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Posts posted by Parasprite

  1. You're playing on different hives. To avoid this, play on a single server or hive.

    You can identify a server's hive by the name. If it has a website link at the end, generally all other servers with that website link in that title will share the hive and you can use the same character across them. The "main" hives right now are Vilayer and the official hive, the latter of which is absolutely brimming with duped and hacked in gear.

  2. Not sure is this is true, but has anyone found an L85 Thermal on Namalsk yet?

    * If the map developer removed it, than "Thank You".

    I found an L85 AWS at the south barracks with a few STANAG mags around it. I suspect it was hacked in, as the DayZ DB map for Namalsk says that the only L85 variant is the ACOG GL, and I passed it up for the M24 I had on me.

  3. I've heard about that one before. I'll look into it. I noticed that they're all veteran, I usually play on regular, is it a whole lot different?

    It's not all that different, but a lot of the "padding" is removed and the zombie AI is a bit more alert. Basically, all your mapping tools are removed - you can't set waypoints and whatnot.

  4. If you're going to get rid of the G36, you might as well go all the way and get rid of the revolver. The G36C SD has the same damage stats and similar coloring to the M4 SD CCO, and uses the same ammunition, so it's not really "better" than it's legit counterpart (many prefer the holo sight over the CCO sight, though).

    Admins will ban for carrying script-only weapons, and golden weapons are very easily spotted, so you should switch for another sidearm at the first chance.

  5. Loot wise, it's pretty much the inverse of Chernarus. Military buildings are everywhere, and outside of the 2 major towns residental spawns are few and far between. The food spawn chances for non-supermarket buildings are very low, which turns the 2 supermarkets into warzones on higher pop servers.

    Unlike Chernarus, Namalsk actually makes use of the temperature mechanic, and the highest concentration of high end loot is in the freezing mountains. If you have warm clothing, you have an enormous advantage, because without it, a fire, or large supply of heatpacks, your screen will start to shiver within minutes while you're trudging through the snow.

    Although when you compare it to Chernarus the map is small, it feels large, with plenty of forests and choke points.

  6. The only time I've shot a fresh spawn was when I decided to scare off a guy with an hatchet using an M107. He was running, I didn't think I had the skill to hit him, and he ran behind a tree right as I fired... He didn't come out.

    Aside from that rather unfortunate incident, I never shoot unarmed players.

  7. My first encounter was at the Northwest Airfield. I had just gotten done checking the firestation for loot, and I heard gunshots and saw zombies dying outside. I watched and waited for 5 minutes and saw no player activity, so I went over to the tower and climbed in. I was on edge, but when I started going down the stairs I saw a guy (survivor skin) prone on the stairs with an M16 aimed at me. I completely freaked and unloaded a full Kobra mag into his face. I heard him shoot a few times, but he somehow missed me.

  8. Attempt 1:

    I spawn on the coast, and decide to make my way east to Cherno or Elektro because I've heard they're good places for loot. After 10 minutes or so, I run into a catwalk and aggro some zombies. I run up onto the catwalk to slow them down. Suddenly, someone in a ghillie suit runs out from behind a bush and runs up toward me. I figure I have nothing to lose and attempt to open his backpack. He ignores me as he guns down zombies with an automatic pistol(which I was not able to identify). After they are dead, he turns around and pulls out a G36 SD and 1 mag, then lays it on the ground. As I fumble to pick it up, he runs off. Once I'd picked it up, and decide to make my way north. Along the way, the thought strikes me that this weapon was hacked in. I decide to use it until I'd run out of ammo or found something else. After a bit of running, I came across a farmhouse. I decided to check for a legit weapon. Unfortunately, it was a non-enterable house with 2 doors - as I try to open the 2nd door and get in, I closed the door behind me, breaking my legs and causing me to bleed. I slowly crawled off with no bandages. I bled to death.

    Attempt 2:

    Essentially attempt 1 except the hacked weapon I was given was a SAW with 3 boxes.

    Attempt 3:

    I spawned near Cherno, and then spotted the firestation and made my way to it. Inside I found a dead body with an Enfield and some ammo which I took. I also found an empty AK-74, a revolver, and some ACP. I decided to leave the city at this point, and I heard an AK firing behind me as I left. I made my way north to the NW airfield, and picked up an alice pack and some camo clothing along the way. Before entering, I switched to a nighttime server. To my surprise, the server had a crashed heli right on the runway. I crawled up and found an FN FAL and 1 mag, which I swapped my Enfield for. I decided to visit the firehouse first, and swapped out my FAL and AK for an AK-74 Kobra and some ammo. Then I heard gunshots from an automatic rifle, which I was able to tell were coming from the control tower. Against my better judgement, I crouchwalked over and climbed the ladder. Once I was up, I noticed that zombies were dying outside, which greatly confused me. When I peeked down the stairs, I saw a survivor pointing an M16A2 at me. I freaked out and fired more rounds than I needed to into his face - about a full mag. I did take 2 shots which brang me down pretty low on the blood scale, however. I put his weapon and ammo into my backpack for later. When I began climbing down the ladder, I went unconscious due to lack of blood. I went into shock for several minutes. Once I got up, I alerted a zombie and immediately began running for the firehouse. Suddenly, i went unconscious again.

    The end.

  9. So, I just installed DayZ after getting CO and playing a bit of it. I'm using a mediocre shared computer which can only run smoothly on lowest settings - I'll be building something new soon.

    So, first try. I just kind of go through the little villages on the coastline without finding anything useful. Then, in one town, I am approached from behind by someone with a ghilly suit and a hacked G36 SD. He fires a few rounds at some zombies. Then, to my shock, he gives me the G36 with 1 mag. I figured I would use it until I found something else - I later died by breaking my leg on a door and bleeding out with no bandages.

    After respawning, I do the same thing. As I'm crouchrunning along the coast, a bandit with no backpack and an AS50 runs up to me. He turns to the town I'm going toward and fires off a few shots, I'm not sure what for. When I make it to the town, I hear an MG and a handgun firing. Suddenly, I'm approached by a survivor with a Mk 48. After he shoots a few zombies and attracts half the town, he (once again) gives me the Mk 48 with 3 mags.

    How lucky am I?
