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Everything posted by AmberHelios

  1. AmberHelios

    Best DayZ Video on Earth

    true mod fans also realise that dayz is a hack on arma
  2. AmberHelios

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    Love your mr rocket sir.. servers will be up from Musty too
  3. AmberHelios

    Best DayZ Video on Earth

    infinate ammo is not available for admins on the server. the server in question is my test server for my antihack where i test out hacks so i can minimise the effects they have on our servers. all the admins actions on our servers are logged to a file that if any players on our server wish to see they can see it. what we can do in game on our servers is replace lost items due to glitches. none of our admins play on our servers just maintain them. this is not a promotional video in any respect. if any of our playerbase feels unjust they are free to contact me as are any of you. to say that we have these hacks at our disposal on our servers is unjust as we don't perhaps you should ask first instead what was an internal joke about the players views on our servers turns into an attack about my own personal ArmA server.
  4. AmberHelios

    Best DayZ Video on Earth

    we did enjoy making it a lot of the campfire dances didn't make the cut
  5. try tweaking your antihack thats whats causing these issues
  6. need more info boss what mods what's your basic.cfg set at hive on local machine or external ping to the server server side fps
  7. AmberHelios


    its objects being deleted, could be sarge despawning AI could be blurs AH kicking people or deleting objects only when it starts causing desyncs
  8. AmberHelios

    DayZ Commander/Installing

    you can use arma2 free to make co lite make sure the paths are correct in dzc for your installs and arma 2 free is updated to v1.11 and arma2 oa is updated to 1.62
  9. AmberHelios

    HFBServers Help!

    is a freezer about big enough
  10. AmberHelios

    HFBServers Help!

    connect via navicat/hedi or phpmyadmin select the epoch database and run the sql from epoch http://goo.gl/qGrRkS thats the link for the files from there own site or you can find them yourself in the install and download server files part of http://dayzepoch.com/ if you want to do a fresh install delete the database for epoch and run the sql
  11. AmberHelios

    HFBServers Help!

    hello the create vehicles and other things like that do not work with epoch you have to set these things in the init.sqf in your mission file ie MaxVehicleLimit = 150; more can be found here http://dayzepoch.com/wiki/index.php?title=Init.sqf epoch uses a lite version of the database schema this contains different tables to what you are used to the tables used are character_data object_data player_data player_login server_traders //currently not used by epoch was made for an admin side webpage config traders_data trader_items //currently not used by epoch was made for an admin side webpage config trader_tids //currently not used by epoch was made for an admin side webpage config if you are still having issues with this then you may want to reinstall the epoch schema
  12. Thats real nice as ersan said depending on hardware if its a true dedi then nope as the wont have the required hardware nor the access
  13. nope he has no avatar silly... thats a signature and the original taviana map was under the Creative Commons License so they were free to use it. what he said was they couldn't edit it and they have to give credit and the original readme included with the files. its the new taviana map you cannot use
  14. Yes and no as i said before ArmAs game engine is not good with multiple cores they only really use one and a bit lol in another words you can run 4 servers and still have the same performance as 1 running
  15. All good Ersan Just thought you were having a pop at me when i was giving sound advice. my servers have great uptime btw
  16. Your confused... yeah i think you are because you quoted my post and showed me servers that i don't own because you were feeling petty against someone else
  17. Ja but not my servers mate i have said nothing about your services you offer
  18. Dont understand what you mean by that Ersan
  19. No because the server will have issues with cpu not bandwidth issues if you have 150 people on the one instance ArmA is not very good at using more then one core
  20. AmberHelios

    Epoch Server crashes need help.

    Yeah just run it as a MySQL query or download it as an SQL file I recommend backing up your object data,player data and character data tables and delete the database and do a fresh install from that file Then starting up the server and trying to start again
  21. AmberHelios

    Epoch Server crashes need help.

    your getting issues with your dll files downgrade and then reupgrade your beta version this can also be triggered by something wrong with your database try doing a fresh install of your database using this https://raw.github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/master/Server%20Files/mysql/epoch.sql then reimporting your object data and character data if you wish to keep your saves your also having errors from this script File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\fixes\clothes.sqf, line 6 copy files from dayz.st to another providor never works very well as they they use modified versions
  22. AmberHelios

    DayZ Epoch Taviana Server Problems

    you are running @dayz_taviana not @taviana are you launching with dayz commander
  23. make sure you patch both games upto the latest versions arma2 to 1.11 arma2 oa to 1.62 before installing the beta patch you can see your versions in the bottom right hand corner or the main menu none of us get paid to give support and you have to be patient, someone will answer in time