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Everything posted by Parasprite

  1. Parasprite

    Blood: Let's get this right

    You missed the point. Read it this time, from start to finish.
  2. Parasprite

    Weird nameplate????

    Extrasensory perception, if I'm not mistaken. I would suggest playing on private hive servers, and if you're willing to go through the (small amount of) effort to get whitelisted, a whitelist server.
  3. Parasprite

    Bonfire, buying bases and 'rules'

    Eh, it's just another server run by corrupt admins who enforce nonsensical "rules", except this time it has a money making scheme slapped on it. Good thing I avoid these types of servers (usually I can spot them by the "900+ VEHICLES¦CUSTOM LOADOUT" names).
  4. Parasprite

    Why Was Soldier Clothing Removed?

    As far as I know, soldier clothing was never in vanilla DayZ. Just clever hackers putting it in buildings to get people accused of being hackers.
  5. Parasprite

    Best all round gun on the game

    Adjusting the sights to account for range (eg zeroing to 500 meters allows you to hit a target at 500 meters without aiming above it).
  6. Parasprite

    Namalsk: survival guide. [UPD3]

    Yes, I play with no postprocess effects and I've never seen any visual warnings. The rumbling and streaking sounds are pretty easy to hear, though.
  7. Parasprite

    Best all round gun on the game

    DMR, especially on crosshair servers, provided you know how to use it. Edit: Also, on Namalsk, the PKP is an absolute monster. The scope (which I haven't figured out how to rangefind with but you probably could with some time at the shooting range), zeroing, 100 round magazine, and damage makes it a super-AKM of sorts which you can use for absolutely anything. The PKM is also pretty amazing with all the characteristics of the PKP but no scope (and the best iron sights on any gun hands down) and not quite as sexy.
  8. Parasprite

    1.7.5 - Cows will now run for their lives

    If eating is getting gimped this heavily, bloodbags need to be too. I would like to see them take time to administer and gradually bring your blood up, rather than being a magical health potion which you can use in the middle of a firefight provided you have a friend.
  9. Parasprite

    Things to do while waiting for Standalone

    Climb the Green Mountain tower and afk while playing creepy sound effects into direct.
  10. Parasprite

    Children and Women Zombies?

    You underestimate the laws of western Europe.
  11. Parasprite

    Antibiotics are bugged

    Chances are you used the antibiotics without making sure you were warmed up fully.
  12. Parasprite

    I don't understand this Game :/

    SideStrafe doesn't use external maps. But then again, he's SideStrafe, it's hard to watch him without wanting to point out something to him every five minutes and usually facepalming afterward.
  13. Parasprite

    Children and Women Zombies?

    Rocket brought it up, and we're not probably not going to have children because of legal problems. I forgot what he said about women zombies and whatnot, but if I recall correctly we're going to have then.
  14. I had an enfield duel with some random guy on the streets of Cherno.
  15. Parasprite

    So tired...so much regret...

    Perhaps a massacre in the Elektro church would alleviate this situation.
  16. I feel kind of guilty if I kill a poorly geared player who could have done nothing to save themself other than having a teammate overwatch. Not if they're a hero, though.
  17. EVRs were pretty dangerous when the only warning you had was the initial booming sound and 15-20 seconds after that to run to cover. Now they're pretty easy to avoid, as the thundering and streaking sounds give you more than enough time to get cover unless you're preoccupied with combat or heli piloting. The Ka60 isn't much of a threat either, as the pilot will want to conserve missiles and usually won't fire at a target unless they know for sure its position.
  18. Parasprite

    So I found a mutant heart...

    I think the line of reasoning behind the APSI device is that it's connected to A1 and A1 is programmed to exclude APSI devices and anything near them from the sequence somehow. It's a bit silly, I agree.
  19. I don't see why somebody would limit themselves rather than mastering the art of the mouse and keyboard, but eh, suit yourselves/more gear for me.
  20. Parasprite

    My hacker experience

    Legit indeed.
  21. Parasprite

    Was shock removed?

    I can't remember the last time I went into shock; just an hour ago I took several shots from an M249 and survived with ~1000 blood. No shock though.
  22. Parasprite

    What is the point of this game now?

    You shouldn't need a scoreboard. Go find some glorious way to get yourself killed; satchel charges in Elektro should do the job. Once that is over, install a custom map and join a server. I suggest Namalsk, as it's definitely added the most features and does so in a clean fashion (Aside from maybe the ER7 and bloodsuckers). The scarcity of residental areas brings the game back to fighting for beans and matches rather than guns.
  23. Parasprite

    Proof that bags are too small

    The pack was enchanted to be bigger on the inside than on the outside.
  24. Parasprite

    I love the inventory system personally.

    The only thing I like about it is the way it forces you to take time looting.
  25. Parasprite

    Nightime Dayz Rocks!!!

    Truthfully, I dislike playing on moonless nights without NVGs. I'm too paranoid to turn on my flashlight or throw a flare.