. It should reduce the shot on sight, not the betraying.
  15. Hello everyone. Here is my though: When we spawn, it s always next the beach. Most of us just run to big cities to grab some interresting loots before heading north. That part of the game is 50/50 chance to survive, but we don't give a f*** since we are playing for 10 minuts. If we spawn anywhere on the map (in forest, never in a town) we have to find our way to the first city/village. Then if we want we can go to loot big cities but the travelling expanded the meaning of our character. So we will enter in a big city with much more care. Maybe we already found some interresting stuf on the way, maybe risking cherno is not the good idea. I think this could change the actual bean wars on the coast, and change our habits. Each game must be different and for now it always start the same for me. Hitting big city - find a map - find a compass - maybe a backpack - get the fuck out as soon as possible because now I have something to loose. This feature combined to the "no gun on respawn" should drastically change the game. The option respawn should be possible to use only 3 times in 30 minuts. That means we can kill ourselves because of a buggy respawn but not because we are to far from cherno or our buddies. Mike
  16. mikyjax

    Petition to make Zombies harder.

    This will prevent me to loot zombie for like.. ever. Wonderfull, the NW airfield trip won't ever be the same when dodging between dead soldiers. YES
  17. I don't see the realtion between cod and a random spawn. Lot of people will keep heading to cherno/elektro no matter where they spawn. Because those are big cities, with lot of loots. Nothing will change except that you will enter those cities with more fear of death. And the "cod kiddies" will maybe stop existing since they have a big time to travel, know where they are, ect... before entering cherno.
  18. Very interresting, hope rocket will have a look to your thread. My only "fear" is that most of people, specially in an apocalyptic world, are selfish and don't give a damn about the long term. I see people going in servers where loot is abundant, it s like the "running from night server" aspect. If people are linked to a server, that can be a key tough.
  19. Ok, sorry then, I didn't know. Good! :)
  20. yes that s what I meant, that should work like this: Lets say you can only "friendly" a guy who is in your sight. You didn't shoot, you choose to ask him to be your temporary friend. The guy receive a notification. "someone had you in sight and request friendship" you chose to accept or deny. If you accept both player have a notification " You are friendly with x" This will only disable fire for 3 to 10, it s random and you don't know when it s off.
  21. Well honesty this mechanic is more elegant than the crowd/flies/bandit skin And really permits teamplay. I like it. But before the friendly fire is working it should be checked by both part. "X sent you a request" I don't see it by clicking on the protagonist since it would requier to aim him wich is the opposite of a friendly move. I would go for a menu appearing with all players name where you choose one to add friend. (jeez this game is becoming facebook) Still, an important thing is that this friendly relation can only last about 5 minuts but we don't know exactly when it stops. There is no notification of the "friendly fire off" and you can call it only once by protagonist. So you are "safe" from this guy for 5 minuts, after, all remain possible When you shoot on someone with the friendly fire on, the gun will shoot but won't make dammage. 2 seconds after, the friendly fire will break. (with this time a notification) You can wait something like a lil more than 5 minutes to be sure the friendly fire is not engaged anymore. So betray remains possible.
  22. Totally support this thread. Op is 100% right. To bad the "zombie walking inside" depends of arma engine. Still that would be awesome to change it. In another hand, if we attract more zombie when shotting and ammo are less common, they can be walking inside they will be a HIGH threat. We should start with only a Watch. That can give you the north with the sun and it s realistic to have one. Gun, ammo, food, medical supply... is just a reason for people to shoot you your first minute of gameplay. In the new patch it will be possible to hide from z after agro theim it will add an interresting mechanic with the "no gun at start" The zombie eating people you have to loot seems logical and interresting too. And if you want to outrun zombie it should be interresting to bring theim to a body you saw earlier. Zombie should prefer a frech dead body than running after a living one. Let s say only 5 z's can be eating a body so if your followed by 10 you still have 5 z at your back. Zombie eating a corpse shouldn't be attract by gunshot since they already have what they want. Dead body should have a "eating life" wich means more zombies are eating same time, earlier they will stop. Once a body has been totally eaten it should desapear with all its loot, that will reduce player running to their body position after spawn and be a pain in the arse for team using teamspeak waiting for their friend to come back. Thanks for the thread, very interresting one.
  23. The thing is, teamplay and humanity is nothing related. I m fully with the idea of giving a meaning to teamplay, like build city ect, 100% But the humanity system has nothing to do with that. It can even reduce the teamplay. Exemple: Survivors are trying to build a city, a bandit shows up, his intention is to offer his help to protect the area. After 1 minutes everybody hear the heartbeat going crazy because the "bandit" killed a lot of people. And the bandit got shot. Because of his heartbeat. Another example is that a survivor won't try to team up with guys that sound or look like bandit. And we lost interractions. Because without humanity they would have teamed up and that would have maybe been awesome. +, Looking at numbers top screen helps you to know that the guy is killed. It s like the sentence "X was killed" this removes an aspect of the game. Is the guy camping? is he faking dead to kill me when I come? is he dead? The only way is to get close and check pulse. This will increase the tension. With those numbers, it s lost again. Without talking of guys who want to test the different ways of playing. With this actual humanity system: "no, you were a bandit once, you'll stay a bandit for very long, and to help your transition in a good guy, heart beat of people you come close to will get crazy. Good luck ex-dumbass!" A lot of people stay on killing spree because they know their humanity is to fucked to try another approach of the game. I really do think this humanity system is a mistake. And I totally desagree with some of your posts where you say there are no feeling in killing players. I swear that when I kill someone and I don't see the "bandit killed" increment, I do feel bad for the guy that I killed. Anything you will do about humanity will always divide people and not make theim team up. The humanity system is creating two clans: Bandits and survivors, that s all.
  24. mikyjax

    Dayz as an AntiGame (wall of text warning).

    everybody speaking on the server could create a lot of bandwith use.. so I don't think this is possible. But a solution should be find to counter that. Problem is for now, the direct chat is very bad quality. I usually speak french, I can talk and understand people on skype/ts but in the game it s too hard to understand what people say. The best alternative is something like acre, that could permit to use radio and the 3d spatialization sound, but I read acre couldn't be compatible with dayz so they have to create something like that :( Until an "acre-like" is not built in game, people will use 3rd application to communicate wich I agree is very sad. I m fully with the OP on everything he said ;)