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Everything posted by x0pticLukeZz

  1. x0pticLukeZz

    UK498 teleport hacker

    * Server this happened on: UK498 * Time that it happened including your timezone: I guess around 00:30-01:00 GMT, maybe slightly earlier * What happened during the incident: I had just been through a camp when someone appeared behind me. I wasn't too sure at this point but I asked him if he just teleported and he said he didn't. He told me someone had raided the camp there and stolen his vehicles. I said it wasn't me as I have never found a vehicle on this server. He then disappeared and reappeared again this time on an ATV - he didn't drive it out of the woods or anything, I saw him just appear on it, leading me to think he must've teleported. I quit at this point, although from the way he was talking it sounded like he was going to bring more vehicles. Not sure about a name or anything, sorry.
  2. x0pticLukeZz

    saving settings

    There are certain settings I like to change like turning off music and changing a few of my keybindings. However, every time I load up the game they reset to their old defaults. How do I save the settings I choose?
  3. x0pticLukeZz

    UK498 Jesus Christ

    * Server this happened on. UK498 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 15:55-16:20 GMT and ongoing * What happened during the incident. The hacker named Jesus Christ teleported several players, killing some, spawning weapons for others, speaking in side chat and admitting his exploits etc. I'd take screenshots but there doesn't seem to be an ingame function.. surely there's server logs that can back me up. Edit: he finally got kicked around 16:26 for a create vehicle restriction
  4. The only problem I have with snipers is the same as some of the other people here. They rarely go for the loot of a killed player, instead they just kill for the sake of it. I can't imagine this going down in a real zombpocalypse, but that's a different question. I believe snipers and camping (and both together) come about because snipers and using sniper rifles have been glorified by other games and as such they're the ultimate goal for many players of DayZ. This is another thing too which perplexes me. I don't see how it's high risk or high reward for that matter. If you play as the camping sniper type, the only risks come from people stumbling upon your tree (which you should be able to hear unless they know you're there and they edge forward) and from other snipers, which you as a skilled individual should be able to discover and counteract. As a camper you would not go for the loot of your kill, making the only reward the knowledge that you killed someone. If you don't camp and instead move around like other players and snipe when you see someone, the risk and rewards are the same as other players. There was someone else I wanted to quote but I forget. They mentioned that a lot of snipers taunt other players for having less skill and big themselves up for using a sniper rifle, no doubt due in part to the glorification of sniping. I'm sure this is something that rattles people's cages and makes them complain, since they never have a chance to defend themselves and prove that they're better than the sniper.
  5. x0pticLukeZz

    UK417 hackers

    Just been on UK417 and there were a bunch of people saying they got killed by hackers etc. One finally teleported to me and killed me, he got kicked for it Hacker Name: Varac My Time zone : GMT Time it Happened: 15:20 What Happened: Teleported behind me, fired about a whole bunch of shots, got kicked
  6. x0pticLukeZz

    Private hive servers

    I'm not really a new player but it's a noob question so I'll post it here. I played DayZ a while ago and recently came back to it to play again; however, I noticed that there are private hive servers now where player gear is specific to that one server. I can't seem to find any of the 'official' ones where my gear will carry over across all servers I log in to. Has this been changed? If not, how come I can't find them in the server list/what names do they have now?
  7. x0pticLukeZz

    The Solo Bandit Survival Guide

    Constructive criticism! There are many people criticising you, not because they can't play the game, but simply because the guide IS bad. I'm sorry. That's the criticism bit, now the constructive bit. I think it would be better if the guide showed you how to survive and loot etc. all along your life time, rather than focusing on people who already have endgame gear. If they have all that stuff, they have no need for a guide. Maybe include some links to charts for finding range with sniper rifles etc. for use until people find rangefinder?
  8. I've seen so many complaints from new and old players alike about the new 'spawn with no gun' feature and the lack of starting equipment and meds that I'm worried it'll be removed. Don't worry, I'm not one of these people to start bashing 'carebears' and all that bs. I just think my suggestion could benefit everyone; those who prefer a starting weapon to be able to defend themselves from the get go and those like me who prefer to start with less. SUGGESTION: You get to choose whether you have a gun or not when you spawn. To make it balanced, (why would someone choose no gun, you may ask) perhaps give those who start with no weapon more food or medication. In a nutshell, players who choose 'gun' would start as they do now but with a makarov and ammo instead of a flashlight, and players who choose 'no gun' would start as they do now but with morphine, more bandages, etc. Your thoughts?
  9. I recently turned bandit myself, I used to be a lone-wolf scavenger type. I personally kill for gear or if I feel the person may be a threat. I never log out in combat or if I've just killed someone and I don't kill just to increase my murder count. I think there's a thin line between playing the bandit role, as I and many others do, and not being immersed in the game at all and just killing for fun/ruining people's fun/etc.
  10. x0pticLukeZz

    Passing out every time i log in

    I've never logged in passed out. Admittedly I've never tried logging out while in combat either, but I've also logged out while the shock symbol was on my screen. I've heard that's meant to knock you out when you come back in but it didn't.
  11. x0pticLukeZz

    Shoot on Sight

    Yet another person who makes some good points but then goes on to ruin all his credibility and respectability by talking about carebears and feeding on tears. I think the game needs PvP and the zombies are pretty much a joke, too, though.
  12. x0pticLukeZz

    Your first unprovoked murder?

    My first unprovoked murder was easy. I was talking to my friend on steam and deciding on a place we would meet up. Eventually I got to the meeting point, a barn, and asked my friend how far off he was. He replied he'd be another 5 minutes or so. After searching one floor of the barn I turn around to see someone up up the opposite stairs... I immediately fill him with a makarov clip (he lagged up the stairs so I'm guessing not all the shots landed) and he goes prone and fires a shot back with his Winchester. I quickly finish him off, unscathed, and gain a whole bunch of tools and a decent weapon. :D
  13. x0pticLukeZz

    Does bleeding eventually stop?

    My bleeding has spontaneously healed before.. interestingly my character continued to bleed (I could see blood spurting out of him) but my blood level was fine and bandages did nothing.
  14. x0pticLukeZz

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I bet bear traps will throw people up in the air or some glitch like that
  15. x0pticLukeZz

    Is DayZ realistic?

  16. x0pticLukeZz

    Are you sure you want to respawn?

    I'd love to see this too. I've never made the mistake myself but I know it'll only be a matter of time. Is this something the DayZ team could do though or is this more an Arma II problem?
  17. x0pticLukeZz

    Rain - Real Effects

    There was one version where temperature was 'bugged' and it did decrease very rapidly. I remember searching around desperately for a suitable building to hide in to wait out the rain. This was also pre-heatpack. I think your idea would be good, but fires should be left alone. Tents are too uncommon and raising their spawn rate would just mean more junk littered across the landscape or more people hoarding stuff outside the map.
  18. x0pticLukeZz

    game ruined for me...

    try and get on servers with the latest version?
  19. x0pticLukeZz

    Congratulations... 1,000,000 Murders

    To be honest I'm surprised the DayZ infected even caused an apocalypse and subsequent decimation of mankind. There are so many more uninfected killing each other that I doubt there would have been an apocalypse at all with the zeds' current incompetence and the survivors' bloodlust. To everyone saying there are many more non-PVP deaths than PVP, I say to you: glitches and respawns.
  20. x0pticLukeZz


    i thought it was a good video.. all the victims were dumb enough to stay on the coast in the dark and so met their demise.
  21. x0pticLukeZz

    Tip: How to see what server you are in.

    I noticed this once and thought it was cool, but I don't think this works on all servers, sadly. At least I've found some that it didn't work on.
  22. x0pticLukeZz

    Why do I see no bandits?

    It's BECAUSE you're north that there's not many people shooting each other. Go to the coast for a sure chance of getting attacked.