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Posts posted by Parasprite

  1. yeah i've been up north. tell you why no one's there? everyone wants to deathmatch at the coast. also there's really no point going up north because you can get all the best gear at the coast. i've said it many times before, but putting the biggest cities at the coast in this game was a massive mistake. there would be so much more adventure in the journey to the big city if there was a massive city in the middle of the map. unfortunately until they release modding tools for maps then that won't happen


    No cities up north? I wouldn't say that just yet...










    Yup, its under constant development. going to be a really exciting area up there!

  2. If ballistics are anything like Arma 2's ballistics, and that was indeed 800m+, the bullet may have lost a lot of its power (IIRC Arma 2's 7.62x51 rifles lose almost half of their raw damage at around the 800m mark, and if it's a similar deal with the Mosin then I'm guessing it will be considerably less powerful than a close range FNX. This is on the assumption that a helmet can bounce a .45 bullet, which I've seen mixed evidence for; it's probably also range related for .45 rounds).


    On the other hand bullets can't penetrate characters in Arma 2 (unless Dean & co seriously changed things), so I would put it down to desync.

  3. Haven't bought standalone yet (waiting for it to get some more content and the most game breaking bugs worked out), but I don't see myself playing DayZ mod again. Non-vanilla versions have been nice as content additions (the feature additions have always been tacked on and half working, with few exceptions), but they're not the standalone killers some people trumpet them as. DayZ mod reached its limits a long time ago, and the standalone is just getting started. As far as Arma 3 DayZ goes... blech. I've wanted to love Arma 3 like Arma 2, bought it back in Alpha, but I can't. The gun mechanics and animations don't feel right, the only thing I really enjoy in Arma 3 is the vehicles because of the huge amount of care and detail they have.

  4. It's a combination of easymode servers + your average player being experienced with the game and cynical. Even people new to the game are hostile, having known what they were going into. DayZ will never go back to having the same feel as before.

  5. In real life the body recovers from wounds overtime. Wouldn't it just be more realistic to have blood slowly heal over the course of a few hours? Its annoying to have to eat to regain health, made worse if you get unlucky and get 10 health from some cooked meat, etc.

    I would like to see this happen, with a stat seperate from hunger which determines how fast you regain blood (a well fed character who doesn't go long stretches without eating would regain blood faster than someone who waits until the hunger meter is blinking).

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