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Everything posted by noreaster

  1. noreaster

    DayZ Bug List

    There is a bug/exploit that's been out for a long time where you can map your sprint key to a 3rd party keybinding program and have the program automatically hit the sprint key extremely fast via software. Doing this turns a one hour run into a 10 minute run. Literally. It makes it so there is no fatigue or down time. My friend made a run the other day and crossed the map in 10 minutes. I was like wtf is that all about, that same run would have taken me at least an hour. There was no denying it, so he came clean. So if any of you guys have been wondering how people get geared up and back to their body's so fast to rape your face, now you know. Sorry I can't give you any more technical details about how this works as I don't do it myself and I no longer play with the douche who was exploiting this.
  2. Well it has been repeatedly stated there will be only one year of development for standalone upon release. Also working with the ARMA II engine.... Let us just say your options are somewhat limited, and leave it at that :P
  3. Did you really just compare the DMR to M107/AS50?
  4. noreaster

    Am I going to be banned?

    In other words, you just wanted to share your story.
  5. noreaster

    how is the playerbase now?

    And they sell DayZ in game items for real life money, and the admin's/moderators abuse their privileges, and they think Chernaurus should be packed full with as many people as the game will possibly allow for (to the point of running laggy servers all the time trying to push the limit), and extra buildings, and 4-5 helicopters, and extra cars......blah, blah, blah No thanks.
  6. noreaster

    how is the playerbase now?

    Script users are on every server public and private. It's worse in a way on the whitelisted and private hives because it drives them underground. Instead of being blatant and careless they tell hardly anyone, instead of teleporting all vehicles they simply teleport to the one they want.
  7. "This will help us settle zeds hearing a little more." You say the hearing "remains", so what does the quote above mean?
  8. I see mostly people have completely missed the point of my previous post, so I will reiterate. The fact that I would bet money on at least 70% of the kill on sight mentality being derived from squad based players completely and absolutely voids the argument that lone players should be penalized and not allowed to heal back up as efficiently on the premise that they are the ones out doing all the kill on sight banditry. In fact, as a squad based player from my introduction of dayz until now spanning multiple servers I can tell you for an absolute fact the squad based players are vastly more likely to shoot you for no reason then some lone wolf roaming around by himself. It's all about the Epeen. The Kill/death ratio horseshit that private hives like the BMRF are implementing. ..."Hey guys, look I just shot those two guys repairing tat car in the face" - Then radio silence as he waits for a reaction, a pat on the back.
  9. I would love to get back to pure vanilla, the game as it was meant to be. One helicopter like every 13 days or w/e it used to be, no SUV, regular day/night cycles. That would be amazing. Also remove the M107 and AS50, neither have any place in this game whatsoever as common sense would dictate.
  10. noreaster

    The waking up after being unconscious bug

    I was under the impression that this was just another deliberate implementation of annoyance we have all grown to loath of the Arma engine over the past year. Playing the Arma engine will seriously test your sanity over any period of time.
  11. noreaster

    sometimes dayz hate me

    Trials and tribulations of a true Survivalist my friend.
  12. noreaster

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Isn't it cool how there is an option for people who like to play in first person to play in first person, even if it is a third person enabled server? Those people who prefer first person must be pretty damn happy. They get their own 1st person only servers(which are dead 90% of the time), AND they get to join any 3rd person server they want and also use first person. Now go fire up DayZ Commander and select any mod with the only filter being third person in red (search for third person disabled). I count 30 people total. Now filter for third person in green (search for any mod + third person enabled). To many to bother counting. This is why this argument is so hysterical. You have like 1% of the player base trying to force the other 99% of the player base into playing a style of play they don't want. Third person isn't going anywhere.
  13. I would bet money that at least 70% of the Kill on sight mentality is perpetrated by squad oriented players.
  14. Could you please explain why? It really doesn't make any sense whatsoever. All we are talking about is an IV. Human beings are perfectly capable of administrating their own IV, it happens every day all over the world. Maybe you should stop generalizing all "lone wolves" into people that do no good. Because your flat wrong and your assumptions make quite an ass out of you.
  15. You need a efficient method for lone player to heal themselves back up. Period. This isn't battlefield 3 where you just go commit suicide if your low on health and no one will heal you, then spawn back in again with all your shit. Common sense is severely lacking in DayZ lately.
  16. You really can't figure that one out for yourself?
  17. noreaster

    New 80M aggro radius.

    I had some issues with the zombies for about....2 hours after the patch. Then I realized they are just as stupid as they were before, just in different ways. For instance, I can still shoot the loudest gun in the game in the middle of Elektro, prone and move 10 meters to the corner of a room. The zombie train will ensue, they will basically walk over me and kick me in the face and not see me. Not only that, but now at this point they are actually acting as my security guards for any player that dares try and investigate what is going on in my end of town. How much easier could it possibly be?
  18. noreaster

    Every hero skin is a duck?

    That is kind of a foolish statement, taking into consideration how broken humanity is and always has been. I could be a fresh spawn with a gun and be fired upon by some other fresh spawn with a gun. I shoot back and kill him to defend myself and it makes me a bandit. Honestly in this game there is no true bandit or hero. It's a jumbled mess of code that can't figure it's head from it's arss.
  19. They don't need to be chasing you genius. It is Area of effect, which is fucking retarded. All it does is force people to cntrl + alt+ delete.
  20. noreaster

    Outstanding bugs before new content.

    It's not a roll, it's a somersault. O.O We have already had a combat roll in the game tards. :)
  21. noreaster

    DayZ: Most Private Hives Are Not Real DayZ

    Inch - mile. It is easy to see why Rocket had no interest in these private hives to start out. Why did he cave? To save his own reputation against thug-like attacks from the moding community who are under the impression that they own the rights to every game and/or mod that ever/will ever be released. If you look at the server browser at most times it is those servers which are full 24/7. Those servers and the people who play on them I have no doubt will wind up influencing standalone into exactly what you have described; Having everything handed to you with little to no effort. This is how it go's with every game out there, you give an inch, they want a mile. Until there is little left for that minority which like a challenge and working to achieve goals. Unfortunately catering to these people is vastly more profitable then simply ignoring them. Even if you create server-side settings to appease everyone, the "vanilla servers" will be few and far between, and as you stated they are never really vanilla.
  22. Spent all evening and night playing with three other people yesterday and the best any of us found was a ACU pack. I'm just curious if there is something bugged, if locations have changed, or if it was just made harder to find them? Thanks
  23. Thanks for the info fellas, and this is on Chernaurus.