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About doglover

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    Helicopter Hunter

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    A better place
  • Interests
    Dogs, bulking, DayZ

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  1. doglover


    Hello everyone (friends), While I admire that Rocket has been adding some cool new costumes into the game to allow you to RP (role play) as much as possible, I have noticed that there has not be features to allow me to role play my dream of having a wedding in this game (DayZ). There should be tuxedos and bridal gowns available at a wedding store (in Zelenogorsk) to allow you to celebrate this big day. Having a successful wedding in game will also have adde benefits, for example your player character will run faster and have a 2% chance per day of having a new player spawn in your current location (having a baby). On top of this 2% chance of baby, there is also chance of dying in childbirth. Hospitals will be able to be equipped with birthin facilities, and your chance of dying from birth there is greatly reduced. This will be a great mechanic added so it is ieasier to find your friends in Chernarusk, because it means they can spawn instantly on you. Please rocket, I have been waiting for this feature ever since you announced in december 2012. Thank you and God bless
  2. doglover

    More realistic infections

    Hello friends, Once again I have some great ideas, since the alpha has been released for the full version of the game. I'm disappointed in rocket. He claims to have employed a leading health professional, who claims to know about infections and diseases, but I'm seeing a lot of misinformation. For example, tetracycline antibiotics do not work to treat all infectionds. Tetracycline antibiotics should not be first line treatment for the majority of infections represented in the game. Further, a recent paper in nature has proven that honey is a more efficacious agent for the treatment of microbial infections, including fungus (http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/131003/srep02779/full/srep02779.html). For this reason, I believe that some cities (elektro, zeleno, but NOT CHERNO) should have beekeeping facilities available for players. Players should also have to find beekeeping suits to collect the sweet honey or else they get stung and a significant proportion (around 34.5%) are actually allergic to bees (Type III hypersensitivity with anaphylactic shock). This would also introduce an appropriate use for epi pens and the icu facilities seen in some of the hospitals (again, NOT CHERNO). I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I hope that changes can be made to reflect the real world in chernarus. I believe they will add the much needed complexity and depth to this game, as at the moment it's a bit too much run and gun. Thank you and God bless
  3. Hello everyone, I would like to make a suggestion. I hope this is the right place to do it. What the game really needs is a wider variety of foodstuffs for the character to eat, as the current choices are very limited and in real life would lead to severe malnutrition and vvitamin deficiency. I'm sure nobody wants to catch scurvy. My suggestion is - trees. Have fruit that grows on trees. This will contain the necessary fibre and vitamins for your charracter's metabolism to act correctly and not result in muscle loss (the ultimate point of DayZ is to avoid losing mass). You should also be able to havest the fruit to make some delicious meals - for example, if your character collects apples you should be able to make apple crumble, apple pie, apple strudel, apple juice, apple cider, apple cupcakes, cancdy apples, apple sauce, apple infused vodka and apples (by themselves). Please let me know if you can think of any further food suggestions. I think rocket really needs to get on this straight away. Thank you
  4. Hey guys After hanging out for a day, I have come to the dayz forums to suggest something that i feel is really missing from the game It will revlutinise it and provide more reailsm which dayz really lacks (thanks rocket :P) For one i think it should now be a requirement before you eat to check the best before date on all the tins This is really important because if you dont do this you can catch deadly diseases like malignant scurvy FUrthermore, I think it is time that we introduced a QWOP (or CLOP for all those horselovers out there) mechanic whereby you have to rhythmically control all the muscles of mastication (chewing for all you horselovers). There will be various palsies that can occur which will inhibit your character's capacity to chew ALso, where is the toilet function? One should be added, and it should be just as realistic as eating. Without properly using the toilet, you will end up with electrolyte imbalances and infections of the humours which can only be cured with directed reflexology This will add more layers to the game and make it more excite Thank you
  5. Hello friends, I have a new suggestion that could change the game in massive and interesting ways! I think this has been in the works for some time. It has been possible to choose your gender since the genesis of this game (DayZ). I think we need to use this now. It is vey annoying when you spawn far away from your friends and this has caused many a drama for a long time. However, imagine how easier it would be to meet up if one of your friends gave birth to you in the field. My idea is such: if a male and female player are in close enough proximity for a long enough time, you have the option to have a child. Players can then choose to spawn normally on the coast, or spawn in a loving relationship between two survivors. If the female takes antibiotics or painkillers, then the baby can be born with certain abnormalities. This idea has been suggested previously by other members of the forum and I think it's about time we brought it into reality. Imagine how much more challenging the game could be if you had learning disabilities! Please consider the idea and elaborate on it I await your response THank you and God bless
  6. Hello friends, I have been noticing that in game (Day-Z) there are not many ways to communicate with other players in game (Day-Z). There are radio items that hackers have but I think there should be more options because radios suck Maybe there could be a new building on the map (maybe in Cherno) which is an Apple store. Inside your character can find MacBooks, iPads, iPhones etc which will help him communicate with other characters. Using these devices your character should be able to use Skype, Facebook, Craiglist (to set up trades with other players) to facilitate easy communications between the players. There would also be an android store but if your character uses the android phone too long they get cancer, since Apple owns the patent on proper electroferromagnetic shielding to prevent Uv radiation What do you think guys? Can Rocket stand up to the challenge, or will these ideas need to wait for the standalone before you can tweet in game? Thank you and God blesS!
  7. doglover

    deleted fellas

    Hello friend, I love your idea! We should extend it to include many other ailments, such as random infection of the humours which have to be treated with Potentiated Salamander Oil. This would be very rare spawn, but could have almost unlimited use. Other ailments should include Muscular Dystrophy and Cystic fibrosis (with different mutations causing different penetrance). These are quite common genetic diseases and so I think it would be realistic for them to be included in the game. Thank you and God Bless !
  8. Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot to me!! :) B) :thumbsup:
  9. Hello friends, I was reading the intelligent discussion going on in this thread (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/77807-religion/) and it got me thinking about implementing more realistic mechanics into this game (Day-Z). I think that when you spawn you should be able to choose a nationality and this would give you certain advantages and dissadvantages Here is a list of nationalities and their perks American: You spawn with a gun (God bless America) but your character is obese and gets tired & hungry faster Russian: You can heal broken limbs with alcohol, but your character is addicted to painkillers and your screen shakes if you don't take your painkillers in time British (including Irish): Posh and won't eat anything short of cooked meat (steak), but spawns with monocle (better vision) Japanese: Start with katana (honourable weapon) but chance of Godzilla attacks if you are near the coast Jamaican: Good at sprinting (Usain Bolt) but zombies see you easier because of Rasta 420 hat Australian: Being a convict you are good at stealing, but racist and attack players of other nationalities on sight. Greek: Good at hand to hand combat like in 300 but start off with a large debt and need to get bail out packages from EU French: Lazy & I don't like the French. Eat frogs or something German: Wears Lederhosen which provides armor, but cars that you drive break down easier because I once owned a VW van that broke down I would love some input and to hear your ideas Thank you and god bless
  10. Dear friends doglover here, This post is regarding Rocket's (creator of this Game (Day-Z)) inspiring speech to the gaming community at E3. He announced the addition of bodybuilding to this game. About time!! As a professional bodybuilding.com poster and nutritionist, it has long bothered me that the character's physique does not change throuhout his survival in Chernarus (location of Day-Z). I have also noticed a lack of products that can aid in improving physique (e.g. creatine, arginine and St John's wart). As you all know, it is important to pack on mass. This involves at LEAST carboloading (pasta) 5 times a day and eating 1g/kilogram protein bodyweight. My suggestions (DEMANDS) are as follows: 1. If you run too much, you lose mass due to caloric deficit. 2. In order to bulk (important), you must run at a calorie excess 3. If you do high reps. you gain mad muscle tone (important) 4. In industrial areas, you should be able to find squatting racks in which you can do deadlifts, bicep curls & other upper arm exercises (RIP Zyzz). However while you are curling you are vulnerable to ambushes by players and their dogs 5. If your character is fit you can carry more equipment (weights, protein powder et al) Thanks guys and see you in the gym
  11. doglover

    Realistic gun mechanics like Reciever

    Kool idea man, best idea since dogs. I hope it gets added to the game! :thumbsup: :beans: :thumbsup:
  12. doglover

    Transport Idea

    Hello Again friends, With Rocket finally adding dogs to this game (Day-Z), I feel that I can contribute some ideas from my own personnel experience. As someone who owns and trains huskies to transport people and goods via sled, I feel that this should be incorporated into the game (Day-Z) as it would add extra transport options to the game. If you train your dog well and have it like you, you should be able to attach a sled (rare spawn, stables) to it and ride it around Chernarus. I can see it now: squads of dogs and people escaping zombies! Now that's a zombie apocalypse (no pun intended). It would be like mad max, except with more dogs. To balance this addition, the speed of dog sleds should be limited to 20 mph on ground (30 mph in snow, new feature) and 25 mph on roads. Thanks you and god bless.
  13. Hello friends, As a student of nutrition and homeopathy, I can attest that the diet of the Day-Z character is really bad. I feel that there should be more food options available to players of Day-Z, to allow for a more realistic zombie post-apocalyptic experience. Here are some of my suggestions: 1. Milk. You should be able to find a milking apparatus (rare spawn, farms) which will allow you to milk cows, goats and rabbits. You need an empty canteen to do this, and each drink of milk will restore 200 blood, strengthen bones and remove thirst. 2. Butter. Also at farm spawns, you should be able to find a churner. With milk, you can churn that milk into butter and improve the nutri=tion of your character (Atkin's). 3. Honey. It has been proven that antibiotics are bad cures for various infections of the humours. With a beekeeping suit and hives, maybe you can harvest the sweet honey to stop your character coughing. Also, diluting honey with water will make it more potent. Thanks you and God bless