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About Rarename

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rarename

    Lingor SUV Bandit (Story)

    pretty good story, i enjoyed it. Keep em coming! ^_^ nothing cool ever happens to me.
  2. Rarename

    Looking for some help

    Sorry bud, after i responded to you, i had to run out for an hour. I cant hop on a chat service atm, but if you're down to play later hit me up. I use can use vent/teamspeak but i prefer skype. Add me if ya want, Resto-gilneas
  3. Rarename

    Looking for some help

    Thanks, i never check the firehouse. Matches seem so rare, i have only found them once, lol. About how long does it take to travle to the wairfield?
  4. Hey, ive been playing for a little while now, and honestly the only thing i have done is at the start of every life, i run to elektro, loot the supermarket, hopefully get a pistol and primary gun, then die shortly after that. Its a great game, and the little i have done is extremely fun, but what else should i do? I was going to run to that airfield in the north west, but i feel like i would just run in the treed for 45 mins.. lol i'm just stuck, any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Rarename

    My First Bandit Kill

    Ahaha I don't know why bud, but that story sucked me in and wouldn't let go until it was over. Have you done allot of writing before? That was very good. 10/10.
  6. Rarename

    Looking for a partner, new or a vet

    Sweet, im adding you now.
  7. Hey, just started playing DayZ, and love it so far. I sadly feel empty playing all by myself, and i don't know much. I was wondering if anybody new wanted to learn the game WITH me? Maybe somebody who is good at the game wants to put me under their wing? <3 either way i would prefer you use skype, so we can chat, im also willing to use vent/teamspeak, but i dont have a server we could use. I honestly have no life, so i have tons of time to play, learn, and get better. Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section, i thought this was the correct one. Anyways ill stop talking now, i hope to hear from somebody. My skype: Resto-gilneas Contact me any time. Also, any tips for a new player i would greatly appreciate.