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Posts posted by ParaplegicKermit

  1. A couple of suggestions, not sure if they've been mentioned yet as I haven't read through all 360-plus replies. So I ask for your forgiveness if they have.

    Beards for your character could grow out over time (if the user chooses), and would be a good way for people to visually recognize you as a long time survivor. Women could grow out their leg hair (JJ).

    This might be a little to RPG-ish for people, but some form of mechanism for learning skills (first aid, vehicle repair, food prep, etc). This could be a way to encourage positive interactions with other survivors. If you spend time with those with higher attributes to you and help them repair/heal/cook then you would both get buffs to those skills. The skills could be used to allow or not the repair/healing/cooking of more complicated items (such as only the highest level would be able to repair a helicopter; as I think we can all appreciate this isn't a skill that every Joe walking around could do; or say healing more severe fractures). Right now, there's not a lot of insentive to work with the other survivors, you might as well kill then and loot the body. I appreciate that Rocket does not want to dictate the play, but I think it' more realistic that the characters would have to learn skills from each other.

    Just my two cents...
