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    On the Coast

    First day of high traffic on our server and....

    Hi guys... Hi Nonov.... I will tell you a history... LOL I always saw you in a server that my friend and I plays.... and we had a problem last night. I'm sure you've seen us in the server. And we always play a game honestly. But last night (17/11) we both are banned... and the message says teleport ban.... So.... my friend an I had a huge work fixing a car that we found in Stary Sobor.... and we love to do this in the hard way... (walking, running, killing zombies)... When we found a helicopter rotor in airfield, we tooked and place in the car, and went to Vibor to try to find another barrack. I think the Kevin-CiFor ban us but he tought we just teleport there.... We play honestly, we have our barracks and stuffs that we take hard. If you saw our event log, you will be sure that we play without damn hacks. (and I definitely hate hackers) Help us in this problem... GB you, Juliano

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    Not work for me... damn....

    Tents disappearing?

    I came here because I needed an information about the tents. Confirmed now that I'm stopping play until the new patch. bye