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Everything posted by zackseneters22

  1. zackseneters22

    The Fighting [69th]

    its GetGiggs
  2. zackseneters22

    The Fighting [69th]

    In Game Name: Required Senters Age:19 Hours and days you can play DayZ: 12pm - 12am or laters on most days of the week. How long have you spent playing DayZ and any other Military Simulators? I have been playing dayz since late june. TImes zone:(optional) US Eastern Anything else you would like to add: Optional im looking for a serious team. i am currently in a clan, i like them all but they are very unorginzed.
  3. zackseneters22

    [Video] We don't get mad, we get even.

    You have my beans sir!